How does that work?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jaytech, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    <s>Easy, he has two profiles signed in. The one he shows at the beginning has none of the achievements unlocked. The one he shows later has all of them.</s> Fuck knows!?

    ... Also, lol @ "this little karate guy" and the replays being called a cutscene.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    It's related to what you originally wrote. He was "starting" with a Conqueror Vanessa.
  4. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    but he unlocked them all at the same time..?

    those are the 32 achievements (


    Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore.
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    All Emblems (30) Collect all emblems using the same character data.
    All Items (50) Collect all items using the same character data.
    Amateurs' Tournament (10) Place in the top three in the official Amateurs' Tournament.
    Arcade Mode Completion (15) Clear Arcade Mode (Normal Mode).
    Beginners' Try (10) Place in the top three in the official Beginners' Try tournament.
    Challenger's cup (15) Placed in the official Challengers' Cup tournament
    Champion of Club Sega Bay Area (20) Defeat all rivals at Club Sega Bay Area using the same character data.
    Champion of Club Sega Downtown (20) Defeat all rivals at Club Sega Downtown using the same character data.
    Champion of Sega Arena Coast (20) Defeat all rivals at Sega Arena Coast using the same character data.
    Champion of Sega Arena East (30) Defeat all rivals at Sega Arena East using the same character data.
    Champion of Sega World North (50) Defeat all rivals at Sega World North using the same character data.
    Champion of Sega World Route 101 (30) Defeat all rivals at Sega World Route 101 using the same character data.
    Champion of Sega World South (50) Defeat all rivals at Sega World South using the same character data.
    Command Master (10) Complete the Command Time Attack with any 5 characters.
    Defender/Hunter/Warrior (30) Earn the Master rank, then win 5 matches in a row against Tenth Dan opponents.
    Dojo Stages (5) Complete the Command Time Attack with one character.
    Dural (50) Clear Arcade Mode (Normal Mode) with all characters.
    Fifth Dan (15) Earn a promotion to Fifth Dan in offline play.
    Guardian/Slayer/Avenger (50) Achieved Guardian, Slayer or Avenger rank in offline play.
    Liberator/Destroyer/Conqueror (100) Achieved Liberator, Destroyer or Conquerer in offline play, the hightest possible ranks.
    Orb Finder (10) Collect 7 orbs using the same character data and receive an orb item.
    Orb Hunter (10) Collect 21 orbs using the same character data and receive 3 orb items.
    Paladin/Beserker/Vanquisher (50) Achieved Paladin, Berserker or Vanquisher rank in offline play.
    Sentinel/Barbarian/Gladiator (50) Achieved Sentinel, Barbarian or Gladiator rank in offline play.
    Tenth Dan (30) Earn a promotion to Tenth Dan in offline play.
    VF Battle Masters (30) Pladed in the official VF Battle Masters tournament.
    VF Championship (15) Placed in the official Virtua Fighter Championship tournament
    VF Climax (20) Placed in the official VF Climax tournament.
  5. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    btw, i also read this:

    Max amount of Gold

    In order to unlock 999999 Gold for all your new Quest characters, complete Quest Mode with one character (All items, All Emblems, All Rivals etc).
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    999 999 Gold in Quest from the start! Get a 100% rating with one character in Quest. Then hold LB pressed on the Quest Info screen when you press A to continue.

    this is for the 360. does it work on the ps3 as well?
  6. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    The way he unlocked the achievements has been considered an exploit by M$. They are soon, if they haven't already, going to be removing ALL achievement points from those particular users accounts and they will no longer be able to receive points again. I personally could careless about my gamer score, but for those that do, cheating is going to bite you in the ass once M$ starts this process.
  7. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    ok, thx, but im still wondering about my second question..?
  8. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    the only reason I would do this is not because of gamerscore but to get the max ammount of gold.
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    It only unlocked the achievements... He used a Conquerer to do it so whatever it is he did... I'm still guessing you got to fully complete it with someone to get the 999,999 gold when you start a new character.
  10. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    can somebody officially confirm that you get that money reward for all other chars by completing quest with 100%??
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  12. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    hawt, thanks. this will be my new goal then!
  13. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    one more question. what do i have to do to get 100%?

    -fight all opps.
    -get all emblems
    -get all items
    -win all tourneys

    what else? what is wrong?

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