I'm thinking Jacky might be the best =/

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Blondie, Dec 29, 2002.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I've been playing kumite for almost half a year straight. And I just can't seem to stop Jacky in Kumite mode. I'm thinking he is too strong, SEGA should do something about his auto punch counter. Is anyone else having this problem? Please help me!
  2. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Damn dude...you just stepped into the lion's den with a pork chop necklace.

    I'll help you out anyway.



    The ancient masters also suggest you conserve your precious bodily fluids. Recycle if conservation is beyond the scope of your will. Use the search button. I think someone on this site somewhere once suggested snowballs if you have a boy/girlfriend. Also you might find the best defense to the auto-parry is your own auto-parry. Pick Jacky or Vanessa and auto-parry his auto-parry. This should leave your hands free so you can test the scope of your will. Test delicately at first, then with more vigor. If the CPU Jacky ends up quitting the auto-parry business and starts hitting you then go to free training for some more extensive, in depth testing. If you try hard enough, you will get there. Good luck and Bon Apetit!
  3. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I also sometimes have trouble against Jacky in Kumite. But I have been playing it for a while, and he hasnt been much trouble. I use Jacky, Wolf, and Lau. What I have found mostly is to keep away from any punching moves. The comp usually doesnt do the Knuckle part of the Pak Sao, but I have been beaten a few times when they did do it. If your using Jacky, try to keep your distance somewhat, though Jacky does have some kind of, superior reach with his dash kick. I do his back step (b+p+k+g) a lot, which gives you distance and a good opener for some combos, because of his sword kick cancel thing, you know it, right? Use the dask kick when you rush him, then go for a combo, or dash back. Use his b+k+g, d+p, b,f+p+k in closed stance and b+k+g, d+p, f+k in open stance. I use the combo f+k, p, f,f+k a lot, actually most of the time. I also like to use f+k, b+p+k, p, f+p+k, p to add some flare. Also, since Jacky has a lot of change up moves, going from high to low, such as with his Lightning kicks ([1],[P]+[K],[K],[K],[K],[2][K]), it helps when you block a combo, usually to crouch guard near the end, because the high kicks will miss entirely when your crouched, and you'll just block the low kick. Use his kickflip to get some counters, its pretty good for that. And try to avoid punching, say, if your back is turned, use down kicks and kicks instead of punches. Plus, if you get a counter on back turned kick, you get his cool footwork animation and he goes "yeah!" Anyways, I hope this help, and wasnt too long. Good Luck in the Kumite!

    My Jacky, 3rd Dan and counting from these tactics. Have fun!
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Play with the television turned off. No - play with the PS2 turned off /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Good luck in Korea
  5. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    OK, so now I'm really deadly! After my 5000th kumite match I've finally figured out Jacky's secret technique! To win all the time just play without the guard button, even on humans. All the jacky players out there should do this, its LEET!!

    PS- Thanks Plague /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  6. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Blond remember our matches together? I actually did this to you half the time because you kept going for BKC after a back dash. /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif I trust that now your game is much tighter, but it was funny to see you do it EVERY single time without variation. Also interesting was our last match where the only moves used were [P]-->throw /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  7. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    haha, i did do it alot. At NYG nobody punished it soo it turned into a bad habit that had to be broken afterward back in FL =P. But yes, we had some HOT matches Jacky VS Jacky. I'm looking forward to playing some more of those matches at TiT...what do you say? =)

    PS- Wish we had some more players here in Florida...;)
  8. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Sorry man, my time off is reserved for a trip to Dominican Republic in the summer. I'm salvaging holiday time off for mini gatherings in the mean time, but I can't plan anything big. NYG's usually take place in May and I'm able to take a long weekend (exchanging Memorial day for time off) so hopefully you'll see me then.

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