Extra 250 gamerpoints?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Seidon, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Now as some of you are probably aware, games on the 360 can now have up to 1250 gamerpoints as opposed to the 1000 they started on.

    Not all games have this though and I'm unsure about what targets have to be met to warrant a game being given the extra 250.

    But regardless, what do you think an extra 250 points on VF5 should be given for?

    Here are my suggestions:

    "Victory!" 10g - Win an online ranked match

    "1st Kyu" 15g - Achieve a 1st Kyu rank online

    "5th Dan" 20g - Achieve a 5th dan rank online

    "10th Dan" 25g - Achieve a 10th Dan rank online

    "Master" 30g - Achieve a Master rank online

    "Akira" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Akira

    "Aoi" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Aoi

    "Brad" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Brad

    "Eileen" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Eileen

    "El Blaze" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with El Blaze

    "Goh" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Goh

    "Jacky" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Jacky

    "Jeffry" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Jeffry

    "Kage" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Kage

    "Lau" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Lau

    "Lei" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Lei

    "Lion" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Lion

    "Pai" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Pai

    "Sarah" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Sarah

    "Shun" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Shun

    "Vanessa" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Vanessa

    "Wolf" 5g - Reach highest rank in quest mode with Wolf

    "Dojo Master" 15g - Complete Dojo time attack with all characters(Including Dural)

    "Ring Out!" 5g - Get 50 ring outs

    "True Excellence" 40g - Get 100 Excellents

    "Battle worn" 5g - Played 100 hours

    Now allow me to explain them.

    I didn't want to have too many online rank assosciated achievements so I only took it to Master.

    The individual character achievements would come with an exclusive gamerpic of that character (I would have Wolf, Akira, Kage, Jacky, Jeffry and Lau allready).

    Ring out is only fight points because I wanted to give true excellence 40 and it worked out nicely that way.

    The excellent and ring out achievements could be easily won by people setting out to get them but they would also come naturally over time. And if you are playing with people from here then it will likely be quite some time from now.
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Dude, I like the Dojo ideas on ranking. Hmmm...
  3. Anarkira

    Anarkira Well-Known Member

    Doesnt extra 250 come with new added content? like an expansion?
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Usually but I'm pretty sure developers would be allowed to use the extra 250 without it.
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

  6. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    R would get its own set of achievements I would hope! Generally the extra points are accompanied by new content or some sort of medium patch as Seidon mentioned.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Even a gameplay patch could come with new achievements.

    But seeing as AM2 aren't really that used to updating VF through patches given they are primarily developing for arcades.

    And Auvii what is that in your picture?
  8. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I believe Sega made a statement that they would not support VF5 on XBL with patches or any further item updates with their last installment. Sad /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    ...lol its my bulldog
  9. Anarkira

    Anarkira Well-Known Member

    shinobifist: VF R downloadabble as an expansion for the VF 5? LOL
    way too much content for that. new animations, characters and so on. Also it would be limited to the poor sales that VF 5 had. again, LOL.

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