EVO 2012 VF5FS Results and Shoutouts

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 9, 2012.

By Myke on Jul 9, 2012 at 8:49 PM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]<span style="font-family: 'Georgia'">Congratulations to the EVO 2K12 VF5FS Champion Fuudo!</span>

    EVO 2012 is a wrap! The top 3 results were:

    1. RZR|Fuudo (Shun)
    2. Shironuko (El Blaze)
    3. RZR|Itabashi Zangief (Shun)

    Congratulations also to the top 16 who managed to finish "in the money". Read on for full top 16 results and media links.

    A massive shoutout to SEGA and the EVO crew for making this a reality! With barely a month from official release, the response and attendance was amazing and we, as a community, only hope this is just a sign of things to come! But it's up to us, the community, to make sure VF is official for EVO 2013.

    Also, a huge thanks to Jaxel for streaming the event for the masses. Please show him your appreciation with a donation!

    Were you at EVO this year? Did you watch the streams? If you've got a shoutout to give, sound off in here!

    (image courtesy of Karaface)


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 9, 2012.

    1. Myke
      Top 16 Results

      1st: RZR|Fuudo (SH)
      2nd: Shironuko (EL)
      3rd: RZR|Itazan (SH)
      4th: Kissa (SH)
      5th: Kamaage (AK)
      6th: Gentleman Thief (JN)
      7th: Aopai (PA)
      8th: Ryan Hart (KA)
      9th - 16th: Junosynth (TA), Gamerbee (BR), Tokido (JA), Jide (GO), R_Panda (BR), Chief Flash (WO), GoatCheeseBlues (SA), Masang Lion (LI)

      Stream Archives

      [​IMG] Day 1 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - Pool 1 to ...
      [​IMG] Day 1 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - up to Pool 4
      [​IMG] Day 2 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - Pool 5 to ...(start ~3 hour mark)
      [​IMG] Day 2 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - Pool 6 to Top 16 (minus Top 3)
      [​IMG] Day 3 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - Top 3 (beginning of vid)

      YouTube Playlist

      Jaxel has uploaded every recorded match and made them individually available via this VF5FS Evo 2K12 Playlist.
    2. Ribx
      I bow to Gentleman Thief and Shironuko. I was expecting Kamaage to dominate the tournament, but how wrong I was.

      GT was insane.
      And for the most part, it saddens me that Shironuko lost against Fuudo, though my theory is that he was nervous from the grand stage, as opposed to Fuudo who's gotten used to it by now.

      Also: no Laus.
    3. KiwE
      Fuudo guessed right on almost every throwescape direction from Shiro; he was totally downloaded. What's a shame was that Shiro fucked up some wallcombos but Fuudo was a well deserving champion. I really enjoyed Kamaage's gameplay.
    4. Wingman
      That was pretty awesome.
    5. Tha_FeauchA
      Huge props to everyone that showed up and entered the tournament. I had a good time watching the stream. Was real cool to see so many names I've never heard or seen before. It must have been nerve racking to be there and play in front of so many people and to have a hard time playing players who are somewhat new and throwing your timing off from being so random. That stuff can throw you for a loop. Even saw Renzo have a lil hard time with some players.

      All in all though, was cool to put some faces to the names. Cool to see VF on a stream with over 3500 veiwers. I missed the grand finals, but the upload I saw was cool. Pretty neat to hear som "ohhhs" in the background.

      Again, big props to all who showed up. Would have liked to have been there.
    6. Jaxel
    7. Aion
      It was wierd seeing AoPai so flustered, he's normally so much better than that! Felt sorry for him =[
    8. Myke
      I don't get why people are so entertained in seeing someone else distraught over a loss? Did this person talk themselves up to deserve such back lash? Are you own lives so empty that you need to point and make fun at others to feel better about yourself?

      Please show some maturity, and a little sensitivity would be welcomed as well.


      p.s. in case you don't know, this is in reference to that zerochan scream video. Any further re-posts of the video will result in an indefinite ban.
    9. ScoringJohn
      Lau got absolutely no love at evo...
    10. grap3fruitman
      Are you asking a question or making a statement?
    11. rude_boy
      Fuudo won that easily !
      Zerochan' scream is definitly an EVO moment and I feel bad for her that it had to happen on stream.
    13. nou
      I don't know man. The loss against Shironuko was more EVO worthy just because of the confusion afterwards.

      Oh well, fall down once, stand up twice.

      EDIT: Tokido's expression during the fight with Gentleman Thief was up there as well. That dude was trying to leave early and everything, haha!
      Well yeah it wasn't the only EVO moment. Shiro Definitely wow'd me and everyone there in that fight against Ita.
    15. Tha_FeauchA
      Oh yea, big ups to jaxel for making the stream possible.

      And big ups to all the commentators that got a chance to do so.
    16. Catch22
      Donated to Jaxel, thanks man, that was a great service you provided to the comunity. I was pretty wasted last night watching the archives, but I havent enjoyed watching 3 hrs of video that much in a long time... well... kinky pornos aside... ahem!

      If you guys watched the stream, do your part and give, if only a couple bucks that you might waste on a latte.

      Man, I feel hyped... if VF is there at EVO next year, Im there, even if im gonna get trashed. Man, I feel like setting up a vf league here in Hawaii. Sadly, I dont know anyone who plays vf here. I just want to meet some of the Japanese players who I worship. My fave player is Chibita because of his audacity and flair, a true virtuoso.... but Fuudo is quickly becoming #2. I wanna see my Vf4 heroes like Homestay, and Ohsuakira... that would take the cake. Funny, its like theyre moviestars to me.

      Rayblade, hey man, now I can put a face on you... played with this dude on Virtual On Saturn Netlink. Myke, LA, Plague, Zero, Chanchai.... i commend you guys on your efforts to promote VF and keeping the faith while dudes like me wander off, I look up to you folks.

      Guys, lets do this and show your VF pride!
    17. Catch22
      BTW, props to Shidosha for the commentary... Loved the commentary with Kamaage. Man I feel hyped!
    18. Shag
      I think Rayblade lives in Hawaii currently. [​IMG]
    19. archangel
      Dope stream dope event dope dope dope

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