If i ever pulled (disconnected) from you

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Sharp7, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    I didn't do it intentionally. I use(well i just recently got a new one) a really shitty router at home and it disconnects alot and my internet at my college campus isn't THAT amazing, so sometimes it disconnects
    Im sorry for anyone who got disconnected [​IMG]

    and if it was really recent it was probably because my XBOX got owned, it got RRODed and it showed symptoms of freezing up randomly a lil beforehand lol...


    but anyway ya sorry for the unstable connection, it wasnt intentional and I would love to fight anyone! I like challenges, and facing new people is a responcibility we all have, how else will the community grow!

    Anyway in like 2 months when my xbox is functional again I look forward to some fun matches!

    BTW- I just looked to see if i was ever mentioned in the BG/GGs threads (which is why i made this thread cause i discovered people mentioning me pulling), im surprised im there so much, even at all! anyway thanks for the GGs and im reading your feedback and stuff! apparently my brad is different lol, awesome :p! Also, usually i play other characters for fun. I feel like playing the same one ALOT stunts growth, for some reason you get into the same predictable patterns and stuff more often so IMO I think a change up is healthy [​IMG]!
    Oh and, if i ever play you and I'm terrible, i might just be exhausted or something, sometimes it just doesn't click on lol. so dont judge on one play :*(. OR I'm rusty since i play infrequently now adays (But soon as my xbox comes back il prob play pretty frequently)
  2. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    Good thread, would read again.
  3. UKDiddy

    UKDiddy Well-Known Member

    I'm going to say the same thing as well. I know KOC and I have had two times at least where my internet just goes out and that shit pisses me off, making me look like I'm pulling and stuff. So if you ever play me and it just happens to disconnect, I'm really sorry. I promise I'm not pulling or anything. Just my crap insight broadband going out whenever the hell it feels like it.
  4. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I swear its your disk Diddy. It was fine vs my Vanessa and Akira, but both times that it dropped, it was in round 5 vs Wolf, right in the heat of the Battle.

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