Helping out, my 2 cents

Discussion in 'General' started by mlp715, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    ok, where to begin! lets start with the vf community issue. ive been reading some of the post here an there about the vf community is dying ,here's why i think it happening, if in fact it is. 1st lets address the online issue people avoid players that are not at a really high lvl (named rank). just because a player is not a master or higher doesnt meen that they suck maybe they just dont do ranked that often people only seem to want too play the highest rank possible for whatever reason ,thats cool but how do you expect people to get better if they only play against people that are at the same lvl. how come there not offered advice or given a tip of any kind? the only way too get better is to
    1 get help
    2 play against people that are better
    3 practice everything youve learned (imho)
    but nobody really wants too help the new guy unless hes somebodys boy or from the forum.
    last night i had 2 players say im the only person that tried too help them with simple stuff. any body thats played me since i started playin this game in dec07 has seen alot of improvement in the last few wks why because of a handful of players that were willing to help (AUVII, SOCIAL-RUIN, O SEIDEN O ,THE WORSTPLAYER ,SHINOBIFIST,ILLWILL166) in order for this game too grow people need too help new players out then the lvl will increase people will see the appeal then the game will grow!!!!
    anyone feel free too comment i would like to know what people think about VF5 online
    lets make new players decent, decent players good and good players great.
  2. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    i realize its should have been broken into paragraphs but in too lazy to go back an change it
  3. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    If you can't be bothered to make that kind of correction, should we be bothered to read it?

    I've noticed quite a few players help newer players who seem sincere. Especially those who don't boast or are full of themselves. This won't be the case in online ranked but that's fine. But as far as local play, player matches and online info, I notice quite a few helping hands to the new players.
  4. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    lol yeah anytime I KNEED help there's someone there to greet me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  5. XBJX

    XBJX Well-Known Member

    Usually people with high ranks avoid players, because they don't want to take a gamble with their own rank. It's been proven that rank doesn't mean much at all, but despite that, players tend to avoid players with lower ranks, because they much prefer to play the game online for the rank alone and not so much on improving.

    I'm not saying that all of them are like that, but at least half or most of them are.

    Some players rather play others that they know and don't seek to spend time with newcomers, regardless if they are a member of the forums.
  6. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Hmmm.....Break into paragraphs fam, is not that hard to do. People tend to shy away from threads that are not well structure. And plus, if you do a "back to back" reply, and say your being "lazy" People will be bewildered by that. You have enough time to do a second reply, but not enough time to use the spacebar? That's how some folks may see it as. Just letting you know for future reference.
  7. Heartbreak013

    Heartbreak013 Well-Known Member

    First off, i really hate walls of text, all you had to do was go back and press enter in a few spots.

    About what your saying, im kinda disagreeing. Many good players (worstplayer, godeater,tricky) have taken the time to spar with me or answer my questions even though i am currently no where near their level. I used to be absolutely horrible at this game, but with some help i win more than i lose.

    I think the VF community is small because about year or so ago, you really couldnt compete with people especially in america because we dont have arcades like japan and. Virtua fighter without human competition isnt much fun so people never got into it.

    I think now that VF has decent online play the community is actually growing in north America. I see new players on these forums and online every day like myself.
  8. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    ok ok i went back and did some editing. this thread was an inquiry as to a comment i read on the forum, that VF online was dead or dying. my interest was in if other people felt that way aswell and if so why. i thought it was due to lack of people helping eachother out. but apparantly thats not the case. i read all the post about where are all the high ranked players and what time do they get on as to avoid playing lower ranked players. i dont see how playing lower ranked players affect thier rank.

    i play fairly high ranked players all the time and other than a win or loss i dont see the little meter move at all. IMO i thought that the purpose of a forum was to build a community, share ideas and technic and so far for me it has been that way but others ive played dont seem to think so.

    im not tryin too start an unnesessary war im just trying to enjoy this game and dont want people jumping out of the ring because they think there going too get out played because of a previous bad experience!!
  9. Heartbreak013

    Heartbreak013 Well-Known Member

    i really dont see why people care so much about rank. I get alot more joy out knowing im getting better or fought well than ranking up
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Heh one of the best ways to get better is not take advice from a guy called worstplayer.
  11. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Alot of players that need help, have to want help, just like a lot of us that started 9 months(?) ago.

    When we wanted to improve in something, we seeked out what we needed to accomplish that goal. That goes with anything you want to do, this isn't exclusive to VF or video games.

    You might not get anything out of something, if it's spoonfed to you, anyway. This is because you won't even come to an understanding as to why. Plus you might not even learn to appreciate it.

    For example, I've gotten tons of messages and still get messages, from players asking me to help them out with learning Sarah. First of all, I'm still learning how to play the game, and Sarah, so I hardly even see myself fit to be helping someone else. I sometimes try, but players want something spoonfed, or ask you general questions you can't even answer besides me saying something like 'that's just the choice I make in a situation.'

    Some players want to mirror you, instead of coming into their own. You give them your time and share experience and then they disappear not even playing the game anymore, there goes commitment. Why waste my time, and yours, if you're not even going to play anymore? From now on, I don't even bother unless somebody atleast shows me they're willing to take the initiative to learn or are interested in what I know.

    Furthermore, some people around here, and on xbox live, get real upset or try to dispute you on pieces of advice. I've had people send me hate mail, just for me messaging them saying what they could've done to beat what I just did. They try to shoot you down or shit all on your credibility or lack there of. Or make all kinds of stupid excuses or play with semantics, as to why they're too good for anyone's advice.

    Basically what it is, is that some people expect you to automatically help them, instead of them actually trying to help themselves. Information is not hidden.
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I wonder how much of this is due to most of VF-players not using the mic in play? I know I dont use it, thats because there is no mic input in my modified stick.

    And when I tried to use mic in Ex2, I noticed the voice doesnt work at all, I cannot hear basically anything what the other person is saying. Apparently the voice does not work very well with VF. Maybe the playdata is prioritized over the voicedata, dunno. Only once, when playing another Finnish player and putting the sound very high, could I make out about half what the other guy was saying. I dont know if anyone else has this problem.

    As for helping, Im pretty sure most of the so-called 'vets' like to help, but doing so in XBL doesnt really work. Typing helpmessages in the XBL UI is laughable because theres usually so much that a vet can say to a beginning player. The mic doesnt really work, the messages are slow to type with a stick etc. We just can't be bothered.

    Sparring is ok, I spar with people who ask it, but I have 95 people on my friends list, only form VF, I cannot "spoon-fed" everyone. Plus theres guys out there I actually like to play against and our playtime is limited.

    And theres the lag, which makes me angry too..

    Now, having come up with enough excuses, I think the only practical way is us to help beginners to help themselves. We vets should maybe make more tutorial vids to youtube, like character tutorials etc. Ive been thinking of doing that. Type up more guides etc. But if beginners cant be arsed to look for information themselves and learn by experimenting, Im afraid they arent gonna progress far. (Sega COULD add tutorials to INGAME as well again...Hoping they do for R)

    ps. I know us 'vets' are usually lazy, but most have lives.. I agree with us having to do some work now for beginnerfriendly stuff. Ive been asked two diff character guides on Finnish site right now. Gotta find the time to test and type..
  13. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i love advice from my opponents so long as its tactful. a message asking if i want pointers, or at least some rapport first. i also like taking the time to help others. i mean i m not great, but i steadily improve and feel my game growing so while maybe my advice is flawed it is usually less flawed than what the player is doing. i dont know, helping is rewarding...of course it is still new for me. Thanks to smb is me for helping me soooo much buddy, and thanks to vf#### too-very knowledgable about sabakis.
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I got a lot of help when I first started playing this game and am still learning about aspects of the game I never knew about fairly frequently.

    I try to help people online as well by directing them to this site.

    Some people think I'm being condescending towards them when I tell them to check out VFDC if they want to improve their game.

    I get a couple of ugly messages from them every now and then.
  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    The best way to help people is to pound them into the dirt really. There's a lot of
    work to be put into VF. Some people just don't want to go through what it takes to
    get good. If you pound them into smithereens (love that word) but they seem to be
    legitimately trying to stop your onslaught then they're already on their way.

    I saw this with Marlo a Lei Fei player that my friend said I shouldn't bother playing.
    Now Marlo is a contender I'd say. So I say beat them into submission or beat them
    into contention. Me I'm always available to help a fellow VFer in KNEED.
  16. TSF

    TSF Active Member

    I have the same pb than Manjimaru(modded DC stick, no mic out). Typing is annoying too. that's why I only help when an opponent thinks while playing.
    If the only thing you can do is PPP then a random low, then ppp again... I win and leave. It's no use.
    I'm in no way a good player, actually I consider myself barely average; but still, if you think while playing and still do something blatently wrong, I'll try to tell you(win or lose), even if I'm not the best to say it. It could always help someone's progession. I would actually like for people to tell me what i'm doing wrong(Slide being the only one who did so).
  17. funkpanda

    funkpanda Member

    I didnt think my post on VF community would end up blowing up. I had a simple question lol.

    But in terms of help. Ive found lots of people who have offered to help me out. Chief Flash has been nice enough to answer my nubby questions on gameplay whenever I ask him.

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