Euro VF 2010: Interest Check and Brainstorm Thread

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Krye, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Yo, this is DancingFighterKrye!-... I mean this just Krye (Wouter for those that have met me) and it's a brand new year with brand new opportunities for VF-playing!

    About a month ago I started playing VF again after taking a break for a couple of months and I got my confirmation that VF is the best damn fighting game ever. SO, I figured it was once again time to check if there's people in Europe who agree with me on this and want to battle it out OFFLINE!

    Since I got back I noticed that the level of all the Euro players has increased dramatically, I've had so many intense battles with so many different players in just a month's time, it feels like Euro VF is stronger than ever!

    Surely, all of you that put in the time to get to that level must wish to have at least put their skills to the test offline?

    Anyway, enough ass-kissing, down to the point. I made this thread for two reasons, they are listed in the thread title, but I'll expand on them here for a bit:

    - Interest Check: Since Euro VF 2009 disappointed a bit in terms of # of players showing, I want to check the interest once again. It didn't give a proper picture of what to expect the last time around, but maybe if we check it this early, it'll give people more time to prepare/save money/hook up for a trip?

    - Brainstorming: So last year everything was easy to arrange, NGKrush had a big place where everyone could play as much as they want and noone had to pay anything for that. This year, the situation's different: NGKrush has quit VF and even if he did play, he wouldn't live in that house anymore, so it wouldn't do us any good. This means that location-wise, anything is possible. We could do this in France, Sweden, the UK, Italy, wherever.
    Also, we need to settle a date and decide on how many days we'd want to keep going.

    So yeah, that's basically what I was thinking, the reactions from the people that came over last year were positive, so maybe some more people got interested from that? If I look at the amount of players that have skillzszszsz online, we could maybe get 20 or more players to show up if we plan this right!

    People not from Europe are welcome to make suggestions/come over as well, of course [​IMG]
  2. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I'm really glad you made this thread Krye. It's an excellent idea to have an early start to discuss everything and possibly manage to organise something.

    My only reason for not showing on Euro 2009 was, like always, money. The cost of travelling to Netherlands turned out to be a lot higher than what I expected, therefore my first suggestion would be...
    to organise Euro 2010 in another country, possibly UK or smth. That would of course need to meet with approval and eagerness of the scene representing that country. So go ahead, talk away [​IMG]
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Yep great idea. I can also confirm that Amsterdam gathering was amazing and both me and Monkey Punch had a fantastic time. I wouldn't miss out twice in a row people!!

    And if you're there, you'll probably get to meet me. Win-Win [​IMG]
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Yeah, go UK.

    I would be happy with anywhere but my chances of attending a gathering in the UK would be much higher so I'm being biased.
  5. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I'm interested like the past year. Just tell me when and where. Maybe can i suggest Italy?
    There are 2 options:
    1) Rome: easy to reach, but i don't know anyone there, so i don't know how organize the meeting alone (i have to ask somebody to help us).
    2) Cagliari, my city: I know where we can play and i can bring there 1 or 2 xboxes with 2 tv or monitor and, last but not less important, in Cagliari we have a really beautifull sea [​IMG] so take it as holyday. The best period will be july or august.
  6. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Id prob be up for something in the future, haven't really been playing any fighting games at all lately (haven't played VF in about a month now) and haven't felt any motivation to do so either. With a lot of work and other commitments as of late I hope I'll get the drive to play again soon.
  7. DWR

    DWR Well-Known Member

    I suggest Italy as well

    Cagliari in august/september is a REALLY cool place and me and mister can look around and find a suitable place (we already know some options).
  8. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    xX SETTRA Xx
    I underestimated the costs for the travel heavely last year, thats why I didnt show up, but Im definitely interested again.
    I dont care where we do this, if we do this. Everywhere´s fine for me.
  9. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Okay, I guess I need keep an updated summary of what's going on, otherwise this will be chaos.

    For locations, we have:

    - The UK, no specified location yet, I think matt said London would be a good place.
    - Italiaaa, specifically Cagliari, which is on Sardinia (an Island) if I'm correct? Mister and DWR live here, so they would be organising.

    Personally I would prefer the UK, just for the fact that I can speak English and can't speak Italian. Makes doing stuff a lot easier. Also since Cagliari isn't Rome or Milan and is actually on an island, it'd be harder and more expensive to travel to.

    I won't be too rich this year, since I'm going on a holiday to the USA for a couple of weeks, so I prefer the cheapest option [​IMG] .
  10. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    If we consider the UK, some of the Neo Empire guys might also be interested as I understand some of them play VF on occasion [​IMG]
  11. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    If the UK is up then you'll be welcome in Glasgow. There's a gaming centre in the town here called ESC that would be more than happy to put this on. The guys that run it are Street Fighter players and play a lot of fighters in general. In October a bunch of English guys came up to take part in a SF4 tournament (which Ryan Hart won) and a lot of them stayed over at ESC for casuals and some friendly tournaments.

    Only thing is that there are more English people than Scottish involved in the fighter's scene so it'd be easier to get more players down there.

    London would be the most logical choice.

    It makes sense to have three or four Scots travel down as opposed to having ten or so Londoners coming up.

    What about a location though? I doubt we could all cram into Zero's again. There was like 20 of us between 2 setups last time.

    I don't know London that well so I can't even suggest anywhere.
  12. DWR

    DWR Well-Known Member

    Stayin' here in sardinia is not that expensive, expecially in september. It's definitely cheaper than london.

    The drawback is, well, transports here sucks and there is nothing more than the sea.

    But u guys are comin to play U_U

    Personally i cannot afford another travel, in august ill'be in glasgow/edinburgh then London. In september London again for a couples of days. But ill'be with my girl so will be hard for me to play.

    Other options in Italy are Rome and Milan, in each city I know people that organize tournaments in a montly basis and i'm sure that they will help with the logistic. But it's not a cheap choice.
  13. lotrzyna

    lotrzyna Well-Known Member

    So - is anything decided yet ? or should we forget about it this year ?

    I would vote for the UK - probably much cheaper to get there than to Italy...

    How many VF player is still active in Europe ?
    How does it look on the XBox live ?

  14. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I think nothing is going to happen. But you can come here in my town to play with me and DWR [​IMG] i have a bed if you want.
  15. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    xX SETTRA Xx
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So - is anything decided yet ? or should we forget about it this year ?</div></div>
    Im quite sure that this won´t happen. I guess we have to wait until a new VF comes to consoles to inspire enough people to travel around europe just for VF.

    But a new Online tournament would be a good thing, the last one was great. At least, until about 80% of the participants quited the tournament...
  16. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    By next year hopefully we will have FS, I will have a job and a house. then I'll gladly host somthing.
  17. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    ._. me first!
  18. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Heheh most probably true, all three of those have a pretty low percentage of happening anyway [​IMG]
  19. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Well... in that case just come you to my island XD
  20. DrWoo

    DrWoo Well-Known Member

    I would enjoy to play some offline VF and to meet IRL the guys I play against online. I'm from northern France so I'd prefer the event to take place not too far, but it wouldn't bother me to spend more for an event like that...

    I can't say I'm very good but this is the kind of event that would make me improve much, right?

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