Dragonballs / coloured spheres

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Neo, May 25, 2002.

  1. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    I know that the emperors/high kings have these in KUMITE mode but where do they actually come from??

    Can you actually get a ball without steaing it? If so how?
  2. Kali

    Kali Well-Known Member

    No. Stealing them is the only way.
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about the console, but there are a few ways to get them on the arcade. Of course, nobody knows of them, thye just appear out of nowhere. Times, that they've appeared:

    Same dan-level fight
    Card renewal (if your opponent is 2-dan or higher, and you win).
    Of course, stealing them.

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