Justifying Online VF ( Ver.C Tier List Side Topic)

Discussion in 'General' started by SDS_Overfiend1, May 27, 2008.

  1. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Results would have still been the same. Can't complain about lag after 40 games in lol!
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm inclined to disagree. If you're not used to playing in lag it becomes VERY hard to adapt to it, eieeln especially with all her hakouken motion moves and that Just frame kick which does most of the dmg in her 236KKK combos.
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    OH Wow so like im just gonna stand there right Tricky?
    Shit don't matter i gotten use to it. You may feel inclined to disagree because its Eileen but don't think just because he's Fulaani he can't get that ass whupped either. Im not the best but i hate excuses. Once you step into the Water Filled arena its on. He had an option to Just play someone else after he used Goh. He choose Eileen to avenge his losses and played me for a long session and got Worked out Plain and simple. If there was no lag my shit would still been on.
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Mmm, no matter how long I play a session online, I still never peak the same way I do offline. I'm not saying the outcome would have been different for your guys' matches (not that it even matters) but I definitely don't play as well online regardless of how well I adjust.
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Thats the difference between me and you KrsJin. I don't hate the player. Im very thankful for sega just to play this game online. Regardless of what if i got bested i never look at the negatives and say shit like "He only beat me cause of lag." If i already now its the problem. Why state the obvious if you had a choice?
    IF you have to seperate yourself on or offline go tell that shit on the mountain and host house parties. Don't play the game anymore from here on in sorry.

    Back on topic Fuck Tiers. It was made by the greatest crybaby ever lol! Now as far as matchups go i can understand that but to just place characters is bogus IMO.
  6. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    VF5 Online is not the real VF5. End of story. Wins online doesn't matter.
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Then you must get your ass beat on alot.

    But if this ain't the real one then which one is? Last i check i paid 60$ for this so it better be real (Unless there's one that on a platinum CD.) Don't tell me i brought the Bootleg edition? Damn i got caught out there.
  8. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    Well I strongly disagree with the statement that Online VF isn't real VF, or that any matches played online mean nothing. Think of VF as a mix-up between a mid or throw, and an online match can' take away from the fact that you knew your opponent wanted to attack outta disadvantage or try to defend.
    Whine all you like that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif flowcharts may not work consistently in SOME matches online, the game is still there and intact. Most online matches are pretty on-point as well. It's only a few particularly laggy matches that ruin the actual gameplay.

    *This is more a response to the idea of people rejecting Online because they believe it's a no mans land where all bets are off and there are no rules. I have no beef with anyone here, and I respect Jeneric in particular for the knowledge he has given for my character. Just wanted to nip any potential hostilities in the bud.
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Eh, I woulda done better. I'm not gonna front and say I woulda raped you, that session was not very repersentative of my game.
    I mean I normally try to not even play Americans, I only cave when theres absolutely no one to play and I always regret it later cause those games make me look mad scrubby.

    I'm kinda bitter about it cause I like this game and it sucks when you have one crap session with someone on this site and then whenever you post dude just thinks "oh him."

    And yea I disagree that online has no mertit whatsoever, but US/EU matches have little merit if you ask me. Save for a few exceptions.
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    It is called offline.
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I don't see the point of complaining about someone saying
    that they learned from you online even if you thought the
    matches were laggy. "Online complainers" will bitch at every
    given opportunity though.

    Personally I find that I beat about the same amount of ass
    offline as online. In fact dare I say it, there's a good chance
    that person that beats you most of the time online WILL do the
    same thing offline.

    But eh, that's a topic for another day.
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I honestly, honestly don't understand why people want to believe that online is not "real" VF. If you play the game online, you will get owned by someone better than you just as hard as you would offline.

    I'm pretty sure I can't beat Denkai online or off so I would say the differences in our skill levels is definitely intact online. Really laggy matches are few and far between for me. I play player match too so that I can never tell myself that I only lost cause of lag. If there's lag I play one game and I'm gone. If the connection is good I will hang in there for as many matches as the other guys wants to play.

    The vast, VAST majority of matches I play online are not perceptibly different at all. Blaming more than one loss on lag is just dumb. If it was lagging too much you should have quit after the first match. You can't lose 20 and then say it was lag.
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    if he learned from me thats cool. i just felt that the matches were not really representative of my game. i stuckj around cause i couldnt findf someone else to play and was bored.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Here's a thought about why VF online is not the "real" VF. This is paraphrased from a friend of mine who does not play VF online even though it is available...

    In offline VF, there are many situations where I have three options. In the same situations online, those three options are often reduced to one because of lag.[/size]

    This doesn't mean VF online isn't great, fun, wonderful, perfect for you, and still good for experience against a lot of players.

    It does mean that a part of VF's magic is lost when there is lag.

    Getting owned by someone in a game does not automatically make the game great or "real". Your statement about being bested by stronger players, online and off, still holds true - for probably EVERY fighting game.
  15. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Well if the stratification of skill remains intact, in that better players will win online or offline, then the game is remaining intact online. As long as the game can be played to the same skill level in either format indicates that there's not a HUGE difference between the two.

    The aspect that I do think is effected more heavily is throw escaping online. I have a lot of trouble escaping throws even in situations where I could swear I did the correct TE and did it in time but I still get thrown. It could be that I'm just bad at throw escapes period, online or off.

    I'm not saying the two are EXACTLY the same but I think the core of the game is very largely intact online. With a good connection, the difference is pretty much negligible, to me at least.
  16. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    The game isn't remaining truly intact in that case, but the outcome would be.

    This is EXACTLY how I feel about it all.
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I personally feel "lag" is just the big fat
    excuse insecure players use to cover up any loss in online
    play. The same people buy the perfect joytsicks, the perfect
    monitor and even have the perfect chair to play VF on. Why?
    Because they have to make sure everything is just right to
    not interfere with their brilliance.

    The way I feel about it, I play the game knowing I'm not perfect
    in the first place. Not that the bitchers feel they are
    perfect just "better." The only question then arises at to
    exactly HOW MUCH better? Personally I think you can guage
    someones general skill level with online play. Now they are two
    different environments this is beyond a shadow of a doubt. HOW
    MUCH different is debatable from game to game and this is where
    the problem lies.

    The fighting community has a looooong way to go to accept lag
    for what it is. FPS games have accepted it a long time ago. I
    remember when I first played on an offline LAN tournament and
    like WTF! The sniper rifle had a whole new meaning lol. Funny
    thing is online tourneys happen just the same. Noone bitches
    just compensates. Why? I think it's because the FPS communities
    online populace FAR outweighed the LAN players, essentially
    they were two seperate entities.

    Losing is also much more personal in fighters so expect
    bitching about lag for as long as fighters exist. Shit people
    use to and still bitch about THROWING in some circles. No way in
    hell something like lag is going get a free pass.

    Anyway for those that dig online play and all it's flaws.
    See my sig.

    </shameless plug
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Just seems like you went defensive when he said thanks to you and flygamer when there was no need.
  19. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    To throw in my cheap 2 cents

    Any day of the week no contest. Online certainly has it's pro's though. While it might take some time to find an opponent of the same skill and little latency, it still beats having to travel by train for 1-2hours. And the past weeks ive played plenty of low lag games with several opponents who play different characters and use all sorts of techniques. Great training which you can then apply in those offline matches that 'matter'.
    It's all about finding the right opponents.

    Simply bashing online and calling it 'not VF' is kinda stupid. Look at the bright sides and accept the downsides, don't take it too serious either. Just play casual.
  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I see two schools of thoughts:

    VF:Online being a completely different entity and accepting people
    that take pride in being good at VF:Online.


    VF:Offline being a completely different entity.

    Problems only arise when offline players bash online players.

    ...that's primarily because they want more offline players. Not
    so much that they really hate online. Sure some say they play
    with less intensity online but hell, you can only play offline
    ever so often so it makes more sense to play harder when you take
    your time and money to travel, or invite friends over. Personally
    I think you should and can take both seriously.

    It's competition afterall.

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