Japanese Electronica

Discussion in 'General' started by MAXIMUM, Jan 31, 2005.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Before anyone accuses me of being a Japan-ophile, I seldom listen to electronic music outwith its homeland of northern Europe and the US. However, some browsing on iTunes revaled an album by a certain Naoki Kenji, called Denshi Ongaku.

    I advise all lovers of electronic music to give this album a spin. It's some of the most relaxing minimal electro I've heard, but with a distictl Japanese flavour. There's also clear videogame inspired sounds in these tracks...indeed track 7 is called Game Warrior.

    Track 6 'Island' gives a good feel for the whole album.

  2. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    This stuff isn't bad =) It's very lounge-appropriate. Some of it sounds like it was ripped from games too =P (thats a good thing)

    Actually I was wondering if anyone could recommend any other Japanese electronic artists... I'm a big fan of APX and Squarepusher....

    I listened to this guy quite a long time ago, I don't remember his name really, it might be Nakamura... it's relaxing but much more experimental electronica, had a very subliminal feel to it, but also very electronica... I can't remember, if anyone has a clue let me know...

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

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