Favorite Virtua fighter to play single player & versus (competitive) and Why

Discussion in 'General' started by MARHVIN-XII, Jul 8, 2022.


    MARHVIN-XII New Member

    *Single player* : Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (ps2) on PC

    Still the most balance game of the franchise and the most fun I had with any vf title Quest mode is the reason I keep coming back to this masterpiece , in addition this game has the must in-depth comprehensive training mode ever created in a fighting video game .

    *Versus* : VF 2/VF 4 (vanilla) /VF 4 Evo & Final Tuned on (fightcade 2) PC

    Why ? simple ... I prefer the slow-paced more methodical gameplay of the older games 1 to 4FT (the Yu Suzuki original essence) from VF5 R and after they change the game pace for a more fast /combo friendly Tekken-like game play WISE .. some people like the change other purists of the series like myself don't.

    Honorable Mention: Solo & versus VF5 (VANILLA)
  2. Adam Gibson

    Adam Gibson Active Member

    Fighters megamix for single player because of how much fun stuff is in there, and final showdown for multi because there are are actually opponents to play against in that game
  3. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    VF4 Evolution for multiplayer vs. And the game has a good quest mode. But I like VF4 a bit more. VF3tb for single player. (Multiplayer vs. is good in this game too.)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2022
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Single Player VF4, and VF4EVO

    VF4 Kumite Mode, Trainable AI, Player Profiles, with Player Statistics for improvement, more attention to detail in graphics, straps, belts, etc., game play pacing and throw escapes,

    VS, VF4, And VF4EVO
    Player Profiles for Player 1 and Player 2.
    MARHVIN-XII likes this.
  5. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    VF 4 Final Tuned. Only plebs play anything else. Totally worth the time and money buying to components for my Supergun.
    RobHimself, MARHVIN-XII and masterpo like this.
  6. Swevicus

    Swevicus Active Member

    VF2 Genesis/Mega Drive. The slower pace and 6-button support makes it more button-masher-friendly.
  7. TronNerd82

    TronNerd82 New Member

    VF2 Saturn. The matches may be quick, but they are SUPER INTENSE. The single-player mode is fun, but the multiplayer is FUNNER (is that even a word???)

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