Impact Clash III: Redemption -Jan 24, 25- Atl,GA

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Nov 19, 2008.


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Wassap ya'll, long time no see.

    Impact Clash 3. For anybody who can make it to the ATL area.

    Right now, VF5 is on the verge of getting ousted, but if enough people register to play, it will be stay in the list of tourneys (I don't know exactly how many, but if you even <u>THINK</u> you are interested, PLEASE REGISTER).

    I really hope that some of you guys can make it here, as it would be so much fun to play against talented, VF5 players, which is near impossible to find here in GA (at least for me).

    Please register here, so that I can round up a tally of potential VF5 players.

    For more info, check the original page, which is here:


    Impact Clash 3: Redemption

    The prelude to Final Round XII!

    Well. . . . .not quite in Atlanta this time around, but a little West away in Douglassville.

    Welcome back to the next Impact Clash.The last Impact Clash’s attendance was almost double that of Impact Clash 1. We never expected to gain such attention and a following so quickly and last time we admit, we were caught off guard. Also we are happy to announce that at Season’s Beatings 3, five native Atlanta people whom participated in our Soul Calibur 4 tournament at Impact Clash 2 placed top 10 there as well as one of them winning (Wing Zero). Atlanta held it down afar and now it’s time to hold in down in our own territory.

    This time not only have we picked a room that’s four times larger and has dozens of outlets, but you will not have to leave until the Sunday night (meaning yes Saturday night and all the way until Sunday night. During the night we will still be there casual playing, money matching, whatever you want to do :). Here’s a picture of Impact Clash II’s attendance:

    The place where people come to get paid.

    And you can only expect bigger and better and the madness that happened last time will definitely not happen and everything will be put in check this time around. We learned from all our mistakes of the last venue and this time we seek to make up for all of it as we’ve read what the community wants and what it expects and we set to try our best to ensure we can give that, and more to all of you.

    Greystone Power Corporation
    4040 Bankhead Hwy
    Douglasville, GA 30134, US

    We taken it out of Atlanta so that we can avoid the confusing streets, the ridiculous cost of hotels, and the awful treatment the World Congress Center gave us last time.

    Yes, we are here to stay, yes, it will be quarterly just like I originally stated and yes, this new venue is far, far, better than the last. Let me start out by telling you what’s better this time.

    Parking is free! Three decks worth of parking.

    The new room is four times bigger than the last room! This room has enough power to power over 100 PCs. Furthermore, there are more outlets than you guys will know what to do with. Also, we have three projectors available to watch the finals, grand finals, and semifinals on for games. And yes, extension cords and many of them will be provided to you guys (although it couldn’t hurt if you wanted to bring your own). I’ve got a video of the room for you guys to check out here:

    This time around there will be enough catering food for everyone. But remember, pre-registration is the key to having enough food for everyone. Catering food will only be on Saturday. Depending on attendance, we'll see if we can try to order more on Sunday provided we have enough paying entrants to do it. We will have pizza on Saturday this time around and complementary water as well. Just make sure you guys put the trash in the trash can. And this time there will be order and we will have a single file line to get the food. And staff gets a first at the food first before anyone else. And of course, this is included in the price of your entry.

    NO ONE is allowed to enter the room until WE say so and until you have a badge on! Last time we allowed people in before they paid and this caused major problems since identifying who bought what equipment was difficult since everyone already arrived and hooked up their equipment. This time NO ONE enters until WE say so. Also, if you have someone accompanying you like a girlfriend, wife, etc who is not playing games he/she does not have to pay an entry fee as long as you tell me that you are bringing them on these forums. This time only one complimentary guest not playing games per person who buys a badge. Why? Because when the food comes I want to make sure that I can still have enough food, even for those who are not participating in the tournament. I don’t want to run out of food quickly before everyone else gets some like last time so a head count is of the absolute most importance.

    If you are bringing equipment, your registration time will be between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. and you will not be charged up front this time either. You will come in, set up your equipment, be given a free badge and you will not have to worry about being refunded your entry later like last time. After 10 a.m., all others without equipment will be allowed to begin registering and paying their entry to enter the room. Remember, if you come late with equipment I cannot issue you a free entry. Make sure you come on time and if you are late call me and let me know so I can have a station set up ready for you to put your stuff at when you come. But even this is not a guarantee if you are late so come on time.

    If you need to contact me for any reason or another call 404-518-2540

    Here is how the tier list goes for equipment:

    Absolutely NO LCD TVs. I don’t want anyone complaining about losing to a laggy TV. If you bring it, I will not allow you to hook it up and tell you to put it in your car. Once I reach my limit for equipment I will send all extra equipment to participant’s cars since it’s a liability to have equipment laying around.

    Free Entry: Wii & Brawl/Melee w/ TV
    TV w/ PS2
    TV w/ PS3
    Dreamcast w/ TV

    If you bring any of those you will get in free. However, remember we only need about four Dreamcasts at most. With PS2s we need about eight of them. Once we reach our limit you will not get free entry. Best advice, bring your stuff early.

    Second Priority
    Wii w/ Brawl Free Entry (Provided we have a spare TV to hook it up to.)
    PS3 with Soul Calibur IV (Provided we have a spare TV to hook it up to.)
    PS2 w/ Game (Half off)
    Dreamcast w/ Game (Half off)
    TV (Free entry provided we have room)
    Gamecube w/ Melee (Half off)

    Provided we have a spare TV to hook it up to if you bring only a system. But more than likely we will since many people bring TVs alone. I myself am bringing three televisions of my own.

    Third Priority

    Bringing one game (Half off provided we use it)
    Bringing any system with no game provided we can use it (Half)


    We are in need of staff to help with Impact Clash III. If you can help we can grant you free entry and first in line once the food comes in as well. You can still participate in whatever tournaments you’d like as well. Currently we are in need of:

    2 people who can run the brackets for Super Smash Bros: Brawl, preferable someone who the community can trust. (This will be on day one)

    2 People who can run the Melee Brackets on day two

    1 Person who can run the Third Strike Bracket (On day one)

    1 Person who can run the Soul Calibur IV brackets (On day one)

    1 Person to update and repost the pre-registration list in this thread.

    You also must arrive between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. to get free entry.

    This time around brackets will be ran off of computers instead of paper. I have a brilliant idea that Keits introduced to me at Ohio of how to run brackets that will work brilliantly.

    Registration will begin at 10 a.m. all the way to 12:00 p.m.

    Be sure to subscribe to our new Impact Clash text message alerts by texting Impact Clash to 68398. We have a new one now so re-subscribe.

    Entry fee: $20

    What’s included:
    Entry into the tournament venue
    Pizza which will arrive around 3-4 p.m along with complimentary water.
    Optional overnight from Saturday night to Sunday morning of casuals, money matches, whatever you want to do and the tournament continues into the next day.

    There will be other food that will be there which will be sold as well but the pizza is included in your entry fee. You are welcome to bring your own food into the venue as well.

    Dates: Saturday January 24th and Sunday January 25th.

    Day 1:
    King of Fighters XI (Around 12:30)
    Virtua Fighter 5 (Around 6 P.M.)
    Street Fighter III: Third Strike (Around 12:30)
    Super Smash Brothers: Brawl (Around 12:30)
    Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (Around 5-6) p.m.)
    Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (Around 5-6)
    Soul Calibur IV (Around 12:30)
    Battle Fantasia (Around 5-6)
    Guilty Gear X2: Accent Core (Around 5-6)
    Naurto 4 (Around 5-6)

    Day 2:
    Team 3v3 Soul Calibur IV Tournament (Around 4:00 p.m. provided enough interest)
    Team Marvel vs Capcom 2 Tournament (Around 4:00 p.m. provided enough interest)
    Team Third Strike Tournament
    Super Smash Brothers: Melee (Around 12:30 p.m.)
    Capcom vs SNK 2 (Around 12:30 p.m.)
    Super Smash Brothers 64 (Around 4 p.m.)
    Super Street Fighter Turbo II (Around 12:30 p.m.)
    Arcana Heart (Around 12:30 p.m.)

    The special added bonus is this tournament will be an overnight one. Meaning that as soon as day 1’s tournaments end we will have free play for the entire duration of the night into the next morning. So from Saturday night into Sunday morning will be free play everyone. Money match, casual play, whatever you want to do, it’s all up to you for the entire night. If you want to bring games that aren’t fighting games that’s fine too; it’s basically a night for the community to play each other and get to know each other. The next day we will have the second of the tournament and finish off the tournament. Everyone will have to leave by 12:01 Monday morning, meaning at the end of Sunday we must all be out of the room. This venue is very, very, flexible so if we need more time it can be made for us unlike last time.

    Days Inn
    $51 a night (If four people split that’s about 13 a night.)
    5489 Westmoreland Plaza
    Douglasville, GA 30134
    About two miles from venue.
    Price is for two queen size beds in one room.

    Also, if you guys want games added let me know. This tournament has ample time so we can fit more games into the venue now since it is two days long.

    All games is asterisk must have enough online pre-registrations in order for them to even be considered in the tournament. If they do not have enough at least a week before the tournament, do not expect them to run at the venue! I don’t want people to be disappointed if they don’t happen the day of the tournament.

    General rules:
    - Unless otherwise stated, you will always pick the same character/team if you win.
    - You have one minute to make it to the station once you name is called. If not, you forfeit the round. Be sure to notify a judge if you are stepping out.
    - Controls for the match must be step up at the very beginning of the round.
    - Pausing any game will result in an automatic forfeit of the match in progress. Once a match has begun, it must be finished.
    - Changing any options within the game and attempting to play a match with options changed will result in a disqualification.
    - Anyone reporting any false results to the judge will be disqualified.
    - Touching anyone else's controls or sticks while a match is in progress will result in disqualification.
    - Spectators are allowed to cheer but NO coaching is allowed.
    - Trash talking is allowed but keep it at a minimum. We will not tolerate any sore losers or whining. Nor any racist comments or any type of direct insults.
    Any of this will result in disqualification and removal.
    - Fighting, pushing, shoving will result in disqualification and removal.

    It will be a bring your own controller/stick tournament. We are not responsible for your equipment so make sure you keep up with it.
    - Make sure your equipment is functioning properly as if any malfunctions or intermittent during any matches will cause you to forfeit the match in progress.
    - The judges will be the sole one determining the outcomes if any problems like this were to occur.

    Buttom mapping/shouldering will not be allowed unless explicitly stated in the rules. Button mapping is when you program one button to input two buttons at once. (I.E. Lp+RP) This is not allowed. It is fine if you need to re-program your buttons at the beginning of the match any way you need to but not in this manner. So if for example you are playing a traditional street Fighter game your buttons should be:

    Light Punch
    Medium Punch
    Fierce Punch
    Light Kick
    Medium Kick

    That's it. No triple punch or triple kick.

    Pre-register in the following fashion:
    Equipment bringing:

    Would you like to see a game listed for tournament play which is not here? Let us know and we'll make sure to add any game that people request which can be played tournament style on consoles. Just PM me or write a post in this thread and we'll make it happen. We'd be no where with you, the community.
  2. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the heads up. Yeah man, I'm in. BTW, I will call you soon about getting some games in over the holidays. Have a good one!
  3. Kotowaru

    Kotowaru New Member

    Hey man, I'm definitely in. Especially if more people register and compete. We need a rematch from our last fight at IC2. I gotta give Jared a call to see if he can come out too. He killed us at IC2 but I'm hoping for a different outcome this tourney. I'll hit you up so we can get some practice in.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I appreciate the interest, ya'll. I'll be sure to report you to the original thread.

    Please list your information in this format for preregistration:
    Equipment bringing:

    Either way, I really hope to play against both of you again -- I had alot of fun and learned alot from those few short matches....but beware, because I'll be ready next time (I will actually PRACTICE before going to the tournament, lol)

    LOOK OUT!!!!!!!1 ^_________^

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    To Neko:

    Thanks for showing up at my very humble home. It was so much fun fighting against a good jacky that's not overly dependent on combos, but instead focuses on strategy. We need alot more players like you on EVERY fighting game, not just VF. I learned alot and hope i can even out the score more next time. Be sure to come back soon! Or we can meet somewhere else, if you'd like.
  6. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the kind words and a bigger thank you for having me! Your family was really cool. See you soon! N
  7. Karavision

    Karavision Member

    I'll Go, I'm sure that my GF will want to go too. She will most likely sign up on smash boards though. I want to play VF.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    thanks for the support -- now I have to see what's going on with the tourney

    but even if I have to host a tournament, there will still be one, so be assured that there will be vf5 action at IC3

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Thanks everybody for your interest and support. The tournament is officially on the list and will be a part of the event ....but don't stop now! We still need more players!

    I still want more people sign up, so we can show our VF support in front all these other Tekken, SC, SF, Brawl, etc players! Let's show GA how VF is done properly
  10. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    Blackstar, not going to believe this, but I think I left my car/apartment keys at my friend's cabin this weekend. My friend is going to call his brother to see if he can retrieve and mail them to me. Either way, the probability of me making it out this time has just been drastically reduced.

    Feel free to call if you want to get more sessions in later.


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Well guess what, I got bad news too!

    Well, I got bad news for me. As much as I wanna go, and been hyping myself and my friends, I most likely won't be able to make the tourney this time. The double whammy of a speeding ticket being due this week and my car breaking down last week absolutely DESTROYED what little free funds I did have. I still gotta be able to pay my bills. Well, at least I can still make church. At least, I think I can.

    VF5, SC4


    Hit me up with a phone call whenever you have free time in the future. I aim to go to the Final Round tourney in early March, but I don't think they'll have VF5. I'll probably just bring it anyway and hope they'll have an extra tv.
  12. LobeliaM72

    LobeliaM72 Well-Known Member wait, there won't be a Virtua Fighter tournament at Impact Clash now?!
  13. tails340

    tails340 New Member

    I have a question. On here it has second priority that a PS2 with a game is half off, but on the Third Priority it has bring one game (provided we use it) which is half off and bring any system with no game is half off. So shouldn't having a system and a game that you use get us in for free. Since bringing a game and having a system are both half off which means to halves is free. Just wondering because that seemed off a little bit.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    First, yeah, there should be a VF5 tournament, but I won't be running it. I wasn't supposed to be running it anyway because Magnicious put the game back on his tournament list.

    Second, about the get in for a discounted rate thing, you have to post at shoryuken forums and tell him from my knowledge, so that Magnicious knows who is bringing what. After that, you come about a few hours early (I think 10 AM) so the discount can be registered and your stuff could be set up. This is only a guess tho, I would ask Mag on the shoryuken forums

    Edit: WOOOW nevermind, why would they block off their forums for 3-4 days, just because of a game release? I can imagine the site, but not the forums. Anyway, I would recommend just showing up early to the event, like around 10.
  15. tails340

    tails340 New Member

    Alrighty. I'm getting there at 8 or earlier because they say the discount thing is from 8-10. I was going to post this on Shoryuken until I found out it was blocked. So I was looking on Google for another forums that could help me out. I guess I'll just have to show up with my stuff and what not.

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