Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Feck, May 21, 2010.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Reading about the underwater battles put me off buying this game, never played a MH game before but it sounds like exctly the kind of game that'd appeal to me... Underwater battles though I can't handle, I don't know why but that kind of stuff frightens the life out of me, even in games where you can swim underwater but there's no enemies I still shit myself.
  2. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    You and me both, I have no idea why but I've always had a phobia of water in video games since I can remember.
    Takes me a lot of courage to venture into the water in any game.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    WOW! I thought I was the only person who felt this way. Really I have a super, duper phobia of deep water, so just like you bro I usually avoid games that have water stages, etc.

    My phobia comes from falling into a manhole when I was a little kid (age 4-5) in my homeland of Trinidad and Tobago. Behind the house where I live they were constructing new streets / mini highway system. I was flying a kite and while walking backwards I fell into a manhole that a worker failed to cover back up. I banged my head a few times on the way down, but the thing I remember the most was that I was about chest deep in water and it was rising every few minutes.

    Being that young all I could do is panic so I tried everything I could do to climb out but it failed cause there really was nothing to grab on to or if it was there I was just so scared that I couldn't see it. I remember there being these small holes all around that about two fingers or a big toe could fit into and I tried using those to climb out. I got about half way up before falling back down at that point I did what every other kid would do. I start to cry and cry I did cause I was balling out of control.

    Thankfully my older niece (yeah was an uncle while still in the womb) knew I was out there flying my kite. She thought it was strange that one minute I was there and the next minute I wasn't. she notice the kite being taken away by the wind and went out to investigate. All of the sudden I just see this hand come down and told me to grab it and she pulled me out. Since that day I have just not been the same when it comes to deep water. I never learned to swim and if on a boat I usually try to stay in the center avoiding the edges.

    Throughout the years though I am getting better at getting over my deep water phobia. hehe I actually would like to learn to swim. The water battles in MH is really not that bad Feck and if I can handle it then I'm sure you can. It just takes a few runs and you will see it's not that frightening compared to something like Ecco the Dolphin on Dreamcast. Holy fucking shit for people like us that is one fucking frightening game to play. I tried it once and in like 15 minutes I was almost fucking traumatized.

    I remember playing Tomb Raider back in the days and it had a few stages where you had to get in the water and avoid some crocs to swim under ground to a new area. LOL boy it would take me HOURS to complete these stages because I would have to build up so much confidence just to jump in and once I'm in I swing soooo slow trying to memorize where and when a croc would appear so the next time playing through I could just play normally. I did this with MH when I got my first water quest, but seriously I was amazed at how mild the water battles were because I was going to pass on the game as well because of this new addition.
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

  5. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Rod this is nothing compared to my phobia...when I was little growing up Italy there was this guy named MARIO, he wore dungarees all the time and a red top, he pretended to be a Doctor, he would say stuff like "call me a-mario" and pretend he had brother named luigi, this is bollocks i know he didnt have a PHD or a brother, once I went to his house to check some stuff out but then the memories get fuzzy and I dont remember what happened to me, all I remember was waking up with a huge cock in my mouth.
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


  7. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    My fear of underwater levels in video games stems from TMNT on the NES...
  8. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    I could never play Echo the dolphin or Tomb Raider, had trouble with Resi 4 and could never finish Wind Waker [​IMG]
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Since we're sharing stories...

    I found it a little freaky in Fallout3 just watching Catherine swim through the flooded area of Rivet City (the ship). I don't have a fear of water or drowning (I spent many many many hours in swimming pools and the ocean before I was 10 years old). There was still an extra bit of "oh shit" urgency to it.

    Real life...

    About 10 years ago I experienced a scenario and thought: "This is how people drown." I was in a giant wave pool at a water park. My wedding ring slipped off my finger! This pool was probably 24 feet deep! I swam down to the bottom about 4 times looking for my ring. On the fourth trip back up I almost passed out due to exhaustion. Thank goodness that a person with me found my ring.
  10. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    haha i can't swim for shit and i lived on an island for 10 fucking years!!!! my traumatic experience also came from almost drowning to death. i was bout 7 years old and i was at the beach with my family in the philippines. mind you, we visited the beach a lot cuz it was pretty close so fucking around in the ocean wasn't a big deal. however, on this particular day, the waves were fucking huge. my parents even warned me not to go on the ocean, but as kid im like, "EH IM CHIEF FLASH WTF CAN GO WRONG??" so there i go walkin on the oceanbed...FML. the strong waves kept sucking me into deeper territory. the fucked up part is if you dont know how to swim, getting urself out of this situation is like trying to get out of quick sand. i was truly FUCKED cuz i didn't know how to float LET ALONE SWIM!!!!! plus there was nobody around!!! it just kept getting deeper and deeper until i started tippie toe-ing on the ocean bed. man i started to panic....heart was raising like i was bout to turn into the hulk and i could taste the ocean water. so out of desperation i kicked the oceanbed as hard as i could several times until the water got to a manageable height. but even this took a long time and with my entire energy.

    LOL not done yet. last year, me and my gf when to puerto rico and THE SAME SHIT HAPPENED!!!! talk bout trauma man. i had to do the exact same shit to get out. history sure knows how to repeat itself.


    now i know! and knowing is half the battle. YOOOOOO JOE!!! [​IMG]
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Fallout 3 was the worst for me, god damn mud crabs. I found Oblivion pretty bad too even though there's no real enemies underwater.

    I don't have a phobia of water in real life, it's just video games. After reading about Rod's experience it makes sense why he has problems but I can't think of anything that I could attribute mine to.
  12. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I think one of the scariest moments of my life was when I was swimming in the sea. I usually stay in depths where if I put my feet down, it's up to my shoulders at the highest. However, one time, I thought I was still in that depth, went to put my feet down on the ground and found that I was slightly out of my depth. At that point I panicked, but fortunately managed to reach the surface and get back to shore (which I had drifted a fair bit away from).

    Part of me thinks it's not actually a fear of water, but a fear of being put in a dangerous situation with factors out of your control, in most cases being sucked under and drowning. In a way it's like heights. You aren't afraid of being at a high place, but instead you're afraid of falling from that place.

    As for videogames, the only game where I've been scared to go in water was RE5 in 3-1 or 3-2 or whatever. Not because of drowning, but because of the crocodiles, mainly because I didn't have much that could deal with them. The second time however, I had the RE5 Handcannon with infinite ammo, which fucked them right up, and was affectionately dubbed the "Croc Stopper" and effectively ending my fear of that bit of water.
  13. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    Tell me you joking...
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I know a dude who hooked up with a tranny thinking and went around bragging about it until he found out that it wasn't a girl who had sucked him off...

    I also so know a dude who got too drunk with this very effeminate guy and he passed out. When he woke up, his belt was unbuckled and his pants were unzipped and open. He definitely didn't do it himself so that only leaves one other scenario...

    @Matteo - That made me laugh pretty hard! Are you still terrified of huge cocks to this day? Oh, what were you "checking out" at his house???
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member


  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    no it's more like this bitch! Skip to 20:18 I don't know how to embed YT vids to start where you want them.

    These fucking sharks chasing after you almost traumatized me. And what made it worse was as you ran away from them you could pan the camera around to look behind you to see if they were still giving chase... sure enough they always were unless you got REALLY far away fast. so yeah I never made it beyond stage 1 especially with the big Jaws like fucking killer shark waiting for you at the end.

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_fuyUX_ujyM"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_fuyUX_ujyM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
  17. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    There is always another side.

    I come from an aquatic family. My siblings all did swim team & my dad has been volunteering to teach lifeguarding and water safety instruction (teaching lifeguards to teach) his entire adult life. He even wrote part of one of the Red Cross lifeguarding books. When we would vacation at the beach, he and my step mom would swim out to the second sandbar (100 yards out, 15 feet deep) and act like the ocean was their lap pool.

    But my dad's favorite thing to do at the beach. Scratch that, his favorite thing to do in life was to wait until a storm was coming and take out the catamaran. Shit just pumped him up.

    "Your not taking the sailboat out in THAT are you?" mom would ask. "Are you kidding? Now's the BEST TIME!" and off he'd go into the 30 mph winds and rain and lighting, the whole bit.

    So one year, I was probably 12, we were at a house on the beach next door to (evidently) someone from VFDC. Young couple my parent's age. My parents remember them wading in the Gulf of Mexico up to about mid calf saying "Whoa, the current is really strong!" and not electing to go further. Neither of them could swim a lick so fate brought them there, next door to the mutherfucking McWild's.

    The storm came. "Hey Rob I'm about to go sailing, you wanna come?" I watched my dad grab the rope and start towing the sailboat towards the shore. "I don't know" Rob said "looks dangerous." "Naah" dad said "plus I've got lifejackets and everything. I'm a very strong swimmer. I won't let anything happen to you." Apparently convinced, Rob joined my dad in pulling the cat into the water. My step mom and I watch the two men sail the boat into the greying and increasingly rough gulf. "Your father is insane." "Yup." I said.

    So we went upstairs to avoid the elements and watch the sailboat disappear into the gale. Hours passed. Then maybe another hour. Then came the Coast Guard helicopters.

    In the Gulf, the mast had snapped and one of the hulls started taking on water. Bitch sank. My dad put both lifejackets on Rob and started towing him in, the whole time telling him "I'm sorry, I've got you, It's a two mile swim and I do this every day, I've got you."

    The Coast Guard pulled both men out of the water, alive, half a mile from shore and that couple never hung out with my parents again. If my dad is anything like me, he was a little miffed he didn't get to finish his work out.
  18. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    That shark was annoying, because it wouldn't take the bait to get stuck in the hole in the rock formation in the middle of the area unless you were within biting lunge range as you went through it.

    It wasn't as bad as the damn giant moray eel in the tunnels though. This was pretty much my first experience with it:

    "Yeah doing alright, got this level sorted, nearly there, there's the exi...WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" as Ecco gets OHKO'd by a massive eel hiding in the ceiling of the cave.

    At least you could see the shark. With the moray you just had to hope the giant manta ray would prevent it from getting you.
  19. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    Good story. i enjoyed it [​IMG]
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    That was an awesome story.

    I did swim this a couple times when I was 14 or 15. I forget...


    I wouldn't want to try that today. Maybe I am in good enough shape to make it. Risk/reward ratio is bad.

    Back then, I remember thinking "Oh! I can swim to that island. How cool! Never traveled from one land mass to another in the water. I should do that right now."

    Amazing how nice it is to be young and fearless.

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