Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by MystD, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    So I live in Germany. One of those european countrys where VF is almost extinct. The only option for me is to travel 150 to 300 miles (or more) to meet some VF players.

    I've tried several ways to find players so far:

    1. Search the internet, VF webpages, forums etc.
    - This way I found some players had two small tournaments and even met ryan heart. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif But this is something that's only possible about 1 to 2 times a year, also it's pretty expensive to travel all the time.

    2. Ask every person you meet if he knows ppl playing VF.
    - Most didn't knew VF or didn't like it. 2 times I met ppl saying yes I have a friend that played VF 1/2. Asked to give me ICQ, Mail any kind of contact... nothing...

    3. Flyer
    - Well try to guess :cry:

    Then there are options I haven't tried so far:

    A. Hold a tournament with price money.
    - Would be nice, but I don't have enough TVs and consoles.

    B. Pay ppl to play VF with you.
    - ...perhaps if I get some more desperate.

    C. Pay ppl 50 cents per win.
    - Hard to do at home, I would need some better location for that.

    D. Working holidays in japan for 1 or more years.
    - I'm saving money and learning japanese. But I'm still a bit unsettled about it.

    E. Train some monkeys to play VF.
    - That would be a lot of work... and it would be booring to play against Eileen all the time ;P

    If you guys can think of something please post it!
  2. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    Hey MystD. It's all the same in the neighborhood - people are scattered around and get together once or twice a year when there's a tourney or something regarding more games. People have to be talked into vf on these occasions, stressing the game qualities and persuading them to give it a try. I'm not much familiar with the Hardedge board, but you can always try to make new vf related topics in the Meetings forum. Infiltrate other events with vf, ask their organizers to add vf to the game list. Eventually it can be enough for a small friendly tourney that can help to attract other ppl to the game. Stay in touch with those, try to have vf sessions as often as you can. Well, that was smart.

    If you need to play on a more regular basis with less travelling, nag your friends, preferably with any fighting game background. It could work out better than the A - E options (aside from the D probably /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif )

    Anyways keep your eye on the International section of the HE, the last local all fighters gathering notice was put there : )
  3. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Yes I visit hardedge sometimes. I also met some of the core VF players in germany. But it's like there are 20 ppl playing VF in germany on tournaments. I'm trying to get players in my region to play in a weekly or monthly basis. Otherwise visiting tournaments in japan is out of the question.
  4. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    MystD, how big is the city you live in? Because frankly I don't believe there are NO players at all there, this travel "150 to 300 miles (or more)" seems way over the top for me. There are always players, sure, they might be 16 year olds or total scrubs, but don't say there aren't any. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif You're not looking hard enough.

    As for bigger gatherings, I'm afraid you will have to travel some... We're planning on some events here in Poland, the Czech people will surely come up with something too, there's London and Scandinavia, I remember there being a semi-active French scene too - there will be some playing, but VF5 needs to "settle" in Europe first, so we get a bigger picture.
  5. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Yes thats my thinking. I'm near frankfurt and there have to be some players. But how do I get to know who plays and would like to play?
    Thats why I made the list and ask you guys of ways how to get players.
  6. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Forums, that's the best way. Spam "who plays vf" in every German gaming forum - but wait until the European version of VF5. People always start playing VF with new release, convert from other games which have been disappointments and some of those even stay. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  7. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    About talking ppl into VF. It isn't working. I'm always trying it with ppl I meet, which are interested in martial arts and fighting games. Most of the time it looks like they are interested and as soon as I ask them if they would like to come over to my place, or if I should lend them my copy of the game. They aren't that interested anymore, don't have time and so on....
    My regular friends don't like beat'em ups or don't like VF.
    I only got one friend playing VF. He's a WoW addict now and is thinking of quitting VF. It's really very frustrating.

    I really hope that there will be more players with VF5
    My big hope is the Xbox version, cause most of the ppl here have one. The PS3 is just too expensive and I doubt many ppl here will buy VF 5 for the PS3.
  8. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    I posted in every VF related german forum already /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  9. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    You posted, but it's the end of Evo lifespan, you can't really expect people to play a fairly unpopular game which was released in 2003. Wait a month or two, and post again.
  10. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Yea that's true

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