Evo 2013 - Donation Drive determines the 8th Game

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 8, 2013.

By akai on Jan 8, 2013 at 11:11 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    For Evo 2013, 7 games have been named on the official line-up - Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Super Street Fighter IV, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Street Fighter x Tekken, Mortal Kombat 9, King of Fighters XIII, and Persona 4 Arena. While Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown was not announced as one of the 7 games, it is still possible for it to be in the official Evo game lineup. On the Wake Up Shoryuken stream, MrWizard (An organizer of Evo) mentioned that any game from the previous Facebook poll that had more than 500 votes is eligible (Final Showdown had 800 plus votes). They have tied these games to a donation drive for the Breast Cancer Research Fund. The game with the most donations will be announced as the 8th game

    A couple notes to make pertaining to the donation link for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown. While the VF5FS donation page does not state it, the recommended minimum donation is $5.00 (The other donation pages have the suggested donation). In addition, while the title states Virtua Fighter 5, it is indeed for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown. The donation drive ends on January 30th. Update: The donation page now shows the amount of money that have already been donated to the Breast Cancer Research Fund under Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown.
    Genesis likes this.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 8, 2013.

    1. Kapwan
      akai likes this.
    2. Brisal73
      Donations are cool, but to me this makes SEGA CUP our EVO tourney. So make plans for SEGA CUP on the week of April 20th, which is sure to be a week of VF events and parties, not just SEGA CUP. Dont miss out
      Genesis likes this.
    3. tenren
      i really have a feeling that they will run a side tourney like last years EVO
    4. KiwE
      Personally I hope they rather give the slot to a community of a game that gives a fuck not lots of people sitting watching a stream rather than actually show up at events
      Feck and tenren like this.
    5. hseiken1
      GO TO SEGA CUP. Don't wait for EVO. You're just going to ruin America's standing with Sega by doing that. Sega is sponsoring their own event. Support that. EVO is second in line. If you can do both, great. If you can only do one, Sega Cup should be your choice. If EVO is going to choose support trash like Persona over VF, then they don't need you.
      Genesis likes this.
    6. Brisal73
      Btw ... MLP is winning the donation list. Btw MLP = My Little Pony... LOL
      R_Panda likes this.
    7. nou
      If its not MLP, it'll be Smash.
    8. FenixCade
      Here's my thought: Even if you're planning to go to the Sega Cup instead of EVO, still donate money. There's nothing wrong with supporting both.
      akai, Blackula, Myke and 3 others like this.
    9. akai
      Updated first post: A couple notes to make pertaining to the donation link for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown. While the VF5FS donation page does not state it, the recommended minimum donation is $5.00 (The other donation pages have the suggested donation). In addition, while the title states Virtua Fighter 5, it is indeed for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown. The donation drive ends in January.

      Whether or not VF5FS is part of the official lineup in Evo, support the game you love in any way you feasibly can. What are your priorities? Is VF your primary hobby or just a secondary hobby?

      Evo is one way. Other way is to attend your local events. Don't have local events? Manage your time to plan a long distance trip to attend a major event.

      Personally, the donation drive is for a good cause, so I will donate to the Breast Cancer Research Fund as someone who likes Virtua Fighter.
      Myke, Shag and FenixCade like this.
    10. FenixCade
      ^ Agreed!

      I'm going to be spending some time to teach the Tekken players in the Maritimes how to understand VF's fundamentals and hopefully bring more players over to have the first ever VF tournament at a Maritime major.
    11. Shag
      Why the hate for P4A? That is a solid game. SFXT on the other hand.:p

      VF players should definitely support EVO, its the biggest gathering of fighting game players throughout the world. Let others in the FGC know VF is here to stay. Even if FS is not an official game at EVO, we as a community need to step up and run our own tourney there. Other game communities have been doing it for years, I see no reason why VF'ers can't do the same.
      Blackula, FuryofFrog, akai and 2 others like this.
    12. Brisal73
      My message was for the VF players that can only afford to go to one event. To me if you want VF then Sega Cup is the one to attend. Especially when you take into account that the Socal VF Community will be making this a week long vf event which includes Sega Cup.
      Aion and Dennis0201 like this.
    13. akai
      For side tournaments in Evo - do we have to get permission from the organizers? Or is it just go there, find an empty space and claim it for VF5FS?
    14. Alstein
      They released amounts donated. VF is in 7th place, about $1,100 behind Smash.

      The ponies got ruled ineligible for not being a commercial game (if they win it's an exhibition and 2nd place gets it)- Ponies are at 3500

      I think Smash was at around 1200, Skullgirls and GG at around 800/700. VF was around 200.
    15. hseiken1
      Told ya. MLP not only isn't commercial, it's not finished and the producers didn't even know they were added to the 8th game list at all (and were kinda upset about it).
    16. Blackula
      1. MLP, Fighting is Magic: $3,519.50
      2. Super Smash Bros. Melee: $1,404.32
      3. Skullgirls: $814.22
      4. Guilty Gear XX, Accent Core Plus : $767.90
      5. Soul Calibur V: $387.41
      6. Divekick: $343.95
      7. Dead or Alive 5: $202.69
      8. Blazblue: $200.00
      9. Virtua Fighter 5: $191.00
      10. Super Smash Bros. Brawl: $155.00
    17. hseiken1
      THe funniest thing about the MLP issue is that the producers said don't donate money for their game at all. Guess people didn't get the memo.
    18. Sorwah
      The rules have changed because the devs complained to evo staff basically.

      If FIM is 1st place, then 2nd place gets the 8th spot.
    19. Alstein
      Basically, the question is- could VFDC pony up $2,000 to get into EVO again collectively.

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