Future of VF Lobby

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I haven't seen the XBL lobby for VF, since the PS3 does not yet support online play.

    But this weekend I did get a chance to check out the Mishima Recreation Room in Sony Home, where they have a number of arcade machines that you can sit down at an launch tekken 6, with friends. A huge area with many rooms, you can chat, watch vids, play Tekken related mini games, etc. I checked out the abstergo which is a similar area for Assassin's Creed II.

    Folks, I'm thinking this will be the future of the online gaming lobby.VF has to go this way. I don't know what the XBL ppl will do, I don't know if they have something similar. But these large spaces on Sony Home dedicated to fighting games or whatever, where ppl can meet in virtual lounges, rooms, and then create sessions for 10+ people and then launch the game, has got to be the future of online lobby.

    Once they show the current match that's being played on the big screen, so everyone in the recreation area can see it, then its a wrap.

    Has anybody else checked out the Mishima Recreation Area in Sony Home?
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I'll check it out soon.

    XBL can't implement anything like PSN' Home at the moment.

    I wish fighting games had lobbies more like GGPO, you can see who is logged in for each game and watch games going on. Viewers can lag matches up though. [​IMG]
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I just wish it had a server list and ping displayed in numbers.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I wonder if the fact that XBL can't do anything like PSN Home, will that prevent the next version of VF from taking advantage of those spaces as a new direction for virtual lobbies and online match making [​IMG]

    I've been talking to a couple of game designers I know, and their companies are definitely going to use Sony Home capability as the new online lobby [​IMG]
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yes and its not really much... the matchmaking via Pshome doesnt really work. Or didnt when I tried.

    Dont forget that dead or alive implemented lobby where you could move as avatars ages ago..
  6. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Those DoA4 lobbies were glitchy... I wish they weren't so whimsical though...
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Wow, I've only tried once, but it worked the first time. I created a session, and I added two friends,from my friends list, both friends were at the mishima recreation area with me,
    we were all sitting at the tekken machines, and when I launched the game and went on line, the session was there, with the two people I added. But I haven't tried it since then. It seemed to work okay 4 us. Or maybe it was some kind of freaky coincidence.

    anyway never played DOA online, didn't get a chance to see their 3d avatar lounge. Since this past weekend, I've been asking everybody that I know that's involved in console game development about sony home as the new match making lobby, one of the XBL guys says the sony home thing is bullshi# and won't last. but everybody else says launching games from sony home spaces will be major part of game play in the future, and those spaces will take the place of match making lobbys in some cases.

    Since most of those large areas have big screen tv's I can see how VF.TV would fit right in, Having tutorials playin at all times, they have large leader boards in those big areas. If Sega releases a version VF for the PS3, I'm willin to bet they
    are going to take advantage of Sony Home spaces for the lobby.

    Especially after talking to my peeps for the last couple of days. Thats the way a lot of PS3 game developers are going. Which might put the XBL community at a small disadvantage [​IMG]
  8. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure that arcade thing Microsoft is doing could very well be a "template" to see how they can take the concept of PS Home and revamp it for xbl... It's only a matter of time...

    I will say the PS Home concept isn't a bad idea... It seems boring to me at times, but there are things within it that you can't get froma retail store, which is kinda cool... I got a bunch of White Knight Chronicle statues in my "digital house", and seeing that is good (even though I didn't do much to really earn it other than get a bronze trophy)...
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yea I guess if Microsoft has something similar, then it will be come a big deal. I picked up some stuff from assassins creed 2
    inside Sony home that I don't think you can get anywhere else.

    I have high hopes that Sega would take advantage of Sony Home for the next console release of VF, but the more I think about it, Sega rarely does anything extra for VF. No real cutscenes, no movies, no serious advertising. But my fingers R crossed this time. Hanging out in the Mishima Tekken recreation area, I've met a lot of new competition, that you just don't meet in the tradition Tekken lobby. If VF could do the same thing,
    Wow [​IMG]
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Well I tried with a random dude who wasnt on my friend list and it didnt work. The session was nowhere to be found when I got as far as the game.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I'll try again this weekend...

    Maybe I can repeat what we did.
  12. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    Ranked matches is a surfer for cheaters (LAGgers, disconnectters . . . "R/C-boys" low psychics mentality for raise/abuse/destroy/falsificate rank [only ping can absolve quality of connection or high distance]. They often have on background started p2p programs or communicators for get a head start and better pings [own hosting games - not uploaded am2 servers). 'Ordnung must sein' in lobby without admins so recognition must be chosen by the creator of the game and looking opponents profile (visable number of reconnection). Reputation or rating players is a good thing?
    Anyone can show jpg's from online lobby in VF5 (Xbox 360) please.
    Lobby Shared by the continents (regions?). Custom created options/preferences rounds, energy, time, stage (random, most using in % or last chosen game by the "host" must visable on entering room names . . . small icon or avatars from 3 last games). Fast classic vs or Self optimal config. Automatic joining to lobby from dashboard when the disk is in the mouth of console and one of list friends play VF or waiting in lobby without loading tittle screen and selecting game variants (faster and better solution saving priceless time).
  13. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I tried this past weekend with odd results. First my PS3 had not been off PSN for a week or so.
    I created a session, From there,I added 4 players, one of the players was sitting next to me. I hit the PS3 square [options]
    at that point it said "check ready " something like that. It show 2 of 4 players, also I named my session. I pm'ed by boy told him what the session name was, and it showed up in his list. I went to the game, created a room, and he was in it.

    But I logged off, ended up doing some PS3 update 1.30 or something and now I can't get it to work. don't know wats up though [​IMG]
  15. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    XBL has nothing to do with it. Game spaces are typically reserved for games that are million sellers , like Uncharted 2, and SF4. A game space for VF5 FS would be cool, but Im will just be glad to get the game .

    My second Xbox just melted down with RRod, sadly while playing VF5 . It's so badly fried, the fan wont kick in and the screen wont boot . Time to get my third 360 . VF5 on live will not be denied.

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