Dealing with punch throws ..

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by maddy, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    What does everyone do against punch throws in a

    situation when punch counterable moves get blocked?

    For example, when Akira's double palm gets blocked

    he is -14 which is punch countable.

    What I do in that situation is do EDTEG or DTEG, but

    since it is punch counterable, opponents can do

    punch throw or punch elbow instead of throw attempts.

    What could be the options in those situation after you

    get hit by a punch on minor counter(-5 situation)?

    Is another EDTEG is the best option in that situation?

    otherwise, what would that be?
  2. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    madagascar said:

    Is another EDTEG is the best option in that situation?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For the most part yes imo. Bloody tricky to do on reaction for me though.

    However if your opponent abuses punch throw a lot and you know that a throw is coming then go for the yoho and teach thema lesson.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I agree that another EDTEG would be best, but as ent said it's hard.

    A lot of players know the trick P --> throw after blocked dbpm or knee.
    Not all player change this correctly with P --> knee or P --> beat knuckle.

    You should watch carefully to make sure the player is not using P-throw every time. If they use it a lot, this could be a wonderful opportunity to receive 12 points of damage and inflict 80 points. After taking the punch, use a big combo starter (one that does not need a major counter).
    For example akira could do [3][3]+[P]. Maybe next time you will let double palm get blocked intentionally because you want to connect with a yoho /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    You can also try a single P or d+P after the opponent does their punch.
    If the opponent throws, you win. If they do anything slower than a knee, you win. If you are playing a fast punch character like pai or aoi you win (your punch will come out after 16 frames, their knee will come out after 17 frames).

    Often, people are not perfect at doing P --> knee even if they plan to do it. They do not buffer the knee exactly. If they are even 1 frame too slow, your P or d+P will win.

    If you have the skill to EDTEG you should do it, but average players like me usually just d+P.
  4. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    Often, people are not perfect at doing P --> knee even if they plan to do it. They do not buffer the knee exactly. If they are even 1 frame too slow, your P or d+P will win.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for the reply. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    You mentioned about punch then Knee which has to

    be done fast enough to beat low punch, but I am more

    worried about [P] then elbow which will beat any move

    in this situation. If I tried to punch or low punch or

    Yoho, I will get MCed by the elbow which will put me in

    a -8 situation.
  5. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    You could always do R-DTE if you think it's elbow or throw but it's really not much of an improvement in choice. And the rewrd isn't that great.

    I think the first answer to your question was correct. The 'best' and safest response is more E-DTE.

    Other stuff is risker but with more potential reward. Like most things in vf it boils down to the good old risk/reward ratio game.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Your opponents are very cautious it seems to me. They are trading a +12 situation for a little damage and possible +8.

    Punch --> elbow is usually effective even if the punch is guarded. If it worries you after a blocked double palm, you must spend a lot of the match worrying ^^;;

    If it matters, not all elbows are +8 and not everyone has an elbow. Sarah and Goh's is only +4. Aoi is +5. Shun and pai and lei have no elbow. Lei's standing P is - frames. While d+P might be a bad idea against another akira, it should prevent you from an extremely bad situation against some other characters.

    An example of why I think d+P is the best answer - Goh is trading a +12 situation for a +5 situation by doing his punch.
    Then he is trading +5 for a +4 situation doing an elbow MC.
    Two times, goh could have done a f+K knee combo for ~85 points of damage...
    He also has 70+ point throws.

    If I lose only 12 pts + 28 pts for punch --> elbow...I am happy.

    If you can EDTEG, you should...there is no other really safe option (unless you can do something as difficult as a perfect ARE or 8P33 move). You can also do R-DTEG.

    Other than these options...ECD by itself will fail. Motion cut (3,3,G) will lose to a throw. Back dash will not avoid throws or attacks. This is a bad situation with no easy answers except P/d+P.. which is not always a bad risk (you might not lose 80-100 points if you are wrong).

    One other possibility if you face enemies who like P --> elbow ... you can do a move that sabaki's mid punches and elbows. That way you will beat P-throw or P-elbow.
  7. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Use ARE?

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