Help with Kage...

Discussion in 'Kage' started by FilthyHands, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    I've been using Kage for awhile now and I was wondering about his Izuna Otoshi throw([4][P]+[G][8][P]+[G]).What is the best method to finish the move?Do I use combo,single attack,or just the rest of the throw?
    What I do is:
    [4][P]+[G](then use one of the following)
    *mid air juggle
    Is there any better way to do this?I'm trying to cause more damgage in this juggle.
    Any help would be great.Thanks!!
  2. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Dude, how hard is it to use the SEARCH, or even look around the site a little bit? On the main page of this site you can click on Kage under GAME INFORMATION and find what you're looking for...There is a guide for TFT combos under documents, it's not for evo but 99% of the combos should still work.

    Since I'm such a nice guy, these are some standard combos you should learn:

    pai,aoi: TFT~d+P+K~b+P,K~P~f+K+G~f,f~d/f+K

    rest up to jacky: TFT~knee~d/b+P,K,G~P~f+K+G~f,f~d/f+K

    lau/akira/wolf: TFT~knee~P~P~f+K+G~f,f~d/f+K

    jeffry: TFT~knee~P~f+K+G~f,f~d/f+K
  3. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    for jeff and wolf, TFT~Knee~[P]~[2][P]+[K]~[7][K]+[G] does more than BMFs suggestion i believe, and for sarah TFT~Knee~[4][P][K]~[2][P]+[K][K] does 82 damage, i really think u should go to search man, go look at the uk guy's faqs, they r written in crazy details.. tha gangster... those wil really help wit kage skills, and not jus follow ups for TFT ([4][P]+[G]) but other skills as well

    P.S. for TFTs, u can also follow up with [2][P]+[K]~[P]~[P]~[6][6][P]+[K]+[G] if ur in an open place for an easy ring out, this can ring somone out from about the half way mark! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif good luck
  4. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input, but all your suggestions do less damage than what I listed.

    As for ring out combos, try TFT~d+P+K~b+P,K~P~d+P+K,'s safer than ending in f,f+P+K+G and it pushes the opponent a little bit farther.
  5. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    Thanks for the help.I never tried going in the VF4 section because I thought that the guides would not work for Evo.Now that I know I'll be sure to check it out.
  6. Snake_Eater

    Snake_Eater Well-Known Member

    For Jeffry and Wolf, you can also use[4][P]+[G]~[3][3][6][K]~[P]~[2][P]+[K]~[7][K]+[G]
  7. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    Dood, can you like, freaking read before you post, PLEASE? The Combo for wolf and jeff was the first thing I said in my last post, 3 comments up from yours. Are you just, posting for the heck of posting or something? *shakes head* Anyways, if you're near a wall TFT~Knee~[1][P][P][4][P][K]~heavy down attack should work on everyone. [note for that combo, against light players you delay the knee to make kage move forward a bit from the crouching forward dash]

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