High dan Aoi's can be such bitches!!!!

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Akhet, May 9, 2002.

  1. Akhet

    Akhet Member

    They reverse like everything i throw at them. I hate them! They also have scary masks on as well, and they startle me..lol
  2. CrYingCHoCoBo

    CrYingCHoCoBo Well-Known Member

    Note: Aoi, Pai, and Vanessa will only (very very rare exceptions) reverse high attacks, and only after they get pissed at you using too many high attacks., start using mids, lows, and throws, don't even bother trying to sneak in a high, cause the a.i. will get it. Akira is different, he takes a lot to make him reverse, and when he does, it seems he will reverse both high and mid, so low, and throw attack him.
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Aoi generally doesn't reverse round-houses either. Stick w/ those. You can also do some double-fisted shit, depending on your character.

    Reversals are a BIG part of any good Ao's game (in real life). You've got to intimidate your opponent into not using their 'sure-fire' attacks which are predictable.

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