How to release VF5R on console.. my idea

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    With the popularity of the Xbox Live Marketplace and the PSN network (see Hd Remix) why doesn't SEGA release VF5R exclusively as an independent downloadable game.

    SEGA would save money on packaging and advertising, plus impulse buys and word of mouth seem to spread faster when a game can just be downloaded at any time.

    Charge $35 and when the inevitable VF5R Final Tuned is released, you can make it an easy upgrade.

    Just a thought
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    The idea that was used for SF2THD is something that should have been used for some time. It is great idea Brisal said and it would cost less than buying the game on disk for 60 or more dollars. New games in general should be available in this fashion more than buying an overpriced disk that can be scratched or broken.
  3. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    There's probably some other reason we don't know about, that's keeping them from doing something like this.
  4. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    There is a size limit for games on XBL. But it's one of those "We impose when we feel like it" rules. So maybe it would be possible?
  5. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    it's not possible because SEGA is a giant dick! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  6. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

  7. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Is that the "release it a year late, way over budget, and still broken despite public beta" idea? No thanks.
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    What I meant was having new games available for direct download without having to buy any disks like ST2THD, I used the game as an example. I am fully aware of what you mean as far as how broken the game is in general.
  9. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Downloadable content as a game is a possibility but I think the problem is paying employees for the development (porting, new features, bug testing) and advertising. In addition, unless the port is farmed out to another 3rd party, putting a team on this title means that same team isn't available to be working on something that sega might see as more profitable. Trust me, I WANT IT for home but I just haven't heard any hopeful news yet.
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Yeah cuz not being able to play it at all is much better.
  11. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    There's also a 1600 point limit on XBLA games

    Plus it would bite into their arcade sales.
  12. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Your cutting out alot of folks without Boardband connections. VF5R is over 4 gigs I assume. As of yet, SONY is the only one who allows full game dowloads. MS charges to much for their 120 gig HDD, compare on what you could get on the PS3(120 SATA HDD for less the 70$)I rather have the disc, and the option to DL it for free(Because I payed for it)like you could do in Steam. And plus, a few people here know why there's no console info yet......
  13. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Yeah, bc it's not coming to consoles.
    I don't get it, VF4FT didn't come to consoles and people still played the hell out of VF4Evo for yeeeears.
    Granted that Sega is being a bunch of cockteasers with all the cool VF5R stuff but I say forget about it. Let's enjoy what we got now and if VF5R gets released: great!
    If it doesn't: don't go giving up on VF /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_down.gif
    I'm sure hardly anybody here has mastered their character and VF5's gameplay mechanics to the point where we NEED something new.

    Enjoy what you got, try getting 100% completion or items with other characters, discover new ways to use what's in your arsenal already. VF5 hasn't even been out 2 years on consoles, it hasn't even been 2 years. Compare that to how long people were playing Evo.
    At this point, I'm treating VF5R the way I treated FT: it's whatever. I'm not going to worry about something I have no control over. I put in my emails to Sega, it's up to them now. I've been done worrying about R.
  14. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

  15. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Difference being vf4 evo was good /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif >:D
    Nah I say fuk sega hope they and vf go under.
  16. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Although i am one of those who played the hell out of VF4evo (in fact even after VF5 was actually released, for the ps3, while waiting for the announced xbox release) and i totally agree with you, i have to point out that, to some, this might sound like:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah, bc it's not coming to America.
    I don't get it, indentured service didn't come to America and people still played the hell out of slavery for yeeeears.</div></div>
  17. smb

    smb Well-Known Member


    yeah, this seemed relevant.
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    And this
  19. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member no one on this board has mastered his or her character from VF4:EVO, does that mean that Sega should not have brought VF5 over to consoles? Did you master your VF4 Vanilla character? If you didn't then why did you play EVO?

    I mean if no one has mastered VF4:EVO yet is there really a need to move on to the next version?

    Fact is that people here are such loyal rabid fanatics of the Virtua Fighter brand that they are blinded by Sega's terrible decisions regarding the series.

    VF5:R makes perfect sense to be ported to consoles when most of the difficult work has already been done. It's not a stand alone game that needs to be made. It's more like an expansion or add-on.
  20. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    It doesn't make perfect sense to release a console version of R if they will LOSE MONEY BY DOING IT.

    Don't blame sega for "terrible decisions", blame people who would rather buy Sonic & Unreal Engine At The Iron Man Olympic Waggle-offs Of War DS than buy a game that requires them to think.

    If I was a sega shareholder, I'd be demanding that they churn out Sonic Clone XXVII rather than waste any time on VF ports.

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