Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Series

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    It seems like since Virtua Figher 4 we've lost features in each new release. Now the game cost more than ever and it has less in it than ever before. Missing/Removed Features since VF4

    1) A.I. Training (remember this from VF4)
    2) Individual profiles (files) per fighter
    3) Battlemode (Ironmman, extra wall damage,etc0
    4) Detail Player Stats (throw escape ratios, high low ratios etc)
    5) Wall papers
    6) replay capability for quest matches
    7) Performance stats against fighters in the arcades
    8) replay capability for main arcade routes
    9) User selectable opening and closing poses
    10) Tutorial Mode
    11) Game Fighting system Glossary
    12) Watered down game booklet (no color)
    13) no longer can select multiple training stages in vs mode
    14) less attention to detail on items (missing straps, handles etc)
    15) The opening game movies considerably watered down.
    16) VF final tuned never made it outside of Japan
    17) Slow motion and pause removed from replay
    18) demo mode for the command list
    19) underground tournaments
    20) naming replay files
    21) arcade stick demos/movies
    22) fighter specific dimensions on vs screens (weight,height,etc)
    23) Quest Mode Orders

    Each of these things were part of the VF experience, some of it applied to single player mode, some applied to vs mode. While
    Sega VF5 is gorgeous and the new fighters are welcome, we have lost a lot since VF4 and the game cost more than ever.

    What's next?

    I'm afraid to see what sega is going to remove from the next release (if there's a next release).

    Has anybody heard or does anybody know whether any of this is going to be put back into the series????
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Unless I missed something in VF5 I think these features are missing.

    Are these the only ones taken out/missing since VF4?
    I never played the dreamcast version so I don't know if features were taken out from there.

    Don't get me wrong, VF5 is still kewl, but in some respects it was better in the past.

    The sophistication of the stages, the new movesets and the new chacters since VF4 don't make up for whats been taken out.

    The replay value of the series has taken a hit with VF5....
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    The replay capability in VF4 and VF4EVO allowed for
    slow motion viewing and pausing. This has also been
    taken out.

    The longer I play the more things I noticed are missing.

    knit picky i guess....
  4. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Uh.... why do you think Sega released VF4: Evo and Final Tuned after the original VF4 (which didn't include quest mode, arcade tournaments, event square tournaments, and etc.).... probably because it needed to improve on the last version. Maybe Sega will release an improvement to the PS3 game in the span of a year with Ver. C and maybe a tutorial...
  5. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Just think, when you buy VF5 EVO or whatever they call it, all of those things will be back in the game. Somebody has to make money......it spins the world you know.
  6. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    I thought love spins the world!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    I hope the missing features has nothing to do with the XBox /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif

    I also just noticed that the command list does not have a demo mode any more....

    Don't get me wrong VF5 is tight. If I had never played any of the other series I wouldn't think anything was missing. Its just that Sega has done better in the past.
  8. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    VF6, versus only, confirmed.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    At this rate Vs only is about right.

    But will they at least keep ring names.../forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Would you have waited another year for VF5 just so all that fluff gets to be added?
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    How about the absolute first arcade perfect conversion of the VF series? The best type of game of it's entire genre? Industry leading graphics? Where / how does that compare against underground tournaments and a uglier booklet in your opinion?
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    I didn't say it wasn't awesome game. Its the best fighter in the world!

    My point is they keep taking stuff out. The ps3 has hard drives, capacity for memory sticks, flash,etc The blueray disc holds as much as 5 times what the ps2 format held. The game cost more than the Ps2 version so why take anything out. unless it was just a rush to get it to market and they will put the features back in on the next release.:(
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    So you're calling the all of the items in the list fluff?
    All of them?

    Since we didn't see FT in the US. There was 3-4 year wait for VF5. They had the time. It shouldn't be necessary to wait another year for the fluff
  14. hyofinkl

    hyofinkl Member

    SEGA's probably going to release VF5 EVO(maybe it will be called something else) in about two years I think. It's likely that they'll add all the features you mentioned into that version and many more new features to improve the game. I think it'll cost like $29.99.
  15. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Excellent Point! I don't mind the 3-4 year wait as long as it comes correct! All this time, memory for PS3 and the bluRay Disk and Sega wants to short some of the most loyal and fanatic fans in the gaming industry... Not Fair!!! For example and someone correct me if I'm wrong (like I need to say that on this site): Why is that Sega refuses to give the Sony Pad analog control in its VF series? Could it be someone cut a side deal with the makers of those high price <span style='font-family: Georgia'>Gaming Sticks?</span>
  16. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    "Demo mode for command list" is still in. It even shows the button presses and timing on the side of the screen.
  17. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    I agree 100% with the topic.

    Let's get rid of talks of but this is a good game, no one is arguing the merrits of the fighting game and the engine.

    VF5 feels like a good fighting game, but I KNOW there will be plenty of people who pick it up, run through it a bit, and then put it down once the novelty wears off.

    For example, Quest is the most robust mode, but what benefit doe we really get out of it? For the most part, all we get out of it is the ability to have 2 more costumes and tweak your character's look. THAT'S it. And even then, it's held back because that is limited to Your PS3, you can't move it.

    Now take Soul Calibur 3's single player mode and you get a changing pathway that sheds light in your character's story. You get good music out of it, you get the "epic" or the "destined" battle feel against your rival and so on. And when you win, you get a quick FMV. To make it even better, if you choose your path correctly, you get fight against some extras like Colossus, or with some button presses, get a different ending. All while achieving the same thing VF does with quest and that is getting STuff so that you can tweak your character. I have no idea if SCIII characters can be transfered so I can't comment, but to be fair, i will say that SCIII had a memory card glitch that may wipe your other saved files that was on it.

    Arcade Mode: VF arcade mode is simply fight random people, often Akira at the end, before Dural. Nothing more, NOthing less, No ending, nothing. Now if the more robust other mode is gonna have the good ending FMVs and so on like I talked before, it is quite pointless for Arcade mode, but I guess more money, more items, Rival matches, something that might involve a storyline, something or else the mode is simply a testament to the past fighting games and something that is no longer functional.

    Online Mode: DOA ultimate and 4 had online, Two if not 3 Mortal Kombats had online. SFAC,and a few other capcom fighters released for the 360 had online. So what's the big deal other than lazyness. No need to mention it, I already know what Sega said. But what Gametrailers said was the best. the super Hardcore folks probably won't tolerate the lag, and they'll play at the arcades. BUT seriously folks, take a step back and ask yourself, what is the percentage of people who buy the game will go to an arcade to play it??? Even if you loved the game and had the money to travel, how many people will take some days off to go to a tournament, rather than chill at a beach, or something?? 90% of people who end up buying VF5 will either be casuals that won't care much for if there is lag or not, or players who do like the game, and play it competitively against friends and family, but wouldn't waste resources to travel 20, 50, 100, 1000, 2000 miles to an arcade for comp, or a venue like evolution in last vegas for a tournament.

    The final major thing that is missing in my opinion is the robust training mode and video for each move. To me, that was the perfect way people could learn the basic of the VF system and get better. I thought it was light years better than the competition. The competition usually had simply a command mode so that you can do all your moves, and then a free mode so that you can do whatever you want. And VF regressed to be like the rest. BOOOOO! All the throw escape training, the combo starter training, the flow training, the basic throw, strikes, dodge training, man that sucks.

    Really all the other stuff is quite useless, the AI training, the wallpaper, those are more ancillary stuff. Stuff that we care about is How we can get good replay value from the single player, how we can train and get better, and how we can keep playing the game when we no longer have the early competition from people who wanted to try the new thing and have since given up on the series.

    P.S. speaking of the VF5 manual. Sega might as well make it even thinner than it is. If within the game, you have absolutely Nothing that would indicate there is an actual story, why not simply take it out of the manual as well.
  18. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    During that time they were making VF5. The conversion from arcade to console was less than a year, and in my opinion a quick release to console is a better deal than having Iron Man matches.
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    They are not. You're putting VF4 and VF4:Evo in one and then comparing them to VF5.

    VF4 had less features than Evo.
    VF5 has less features than Evo.
    VF5 has less features than VF4, but has a better quest system / kumite.
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Of course you're right. We would all rather have the game now than later. No one would've wanted to wait until they put battlemode in. But you have to see my point here.

    Is sega going to put these features back in at a later date?
    If so, then there's now problem. If not then it looks like they
    are slowy raping the game and the customer. The simple point is,
    we're paying more for the game and it has less features than it ever has!


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