Concussion Boxing.

Discussion in 'General' started by Sargon, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Sargon

    Sargon Member

    Hi there,

    I registered to this forum a long time ago when I got VF5 for my XBOX360 but didn't stay that long.
    Lately I havn't been playing much games at all and I focus a lot on making my own games.
    My latest game is a game called Concussion Boxing.
    When I began working on it I thought I could have easily make a virtua fighter like game for mobile, but it's a lot more challenging than I thought at first.

    So now I have this Concussion Boxing game for both iOS and Android. It's quite simple and not quite balanced.
    I would like for you to try it and tell me what you think and what tips would you give to improve the gameplay?

    The game is fun but doesn't have a lot of depth.
    I am also starting to work on a new Final Fight like game so this game is no longer my main focus. But still it would be nice to hear your comments.

    You can simpley search for this game in Google Play, Amazon App store, or Apple App store.
    Search for Concussion Boxing by PompiPompi or Ofer Rubinstein and you will knwo it's the game.
    In the Apple app store it cost 99 cents though, the Android version is free though.
    Also in iOS you can play against another player with Bluetooth which you can't on the Android version.
    (Currently there are two boxer types and I am about to update the game to include a third boxer type).

    Thanks, and I hope I didn't break any rule by posting about my game?(I didn't find anything mentioning it).

    Oh yea, here is a short youtube video about the game:

  2. Sargon

    Sargon Member

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