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Evoing in Melbourne OZ

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by SummAh, Oct 9, 2002.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Evo has arrived for the past 3 days n we have been evoing non stop since Monday.

    For those that wanna play..it's at the small arcade along russell Street in the City.

    Come join the fun.
  2. Rulakir

    Rulakir Well-Known Member

    Oh man....
    now you're seriously making me consider choosing melbourne instead of Perth for my further studies.... /versus/images/icons/frown.gif Is that the one with the old big megalo machine ?
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Rulakir...there is nothing in Perth (sorry eagles!)

    Plus...for VFing...apart from sydney n melbourne..
    never heard abt players from other states.

    Our arcade scene is very healthy now too

    I did a head count...around 20 plus VFers

    with abt 10 knowing what they are doing!
    (look at me, trying to recruit ppl haha!)

    But seriously speaking, I suppose...it all depends on what course u're doing though.

    Anyway..Gerald, PM me n I'll be happy to check out the course details for u.

    And seriously speaking (again) lotsa my friends have been to perth for studies n almost all of them ended up transferring to either Melbourne or Sydney.

    Anyway, PM me n we'll catch up lah~
  4. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    The boards are imported from Japan/Asia, right?
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    HK to be specific

    Greedy boss has a tendency to import 'hit' HK games.
  6. Rulakir

    Rulakir Well-Known Member

    Thing is, I haven't tried to apply for RMIT, and apparently, they have no entry for 2nd Semester, 2003. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif Got entry into Monash and Sydney Uni, but the courses I got ain't exacty something thats a "professional" degree... /versus/images/icons/frown.gif Oh well....

    Not to mention that I have a really big credit difference if I go to Perth instead of Melbourne or Sydney..... /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    Decisions decisions.... /versus/images/icons/confused.gif Argh... the temptation.... /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    /me psycho Rulakir to make the 'gamer' decision...

    *perth is retirement village....perth is retirement village...perth is retirement village* (n the chanting continues)

  8. rejj

    rejj Active Member

    What days / times are people generally there, and playing?
    (or at which other arcades do people regularly play?)

    I'd like to know where in Melbourne the Evo action is at /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member


    to my best knowledge...melbourne arcades no longer have evo.

    Since me n my japanese friends have all 'up up n away'...while others have moved on to greener stuff...

    I do not think it is possible to establish another scene.

    However, if u r still interested in playing Evo...PM me on this board n I shall hook u up with a very old sparring partner( n a rather good friend too, bit quiet if u don't know him at first though ^0^).

    I'm sure I can arrange something.

    Only if u're still interested, that is.
  10. rejj

    rejj Active Member

    Damn, that sucks. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    I discovered VF quite late.. got VF4 for PS2 a few months before Evo was released for the PS2, then got that.

    I've been playing with a friend of mine, but I was hoping to find somewhere with a bunch of different players. Ah well.

    .. maybe I'll have to take a trip up to sydney some time.. heh.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    yeah...if u want a healthy dose of VF..ps2 or sydney is the way to go.

    Or, u can start another VF scene...take over what I did yrs ago.

    Back then in VF3, console was the way to go baby.

    The issue here is being able to find a collective lot that is willing to travel.

    U know how big ass our country is ^^
    Back then, a friend of mine used to complain
    ' i don't wanna play this weekend..collingwood fans on train...ack!' ^0^

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