Does anyone know how to get Wolf's Wolf head tattoo?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by LtTitan, Oct 3, 2002.

  1. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I have been trying to get Wolf's items, and I havent seen the Wolf head tattoo, I want to know how to get it, or who to beat to get it. Also, who do I face to get his workout towel?
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Please read the Items FAQ under the VF4 section. A link to it can be found in the VFDC CHOICE thread in this very board. I'm pretty sure both your questions are answered there.

    And questions like "who do I have to face to win item X" are utterly pointless. Even if you had the knowledge, you're powerless to do anything with it. You can't choose your opponent.
  3. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    Its knowing who to face is what I am looking for. I know I will eventually get to it. But its the mindset I am working on. Big matches are harder fought than just another match. Such as a match against a same ranked opponent or a ranking match. If you fight a random match and lose, no big whoop. I dont want to face the person I need to beat to get the item and not care if I lose, because if I know I must beat him, I will work harder to beat him.

    And I dont like this, 'look in this section before you post' stuff, is that not why I post? To find the answer to a question? I dont always have time to look around aimlessly for stuff. Its easier. And I apologize if I inconvience you. Its just the way I am (impulsive).
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    And I dont like this, 'look in this section before you post' stuff, is that not why I post? To find the answer to a question? I dont always have time to look around aimlessly for stuff. Its easier. And I apologize if I inconvience you. Its just the way I am (impulsive).

    Some reasons why.

    1. It shows you're probably too lazy to find information on your own. If you can't do a quick search (either because you lack time or lack willpower) you probably don't have what it takes to be any good at VF. It's work becoming good at the game.

    2. It wastes the time of others who have to read the post, because it's been asked 324843368935994894 times before. Ask anyone who listens to radio, gets spam in their inbox, or gets lectured by their parents: Seeing the same thing over and over and over is frigging annoying.

    3. It takes up resources, hard disk space, bandwidth, and time... the time you DON'T spend finding answers for yourself is time other people will have to spend finding them for you. When I replied for example to barenuckle about wolf's knee combo, I KNEW it worked on many characters without a counter. But saying "it doesn't need a counter" isn't going to work on someone who isn't interesting in knowing more about the game and isn't going to take the time to figure things out. So I had to take that time and spend ten minutes on the PS2 testing just so I could come back with specific information that can't be argued with. That's time barenuckle should have spent, because HE was the guy who didn't know for sure and should have tested first. >I< didn't need to spend those ten minutes because I already knew it for a fact.
    I don't really see why he (or anyone who has a PS2 VF4) deserves those ten minutes.

    4. A LOT of work has been put into sections of the site BESIDES the message board. The message board practically runs itself, you pay your license and open the can and POOF! Instant message board. But those movelists aren't instant. The careful earmarking of useful/valuable posts isn't instant. The writing and organization of faqs or guides or combo lists isn't instant. God knows moderating out the spam and random BS on the boards isn't instant. There's all this work that's been done and people like you ignore it because you don't have the time?! If you truly were this really busy guy, you wouldn't be able to read or post or even play VF. 99% of the shit that gets asked here can be found in three minutes or less.

    It's like your dad bought you this really nice car, and it's sitting in the driveway, and the carkeys are sitting on the table.... and you have the nerve to ask him for cab fare?
  5. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I have been trying to look in the search section for stuff. I dont know how to use it really. When I use it, it gives me soemthing totally different from what I asked, or it doesnt give me anything at all. I am sorry for causing trouble.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Search section is a good place to start.

    It happens though that if you look at the top of this board (kumite) there's a big "VFDC CHOICE" post that says "kumite items faq"

    From that faq, here's what we know about the wolf head tattoo.
    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Equipped to: Arm
    Equipped by: Both outfits

    VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode.

    Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_

    [/ QUOTE ]
  7. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    I believe the wolf head tattoo can be won from "Sega-ru" (High King). I'm not sure which outfit you have to wear in order to get it. Be sure to check "VFDC choice Kumite Items Faq" thread for any further item questions. It isn't update that often, but it contains lots of useful information from other VFDC members.

    Also, you can try this link:
    It's Ms JWayne-Wayne's item faq. It's a huge file containing item methods for all characters. It's incomplete however, so you'll have to experiment in kumite yourself.
  8. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I already read the FAQ by Ms WayneWayne, it is very good. But it didnt give the information I needed. And perhaps, by some chance, somebody might know the info I need, and by chance, that person would post the info I needed that was not contained in the FAQ. And thusly, I made the post.
  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Have you fought "Sega-ru" yet? I believe he has the item you're looking for. As I said before, experiment with different outfits in kumite. Some items require you to wear an item and get a certain # of wins, escape throws, win by ringout, etc.

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