Dodonpachi Daioujou

Discussion in 'General' started by Zero-chan, Apr 8, 2003.

  1. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Are there other shooter fans out there looking forward to picking this one up on the import PS2? I should have it by the end of the week. I've played it quite a bit in arcades, and while it's not as good as the original Dodonpachi, it's one of the best shooters to come around in a long time. I'm hoping if it sells well enough Cave/Arika will port Ketsui to a home console as well.

    The first print of the game will include a bonus DVD of exceptional players blazing their way through several of the game's stages. If you want this, be sure to get the game early, because just like any other good import shooter, you *know* it will become difficult to obtain eventually.

    By the way, the girl in my icon is Shotia. Isn't she pretty?
  2. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hmm i was gonna stick with my saturn version but that dvd makes it tasty...

    "By the way, the girl in my icon is Shotia. Isn't she pretty? "

    lol, i was gonna ask that just now. question is, where she from? anime or game related?
  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Er... Dodonpachi Daioujou is totally different from the Saturn game. The series goes like this:

    Dodonpachi 2
    * Dodonpachi Daioujou

    So, yeah, it's a completely new game. Check some info and movies here:
  4. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    how much are you going to charge for this game including shipping?

    im really interested in this game because of the lack of challenging games nowadays. Just beat shinobi, working on ikaruga stage 4 =P. Don Don pachi will also probably never make it stateside.

    speaking of replays
    apparently arika put up the dvd content on their site ???!?!?

    each stage perfect

    if not maybe i can get bargain bin price
    speaking of bargains, zero did you spot any of those so called reported VFevos for 2000 yen?
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    in a few week's time
    EB is gonna put out a dvd showing the rest of the gamers on planet Earth how Japan's best Ikaruga player plays the game.

    Just so that u guy know how insanely elite n crazy the guy is, EB invited the guy to their office...played Ikaruga...took down the password...n checked his ranking n points.

    He immediately became number 1.

    N his closest competitor is a good 30, 000 points behind him!

    PD : u wanna buy the dvd? ^^
  6. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    speaking of shooter vids, i stumbled across this beauty of a site not too long ago

    Hong Kong Shooting Gallery

    One guy beats ikaruga on normal all stage S++ no lives lost. Just plain beautiful. Now i can beat stage 4 once and for all (ikaruga was fine till stage 4 ::sob::) and get on with my life.

    And whats EB in respect to japan o_O
  7. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    EB is Enterbrain, publisher of Famitsu and Arcadia.

    As far as I know, the DVD has footage from 3 different players on it, so I think what is on the site is a mere sampler.

    The PS2 game also has an INSANELY HARD mode called "Death Label" where bullets fly at you at, like, 4X speed. Apparently even the top players can't even perform well in that environment... yet.
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    ah yes
    death label

    Arika had this clip on their side that shows how insanely hard it is..
    n it proudly invite players to try it.

    Even in their clip, it says

    ' DIE PLZ' ^^
  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Got it in today! I've only been able to play for a little while, though. The conversion itself seems top-notch, and the extras are great, but the game itself still has a few things that bug me.

    I think this is one I'll be doing a full-fledged review for in the future. All I can say for now is: If you love shooters and games that are REALLY, REALLY HARD, don't miss this by any means. More casual shooter players would probably be better off elsewhere.
  10. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

    Welp, I just got this game today, but I haven't been able to play it a lot. But this game is just so, so sweet. And the DVD just makes it that much sweeter, so I knew I had to get it quickly. I'll let Ikaruga pass for now... I'm pretty broke anyway...

    This would be the 4th shooter I'm super-seriously playing. I didn't enjoy Einhänder as much as I would have liked, but I got up to 2-2 in Gunbird 2 (and made a site for it), got up to the last form of the last boss in Strikers 1945 II, and the sub-boss in 1-8 in Strikers 1945 III (1999). I don't even play fighting games anymore... in fact I haven't even visited this site for quite some time... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    Here's a little article I wrote on how shmups = good, fighting games = bad. Sorry to bring up the "jerk" thread again, but at least it shows that VF folk are good folk (relative to other crowds, anyway). I'd be really interested in feedback from you guys, because honestly, I can't find myself playing another fighting game ever again, so perhaps you could convince me otherwise...? (...prolly not)
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    agh another shady socal player!!
    join us for a console meet this weekend!!

    and let me borrow don don pachi /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    also your forum quoting is waaay out of context especially since that user doesnt even exist anymore. on a personal note gunbird 2 ranks pretty low on my list of shooters. I like dangun feveron more than gunbird.

  12. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    join us for a console meet this weekend!!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]

    and let me borrow don don pachi /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    also your forum quoting is waaay out of context especially since that user doesnt even exist anymore.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I already said "hella biased", and besides, it's more entertaining that way. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [ QUOTE ]

    on a personal note gunbird 2 ranks pretty low on my list of shooters. I like dangun feveron more than gunbird.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Grr. Forget about borrowing Dodonpachi DOJ! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif Maybe you just need to download some replays of Gunbird 2. I'd give you a link to "the FTP", but I dunno. Might ruin it for the rest of us...

    [/ QUOTE ]
  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    lol, i just dont like gunbird. just one of them games

    after reading your article you forget one of the most key aspects of the arcade scene. Multiplay/Social aspect. Shooters are pretty much a solitary game as a whole and thats why fighting games dominate in the arcade. The thrive for instant competition is male instinct and what other way to prove superiority by virtually beating someone up. Something more satisfying about beating up an alter ego than numbers on a highscore list.

    The reason why i play shooters is that its one of the few challenging breed of games left. Too many games hands you things on a silver platter. One of the things i enjoy about Virtua Figther is the level of depth and mental games it achieves. While shooters are all about reflex and memory, virtua fighter challenges the mind as well.

    Just some insight to your article. You should let me borrow Don Don Pachi just for reading it!! j/k /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  14. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

    Oh, I didn't forget it, I just ignored it. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Sure, you'd be missing some tourney comraderie and rivalry, but also the flaming, arguing, and idiocy - things I can do without. And with fighting games, you can practice and practice something, but you might not actually use it. With shooters, you can definitely put those bullet theories to the test... just one of many reasons why combo and match movies get old, but replays don't. IMO. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif You can learn a lot of things about a fighting game, especially VF, but with shooters, you can clear the game and move on. I like having some sense of mastery over something (I don't think I've ever come close in any fighting game), and in the case of Gunbird 2, I can happily close the books and move on to bigger, better shooters. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    When and where is this meet anyway? If you don't mind playing a crappy non-evo Akira and a poor man's Lion, you'll have to give me a ride too. I guess I could bring Dodonpachi DOJ...

    Now where's Zero-chan... /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    gunbird 2 replay

  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sure, you'd be missing some tourney comraderie and rivalry, but also the flaming, arguing, and idiocy - things I can do without.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Bleh, of all the vf meets and tourneys I've been to, none of which had anything close to what you've described... Everyone who are dedicated enough to travel to play are those worth being friends with. Most of us are like a close club of friends. The only people that most vf players are hostile to are those who trash our hobbies in the first place. How would you feel if people came and said gunbird 2 sucks? Or that Gunbird 2 takes no skills, Ikaruga is the true shooter game? Oh wait, your reaction is obvious and already been exposed.....

    See what I mean?
  17. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I dislike the good majorit y of Psikyo shooters, as they are extremely repetitive and dull. Dragon Blaze was fresh though, and I hope they continue along that line in the future. For now, though, they're content raking in the dough with Japan's hottest line of softcore strip Mahjong games. (Ever wanted to see Marion nude? Well with L33t mahjong skills, you sure can!)

    Still working on Daioujou, and it is damn good, but I just can't get into it as much as some of Cave's other stuff. And as much as I love hard games, it becomes almost too much at some points to the extent that playing it becomes depressing. (._.)

    On the topic of shooters... Shikigami no Shiro 2 is out in arcades here now and it ROCKS. I didn't care for the first, but the sequel does everything a LOT better. Let's hope for another PS2/XBox port in the future!
  18. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Shikigami no Shiro 2 is good ?? From the demo vids ive seen the gameplay looked a bit slow. I guess i actually have to try it hands on. Should be one to look out for.

    Triple Lei, I live in the walnut/diamond bar area. Plague lives on the close side of riverside. He lives the furthest of all of us thats willing to host meets. If the drive is too far for you, you can stop by my place and im willing to drive the rest of the distance. Plus we expect to see a new player Banes this weekend thats making the jump from soul caliber. So im sure you can have good rivarly right there and quickly learn off each other.

    If you want more info just PM me or im usually on irc, ill give you more contact information there.

    Now to get el barto out of hiding!
  19. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    more shooter vids

    I just came to the realization that I thought gunbird 2 was GigaWing 2. I actually never got to play Gunbird 2 so my opinion is now null. sorry for the mixup.

    Gigawing = bad!!
  20. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    SummAh said:

    gunbird 2 replay


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll PM you a link sometime...

    [ QUOTE ]
    NinjinSan said:
    Bleh, of all the vf meets and tourneys I've been to, none of which had anything close to what you've described... Everyone who are dedicated enough to travel to play are those worth being friends with. Most of us are like a close club of friends. The only people that most vf players are hostile to are those who trash our hobbies in the first place. How would you feel if people came and said gunbird 2 sucks? Or that Gunbird 2 takes no skills, Ikaruga is the true shooter game? Oh wait, your reaction is obvious and already been exposed.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eh, tourney atmosphere is fine (though IMO tournies = pressure = cheeze = boring); the aftermath often isn't. Who wants to be a part of that... /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    And I gotta say it: I have a feeling that a lot of the people who are saying "Ikaruga is the best" are just bandwagoning... (though I'm sure I'll be eating my words later on...)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    I dislike the good majorit y of Psikyo shooters, as they are extremely repetitive and dull. Dragon Blaze was fresh though, and I hope they continue along that line in the future. For now, though, they're content raking in the dough with Japan's hottest line of softcore strip Mahjong games. (Ever wanted to see Marion nude? Well with L33t mahjong skills, you sure can!)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No... just... no. If it's the "sameness" you're referring to (controls are often just shoot / bomb / supershot; first 3 or 4 stages are random; all stages are short; coin / medal chaining; hard-ass bosses)... what the heck's wrong with that? -_-; You can go to Mode7's site and download his Strikers 1999 replay (though as I type his site is down). If you ever see it, you can't help but be impressed.

    I'm not saying this out of spite, but although I've never played the Psikyo shooter you like, I'd probably hate it! /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    PhoenixDth said:
    I just came to the realization that I thought gunbird 2 was GigaWing 2. I actually never got to play Gunbird 2 so my opinion is now null. sorry for the mixup.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ooooohh.... whew. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Yeah I heard GigaWing 2 had some problems...

    Thanks for the link. Here's "the FTP":
    (Source: )

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