Kage Combos...And Umm...Stuff... ?

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by PokeSephiroth, Aug 23, 2003.

  1. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    Ok, I made videos of the techniques I've been talking about...and I also added some videos of Kage's combos...just for the heck of it..you all get to finaly see the 3 hit combo that deals 100-106 damage (for those who've known about it when I discovered the combo back in the VF4 board..."Almighty Kage" Thread), and other combos that I've shared back in the VF4 days. One Quick note... The videos have REALLY low resolutions (for those who have 56k modems) @_@;; So, please bare with the smallness of the screen...but the gameplay is still smooth-like...ENJOY!! XD

    Strategy Videos
    In this vid, you will see Kage performing as he keeps his opponent down...(the video was meant for practicing the "keep your opponent down as much as possible" strategy)
    High/Mid Recovery Attacks

    Low Recovery Attacks

    Combo Videos
    Here are the easiest combos (out of the combos I'm showing) which is the 3-hit combo that deals 100-106 damage. The last part of the combo can be changed to inflict different damage levels. These three combos work against everyone.

    This one deals 100 damage when Kage performs his Naraku as the last hit of the combo (F, F/D, D, F/D, F + P+K)
    Here are the commands for this combo...
    D/F + K+G--> K--> F, F/D, D, F/D, F + P+K

    This one deals 104 damage when Kage performs his Urasuisha as the last hit of the combo (D/F + K+G)
    Here are the commands for this combo...
    D/F + K+G--> K--> D/F + K+G

    This one deals 106 damage when Kage performs his Suishageri as the last hit of the combo (U/F + K+G)
    Here are the commands for this combo...
    D/F + K+G--> K--> U/B + K+G

    All those combos work even if the opponent instantly recovers.

    Here is a combo for intermediat players...Its 8 hits, and deals 125 damage. This combo SHOULD work against everyone...
    Here are the commands for this combo...
    D, D/F, F + K (hold and charge)--> PPP--> K+G, P, P--> F, F/D, D, F/D, F + P+K

    This combo is the hardest of all the combos, but the most damaging as well (eye catching too!!) 4 hit combo that deals 148 damage…I also added a little "eye candy" after the combo which should deal about 60 damage...(many of you may already know this trick anyway, but its still fun to perform) This combo should work against anyone who ISN'T a heavyweight (so it works against everyone EXCEPT Wolf, and Jeffry)
    Here are the commands for this combo...
    D, D/F, F + K (hold and charge)--> K--> wall hit--> Knee--> F, F/D, D, F/D, F + P+K add-on BT(back turned)--> P+K, K--> BB + P--> U/B + K+G

    The combo also works if the opponent instantly recovers.

    Now...a "TFT to Jumonji Combo" combination (hehehe...)
    The TFT alone only does 69 damage, but it works for everyone who ISN'T a superlightweight (Aoi, Pai, and Sarah are the only superlightweights) now, the jumonji combo deals 96 damage, and works against everyone. Oh btw...the constant dashing AFTER the TFT combo isn't necessary. Its just more eye candy I guess.
    Here are the commands for this combo...
    TFT-->Knee--> B + P(hold, goes to Jumonji Stance)--> P, K, K...[Jumonji Combo] P+K+G (to counter opponents mid level recovery attack)--> FF--> P+K--> F + K--> D + K

    Ok well, here is some gameplay of me, against a Jacky... <_>;; It's crappy gameplay, because I was very tired at the time (5 AM in the morning) Anyway... Notice my "hit and run" technique as a fight Jacky. (For those of you who don't know what the "hit and run" technique is...its where Kage hits their opponent, then goes out of range as quick as possible to avoid MOST attacks from the opponent...At the time, I didn't know what to call how I played...since it wasn't really offensive, nor was it very defensive. So I just called it the "hit and run" technique...feh, so it stayed with me)
  2. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Sorry but... lol. Those are REALLY low standard. Maybe someone else elaborates. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    Hehehe...most of the combos are just crowd pleasers.... you'd NEVER find me performing his [2][3][6][K](charge) attack against a human player... hahaha

    but i have used the 3 hit combos before.
  4. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    I didn't mean the combo vids but the fight one /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif You just seem to hunt for kickflips, uf+K+G etc. Jacky blocks the total of two attacks per match... I mean ew /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  5. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    OHHHHHHH!!!! LOL, well yeah, I even admit that XD

    but like i said, i did the combos and that fight around 5 am in the morning... so... yeah...i was kinda slow at the time (like i am now, and its only 3:20 am)

    but yeah, i appreciate your honesty
  6. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Sure, go capture the combos etc. They're rather widely known, I think there are even clips of early evo with them - but it's a valid contribution to media forum, and I'm not against that. However, this fight is total crap (you said it yourself, pretty much /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif); plus everyone tends to say "I did that at 6am, 3am, whatever". I'm wondering, what's the point of that. If someone's 6am fight turns out to be good, are people supposed to go "OMG how good this guy must be at his prime!!"? This is bad IMHO... but let's not start a flame war /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Just a quick note, the clips COULD be better quality - I mean, even 5 MB flicks aren't much on 56k. That's 15 minutes of downloading.
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I'd have to say it was a nice idea.Maybe if you've got all the equipment there you could post some flowcharts and stuff to talk new kage fighters into how he is used.I'm not a kage fighter myself but I like the way you've presented the information. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the post. I have a couple of friends at work who are interested in Kage; I'll point them in this direction! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  9. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    Bah...the videos are fine..... my capture card broke, so i had to use my webcam. plus...if you had 56 k, i dont think you'd want to wait for 15 mins just to see a 10-20 sec clip...

    plus, im hosting these files on my own domain...and i dont want to take up that much bandwidth. heh heh heh
  10. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    Hey cool!! More Kage fanatics! YEEES!!!!! XD
  11. Two_Bit_Mage

    Two_Bit_Mage Well-Known Member

    hello there poke sephiroth...

    well I appreciate your vids /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  12. Salman

    Salman Member

    Always nice to see your vids Poke.
    Nice job, meign!
  13. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    lol....thanks guys.... ON TO MORE VIDEOS!!! ... (soon!)
  14. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

  15. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    Already got some ideas!! and some weird umm...fun things to do...uhhh... blah, you'll see once i get them uploaded!!
  16. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    oh....btw...to those who are unfamiliar with my Kage Videos...i made two of them, borrowing some clips from fexiaQ, and using some of mine...feel free to download them at my friends site! Just click below!!

    More Kage Videos!!!
  17. PokeSephiroth

    PokeSephiroth Member

    wow, so many views o_O;
  18. Graphic

    Graphic Active Member

    none of them links work
  19. Akira_Zero

    Akira_Zero Well-Known Member

    Poke!?!? damn dude..long time no talk...dis is purple...wassup? im in the philippines now...how u been man?
  20. HeavansHand

    HeavansHand Member

    Dude, none of the links work. my comp cant find em' /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

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