hey gaijin punch and other japanese gamers

Discussion in 'General' started by stompoutloud, Jun 13, 2003.

  1. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    I don't know if you came across this yet. But I do know you play pso online.

    All online games need to get the bugs worked out, and CARD Revolution is no different.

    Starting on July 24 and ending on August 31, 10,000 lucky GC owners will get their hands on a trial edition of the GameCube's second online game, Phantasy Star Online III, CARD Revolution. Sega is asking all those in Japan with GC modem or broadband adapters to sign up for the trial run, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Of course, there are a few catches. They'll still need to fork over the ¥6800 for the game. Once the month-long trial period is over, the copies of the game will no longer work online. The saved games for the trial edition will not be transferrable over to the final retail edition that releases in Japan this fall, to ensure that everyone starts at the same level (though people who do participate in this program will receive a special gift, via the final game).

    Sega of America has not announced any similar plans for a test run of this matter in North America, even though the game is due out here toward the end of the year.

    Here is the link I have.

  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    yes, I've come across this. I was a beta tester for Phantasy Star Online Network Trial edition (DC)


    There was a similar one w/ the GameCube PSO, but I didn't have a modem, nor a dial-up account anywhere, and I wasn't going to pay for dialup just for PSO. I waited until a month after release for the broadband adapter to come out.

    I'll likely not get Card Revolutions... just isnt' my cup of tea. So, unfortunately, I won't be getting the demo.

    FYI - the network trial edition of PSO on DC you couldn't even SAVE! You literally had to stay online, build your character up, and stay online some more. And of course, you connect to a test server, so the demo is nothing but a collectible afterwards.

    Hmmm... my image isn't showing up. Here's what the DC demo looked like:

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