Justin Wong featured on SEGA blog

Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jan 24, 2013.

By Plague on Jan 24, 2013 at 7:21 PM
  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Cool things are afoot in the land of VF... things like Justin Wong and SEGA Cup.

    Here's hoping he trains at WNF.

    Thumbnail image from karaface
    MotorCityJacky and Craigbot like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jan 24, 2013.

      Let's show him how real VF is done. :cool:
    2. Tricky
      I'd actually train with him, just so I know what to expect when I see him at the cup. I have no clue what his tag is though
      Craigbot likes this.
    3. DigitlSamurai
      I'm surprised. I didn't think he played 3D fighters. I hope to fight him on XBL or PSN at some point even though I'd get clobbered.
      Craigbot likes this.
    5. El_Twelve
      Justin Wong gave VF a shoutout a few years ago. He said if he was stranded on a deserted island with only 1 fighting game to play, he'd go for VF5.

      Glad to see he's picking it up.
      Genesis, Craigbot, cobratron and 3 others like this.
    6. ShinyBrentford
      Can't wait to take his money.
    7. blk_brotha
      I played VF5FS with Combofiend at his pad and actually he is good at VF5FS but now he works for CapCop and can't promote SEGA all good.

      JWrong *ahem* J Wong? I would be actually looking forward to seeing him at SEGA cup...

    8. Shag
      Justin won a few Tekken 5 tourneys when it first came out.
    9. BlackGeneral
      For the most part I'm happy that many people here actually want to train him. I hope that this challenge not only changes how capcom FG players look at the game, but how they look at this community.

      On that note, body that fool. ;)
    10. Craigbot
      This is good news, I hope we all get to play Justin at some point in VF5FS, whether it's casual or tournament play. Good move Sega, I hope it all works out in the end for you.
    11. Ylyon
      I don't like the attitude of Justin Wong, but if he can bring more players to the game....
    12. Tricky
      I have every intention to train him up, but I also have even intention to body him in the process.
      SDS_Overfiend1 and cobratron like this.
    13. blk_brotha
      JWong has a price on his head let's initiate him in the VFC.
      cobratron likes this.
    14. cobratron
      he hasnt been doing great at the games he really plays...maybe this is his way of starting out fresh...

      also prolly sees how fuudo went from vf to sf and dominates all but a couple players
    15. daRockReaper
      I would love to get a chance to blow up Justin Now I have to make it out to Sega cup Time to pinch some pennies
      Show him how it's done but DO NOT sleep on Justin Wong. He's primarily a 2d players but he can play 3d fighters and he can play them well. Last year right before TTT2 came to consoles he was at a tournament(at evo I think) and made it to top 8 or higher(correct me if I'm wrong) and he didn't use a top tier gimmick team either, he used Feng Wei and Jack-6.

      So give him a nice warm(and by that I mean a beatdown) welcome to the VF world but don't let your guard down.
      blk_brotha likes this.
    17. Gernburgs
      "Virtual Fighter"
    18. BlondieVF5
      Virtuafigher has a decent 2-3 month learning curve....get your licks in while you can IMO. J WONG will not win the sega cup. That, I can assure you.

      Now: get your rock, paper, scissors on!
      Plague likes this.
    19. Jaxel
      History has shown us that a successful 2D player can not go from 2D and become successful at 3D. I can't even think of a single instance where this has ever happened. However, I can think of many instances where the reverse has happened, where a successful 3D player goes from 3D and becomes successful at 2D. Every time someone mentions a name of a 2D player who wins at 3D games, we always say "yeah... they started in 3D".

      The two types of games just take completely different mindsets. 2D games are more about repetition and physical dexterity. In 2D games you can simply do the same things over and over again until they eventually work (or don't work, and you lose). Its one of the reasons why movesets in 2D are so small. 3D games take a much greater mental requirement, where its not really about the physical dexterity anymore... its about the mind games, the mixups, the spacing etc...

      What I'm saying is that 3D games are just so much more involved, that people who start on 2D get so "stranded" in the 2D mindset that they can't expand into 3D. I like Justin and all; but I don't expect much from him in this challenge. He tried doing the same thing in Soulcalibur and got rocked. And keep in mind that Soulcalibur is a much easier 3D game to play. Yes, Justin can play 3D games, he's just never played them well.

      Though if anyone can go from 2D to 3D... with enough dedication... Justin would be the one to finally do it.
      BLACKSTAR and Tricky like this.

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