How to Play VF5FS - Tutorial by Dandy_J

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 21, 2012.

By Myke on Jun 21, 2012 at 8:38 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Check out this excellent tutorial video put together by Dandy_J. At over 2 and half hours of footage, he covers a wide range of topics geared toward new players as well as experienced players from other Fighting Games!

    Basics - 0:28, Evade - 32:09, Knockdowns - 42:46, Fuzzy guard - 1:06:23, Option selects - 1:31:34, Back and side turned - 1:45:27, Ring outs and walls - 2:01:55, General tips - 2:18:01


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 21, 2012.

    1. xinsomniacboix
      This was incredibly helpful!
    2. Solidus
      Its truly incredible stuff from EXDandyJ, thought he only did KOF 13 stuff on youtube but i'm so glad to see he made this rather excellent VF video which kinda runs along side the VF4Evo tutorials and how great it was in breaking down the fundamentals to learn for VF.

      Along with all the promotional VF5:FS ads, other YT vids and whatnot i've already burnt this onto DVD. As its way too good not to do so.

      EXDandyJ set a very high bar for any of us to make any such similar VF videos in the future with this 2 hour plus gem he's put out, and i'm so impressed with the level he reached as well as, any veteran or newbie can learn from this educational video (minus his occasional swearing, lol) its that superb. Truly liking the VF community and its online peeps and what they always come up with for this unique VF game series.
    3. Myke
      Dandy_J, once again, just wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic effort! [​IMG]

      There were a couple of points you made which were technically incorrect, and I'm not sure if this was on intended in order to simplify the explanation, but just in case and/or if any new players really want to know:

      Side Frame Bonus
      The side frame bonus advantage is determined by the base damage of the attack. I think you mentioned that only Punches received a bonus of 2 frames from the side, while everything else got 3 frames. The way it works is:

      base damage 14 or less: +2
      base damage between 15 and 24: +3
      base damage 25 or more: +6

      Counter Hit Bonus
      Similarly for the counter hit bonus, you mentioned it was based on the attack class (P, 2P, etc), when again it's based on damage of the attack being interrupted:

      base damage 24 or less: 1.5x
      base damage 25 or more: 1.75x
    4. G0d3L
      Great job Dandy_J!
      You were able to make a video guide that appeals begginers and advance players as well.
      Plus your commentary not scripted is very funny and helps keep the viewer always interested.

      Thanks, didn't know those differences
    5. Chanchai
      I will also state that I am very appreciative of the work DandyJ put into this. While it is huge, it is the go-to guide for people coming from other fighting games and I am seeing a very positive effect in the reach (backed with DandyJ's other notable success in the past) this video is having.

      Thank you very much, DandyJ!
    6. cobratron
      Aside from the vids with LA and Ultrachen this video has helped me the most in putting the VF5 system into context. No filler just very concise information like a well made text book. I feel alot more comfortable now knowing for sure what I can and can't or should and shouldn't do in most situations.

      Good job Dandy_J.
    7. Dandy_J
      Thanks for the feedback, guys! I corrected the relevant data with annotations, thank you for the clarifications Myke.
    8. SDS_Overfiend1
      Lovely Video.. I actually watched the video in it entirety while multitasking. Great job. Much appreciate. I made my little brother watch it because he's interested in this version cause it seems much darker. I learn quite a bit so i guess its a go.
    9. akiralove
      I just wanted to say thanks for this too!

      as someone who just assumed we'd never see R or FS, I pretty much stopped paying attention to the current state of affairs system-wise, so this was great for me! The part about the side game was really good, as Dennis has been owning me from the side haha

      also nice to point out how training mode shows little things, like canned combos that will/wont connect, different color counters etc

      great job!

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