How to download clips (from baiagu etc)

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by CreeD, Aug 17, 2002.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    edit: changed their system yet AGAIN...skip to the end for info on how to deal with it.

    Recently I noticed that the links to changed, and that the already-tedious method for downloading the clips and saving them to HD has been mader harder.
    Here are some exact instructions. PS - I noticed that the two links that were different (new) changed. Hopefully people complained about the irritating new system and decided to scrap it. That would make example 2 obsolete. But just in case, here we go.
    OLD download system:
    The old download system takes you to an orange page with a 'download' button.
    The download button opens an html file with the .asp extension, and embedded in that
    html file is a link that pops up windows media player and streams the movie. Notice that file --> save is disabled. How to save? There are a few methods... for example the movie is sitting in your IE cache and you can find it and move it from the cache to a folder. But follow this method, it's easy and reliable and informative.
    First of all there are two types of page... the old style and the new style.
    The old style is easier to save movies with, the new one is a pain in the ass. Skip to the bottom if you need to save a RECENT movie.

    1. Let's look at a typical link that will bring you to the familiar orange page:

    Clicking this brings you to an orange page with a grey 'download' button.

    2. Right click on the orange background and choose 'view source'. You will see the page source in notepad. Click search --> find and type in WMV. press enter on the keyboard twice, which brings you to the second instance of wmv in the page source. You should see a line with a nearly complete url to the movie:
    You can cut out the junk and come up with


    And all you need is the site's name in front, A complete url would be

    3. ... put that in any download manager like getright, flashget, DAP, etc... and you will have your saved movie.

    NEW download system.

    Under the new system, which is designed to make saving movies harder, you must make use of Streambox, a program specially designed to save streaming movies (Even when sites don't want you to). Get streambox at

    and be sure to read the disclaimer before you install it. Streambox may be illegal for you to use. There is also a pre-cracked version of streambox which disables certain useless features such as reporting what you download to MS /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif ... a current url for the cracked version is at

    I'm unsure what legal issues are associated with either version of streambox, so use it at your own risk. Once it's installed, be sure to check out the options and choose a default download directory. Otherwise streambox buries the files in a hard-to-find folder.
    Now that you have the tools you need, let's take a look at a pain-in-the-ass url for that uses their new download system.

    This takes you to the familiar orange page, but the download button is now gone, and the embedded movie automatically opens and you see windows media player pop up. What we want to do is view this page's source to get a link to the movie itself. To do that,

    1. Cancel the streaming movie by closing windows media player, then right click on the page and view source.

    2. Click search --> find ---> then type in ASX and press enter. You will come to a line like this: window.location.href = "../UserData/2527/2527_5027.asx";
    which you can cut down to the essential info, /UserData/2527/2527_5027.asx
    ..put in front and you end up with a url:

    But you're not done yet.

    3. At this point, you have a url linking to an .asx ... an ASX is not a movie, tho the icon for it looks like a movie, and double clicking it will play the clip. The asx is just a little bit of text with a link to the REAL movie url. So put the above url into a DL manager, save the ASX to your desktop, and you will end up with a small file called 2527_5027.asx ... rename that file to 2527_5027.txt and double click it. You'll see a bit of html-like code, and a few links. The top link goes to 'jingle.wmv'... that doesn't sound like a VF movie. The bottom link is the one we want, it starts with mms:// which means it's meant for windows media player only. Most download managers will NOT handle mms:// streams, but streambox will, which is why we love it.

    4. Open streambox, click the + button, and copy and paste the mms:// link into the blank.
    If you want to try it now, the link is
    <a href="mms://" target="_blank">mms://</a>
    ...then click OK.

    Streambox will save to whatever folder you specified.

    Timesaving tricks:
    I took the long route through getting to your movie, for instructional purposes. There are shortcuts.

    1. When you see a link leading to, don't click it, and then cancel media player, then view source. Instead, right click on the link, save the target "makeasx01.htm" to your desktop, and rename the .htm to .txt... you can then double click it to view the page source in notepad.

    2. Once you find the partial link to the asx, as in step 2, copy it and then fire up streambox. Press + to bring up the "enter url" blank. Manually type, then press ctrl+V to paste the rest of the link in, so you end up putting the complete link into streambox. Press OK. Streambox will automatically try for an ASF at the same address, then discover the true mms:// link embedded into the 2527_5027.asx file. It downloads the wmv to your default folder.

    So a quick question for discussion? Why do y'all think is being such a pain in the ass? They made an html file that redirects to another html file, which has an embedded asx, which has the true url buried in it. How does it help to not allow people to keep the movies they download?

    My theories are:
    1. No download accelerators if you stream the conventional way, which means nobody can hog a lot of bandwidth at the expense of others.

    2. If you're forced to revisit the page every time you wanna see a clip, you're also force to see the ads, and if anyone clicks those ads gets paid. Tho this makes little sense, a revisit to the page costs them a few nickels in bandwidth usage. And nobody will click any ads.

    3. They hope to get you resigned to the idea that you cannot keep these movies, and hope to eventually charge you money to view them at all, or they will offer you the option of saving the movie if you pay a little money.

    PS to mac users: I tried, but found no way a mac user can save a mms:// stream. Sorry /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    PPS: has changed the system again. Rather than go through the hassles above, I've found that a little logic will allow you to get the new files:
    here's a typical "correct" url (goes directly to a wmv) -
    A new movie has just come out, and the orange page says the filename is muuti-paueru1.wmv .... so using a little logic, we change the above url to
    and plug it into a dl manager. Yaay, it works. So from now on I just copy the filename, open an old working url, paste in the new filename over the old one, and away we go.
  2. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

    Re: How do download clips (from baiagu etc)

    Aw, hell, just mirror the clips and we'll be fine. [​IMG]

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