hardware failures thread

Discussion in 'Console' started by quash, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    so i went out and bought a vga cable for my 360 today. i came home, hooked it up to my monitor, set the resolution, calibrated the picture and then when i was satisfied i started up vf5. note that the 360 is where it's always been inside my entertainment cabinet on a level surface and i had just inserted the game.

    i get to the menu screen, and i notice it takes a minute to load. then i notice that something's missing:



    upon inspection of the disc, i find a full fucking circular scratch nearly a goddamn millimeter deep.


    so now i'm probably gonna return the vga cable so i can get a new copy of vf5.

    goddamnit sega, release R already. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  2. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Better return your Xbox 360! I had that, too, with my first Xbox. It would scratch my game disks. I called MS, and they replaced it - free of charge, of course. It seems that your Xbox is one of the Day One ones without the rubber pads for the DVD drive, which allows it that your 360 uses your disks as handy handbrake.

    Also, always position your 360 horizontally on your table/desk/whatever.

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