is this a good stick?

Discussion in 'Console' started by GizmoAkira, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. GizmoAkira

    GizmoAkira New Member

    ive been playing virtua fighter for awhile now but its starting to get hard playing with a pad and im wondering if this is a good stick? i dont really want a stick thats just for one game because i play other fighting games to so i want it to have 8 buttons like the dual shock. if this isnt that good of a stick what should i get?
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I've played on this stick before. The stick itself isn't that bad but the buttons feel cheap and flimsy, and are really loud when you tap them.

    If you have no other choice, then this stick is not too bad.

    Hori make other 6-button joysticks which are suitable for other fighting games as well, like the Soul Calibur 2 stick. Hori also make a non-game specific 8 button fighting joystick as well (complete with vibration support), so you might to keep an eye out for that.
  3. GizmoAkira

    GizmoAkira New Member

    do you know any sites that are selling the 8 button hori stick? that would be a nice stick to have.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No I don't, sorry. But a friend of mine picked one up in Hong Kong recently if that's any help. I tried checking lik-sang, play-asia and even Hori's official site and none of them list this joystick. That's strange.
  5. GizmoAkira

    GizmoAkira New Member

    ok i decided i will probably just get the hori soul calibur 2 stick unless the red octane sticks are any good. Do you know if the red octane are good because they look ok but there cheap so im not quite sure.

    im looking at this stick right here
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    First time I've seen this stick.

    I guess it depends on your preference. I don't like how they "modified it for the American market" by making the shaft longer, and I don't like the button arrangement -- rectangular as opposed to ergonomic curve of most modern (Japanese) layouts -- which doesn't suit VF at all IMO. I also don't like the concave style buttons either. But again, that's just my preference.

    Also, my only other concern is what style stick it is (American 360 style of Japanese switch based). They keep mentioning authentic arcade feel and durable parts, but no technical information. But what else do you expect from a marketing blurb.

    If I were to buy another stick for general fighting games, I'd probably get the SC2 stick.
  7. Lingoon

    Lingoon Well-Known Member

    Okay, the problem is this: all the SC2 sticks are either sold out, or you can't get them for a reasonable price. Sure the sticks themselves aren't too expensive, but the shipping costs are just impossible. So moving on to other options.

    I found that same stick (@ yesasia) too a few weeks ago. Right now I'm using the Thrustmaster FIFA stick (very nice for btw, considering it really wasn't expensive) so the quality of that old Hori shouldn't be a problem for me... Then again, I am kinda interested in getting the red Hori Evo stick. The problem is that I also need a stick for Tekken and SC2.

    You think the Evo stick it's worth buying, even tho you can't use it to play other games? Or should I just make myself known as "Cheap Stick Inc." and get the old Hori? The button layout doesn't seem too good for VF either (too linear I guess).

    The FIFA stick is fine, I'm just afraid that it's gonna feel like crap next to a Hori. I could also get a used Namco stick from eBay - they any good for VF?

    - Don Illu

    EDIT: Forget it, I already ordered the red Evo stick (52 USD, free shipping)... If I've got two sticks, it's not such a big deal if ONE of them is only for VF4Evo.

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