How do you Unlock(PS2 Evo Items)

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Fat_Bastard, Jun 26, 2003.

  1. Fat_Bastard

    Fat_Bastard Member do you unlock Sarah's Black Wings?

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    It's probably an orb item. Dunno. Try a search on this site or go here maybe.
  3. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fat_Bastard said: do you unlock Sarah's Black Wings?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have to beat the star quest in either Midtown or Uptown, I don't remember which.
  4. Fat_Bastard

    Fat_Bastard Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    American_Pai said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fat_Bastard said: do you unlock Sarah's Black Wings?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have to beat the star quest in either Midtown or Uptown, I don't remember which.

    [/ QUOTE ]i've completed all quests from midtown n uptown EXCEPT those stupid idiotic dreaded throw breaking quests....but still no black wings. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  5. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    Are you sure you beat the quests with the star on the side? Oh well, I'm the playing japanese version so maybe there's a difference there? All I know is the last arcade I beat with Sarah was Uptown and I already had the black wings. Maybe it was a random item fight?
  6. Fat_Bastard

    Fat_Bastard Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    American_Pai said:

    Are you sure you beat the quests with the star on the side? Oh well, I'm the playing japanese version so maybe there's a difference there? All I know is the last arcade I beat with Sarah was Uptown and I already had the black wings. Maybe it was a random item fight?

    [/ QUOTE ]thanks for your help.I just hope it isnt one of those "throw breaking" quests.Otherwise I'll go back to playing Soul Calibur 2. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  7. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    Out of all the characters to beat the throw break quests Sarah is the easiest. Just keep doing [3][3]+K and double throw escape when they the block. If they don't, combo nation.
  8. Fat_Bastard

    Fat_Bastard Member

  9. Fat_Bastard

    Fat_Bastard Member

    i tried the above and it doesnt work.And yes..mine's the jap version.

    I beat ALL quests
    1)throw breaking quests
    2)the final star quest which requires you to...dammit..beat a haoh 3 times Excellent.

    Ive even won the kakuto shinseiki 2 and got champion and still no black wings..dammit.. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  10. Kapu

    Kapu Well-Known Member

    btw. any of you guys got know how to do star quest in "club sega plant area". in this mission you have to :
    "Evade 5 times with an evading throw escape, with at least 3 succeful throw escapes!"
    i know something like this was on tutorial but no matter how hard i try i just cant do that f***in quest
    any advices /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif HELP
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  12. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    dodge and mash one P+G, hold guard.... you should be able to get five in one match.
  13. Kapu

    Kapu Well-Known Member

    yeah i've done it. i just dodged and mashed [P][G] with all directions. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  14. Fat_Bastard

    Fat_Bastard Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:

    Fat Bastard, have you tried searching on (WILD GUESS HERE!) "sarah wings" ? Of the handful of results returned you may actually find something useful!?

    [/ QUOTE ]myke...i follwed tragic's method...n feel like a fool....he says after random deafeating of some 3-7 dan players at the aforementioned arcade...he got a red chest and got the item.
    I played for 2 HOURS and got 85 wins in a row and still havent encountered any red chest...all i got were 3 brown chests which gave me 200 gold each....i really wasted my time.And of all my 85 matches...i encountered Pai almost 40 times...dammit..i hate fighting that annoying thing who keeps doing PPPK stuff and uf+kk and that stupid finger poke jab... /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    It seems that this sarah black wings thing is really someone at gamefaqs told me its supposed to be aquired after you do the throw breaking quest....the link i provided says defeat 15 enemies in a row( i defeated 85 and i still dont have it)

    good grief...i think im getting a game shark
    just something i wanna say...i really hate it when a game company makes things so frustratingly hard to's ok if there is a fixed rule of getting an item...but when they make it really annoyed! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  15. Fat_Bastard

    Fat_Bastard Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Kapu said:

    yeah i've done it. i just dodged and mashed [P][G] with all directions. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]can anyone explain more in detail this dodge n mash PG thing pls? Coz i breaked a few throws and not even one count registered(im a vf newbie)...what they mean by dodge and throw escape? Izzit crouch then throw escape or backdash or sidestep then throw escape?
  16. Kapu

    Kapu Well-Known Member

    it's called evading throw escape. its explained in tutorial.
  17. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fat_Bastard said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Kapu said:

    yeah i've done it. i just dodged and mashed [P][G] with all directions. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]can anyone explain more in detail this dodge n mash PG thing pls? Coz i breaked a few throws and not even one count registered(im a vf newbie)...what they mean by dodge and throw escape? Izzit crouch then throw escape or backdash or sidestep then throw escape?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If your opponent is attempting to throw you, and does so succesfully, there is still a chance for you to "break" the throw. The way to do this is to enter in the exact same command that they did.

    So if you are facing Wolf, and he uses a throw that ends in forward and [P]+[G], then in order to escape it you must also input the command of forward [P]+[G].

    The reason that you have to input multiple throw escapes while evading is because:

    A: Throwing moves take priority over normal evades (evades with out the [P]+[K]+[G] evade attacks).

    B. Some characters have multiple high damage throws, like Wolf for example. So when you attempt to evade, to be safe you should enter in forward [P]+[G], [3]+[P]+[G], and normal (or nuetral) [P]+[G], which will ensure that any throws in those directions will be "broken."

    This is one of the more advanced techniques, and there is a thread that is recent, about how there are other alternatives you can choose when facing a situation that requires a technique similar to a multiple throw escape evade.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm finding it hard to sympathise with you, Fat Bastard. Most people don't play with the focus on collecting items (gotta catch 'em all!) so you'll have to forgive the lack of care toward your 'dilemma'. I understand though that some people do play VF just for this so I'll give one more go at helping you.

    The fact that you had 85 wins (yet throw escaping is too hard?) in a row and only had a couple of brown chest prize matches tells me you must be playing at the early/easy arcades against the low dans. The likelyhood of winning valuable items at these arcades is very slim to none. Try playing well against the harder arcades and see how that goes.

    Also, have you collected 7 spheres yet? When you do, you are awarded an item, and it may be that you get the wings this way. It may even come on the second cycle of 7 too... I'm not sure.

    That site with the items pictures list the conditions for the ARCADE, which isn't necessarily the same as the PS2, though in some cases it is.

    If, at the end of it all, it is random, then so what? Just play the game!
  19. Fat_Bastard

    Fat_Bastard Member

    Thanks myke...sigh...just that i want those wings so badly to compliment my red-haired,black leather costume outfit...but yes..i agree with you..just play the game. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    No hard feelings.
  20. HiddenEvil

    HiddenEvil Well-Known Member

    As has been mentioned, Sarah's wings are earned from Arcade 4 for the Triple-Throw-Escape.

    The best method to win this challenge is to dodge, and mash the throw button and the directions. It took me about 5 matches to complete this, so it's no too bad. Just mash. Not the most technical method but it works a treat.

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