Background music for playing PS2 VF4

Discussion in 'Console' started by MAXIMUM, Dec 18, 2002.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who shuts-off the default music when playing VF4, to listen to some CD or PC MP3 music on the stereo. My preference is deep house (Tanaglia or Onionz & Joeski) as it seems to perfectly compliment VF4 social play.

    Anyway, a good suggestion is to get yourself an audio mixer from a hardware store. This way you can have your CD/PC music and VF4's sound effects fed through the same channel. It's well worth it my freinds and sounds allot better than just tuning up your TV volume while your stereo is playing.

    And if you can't afford a proper mixer, just get a cross-over phono-to-phono that takes four inputs and produces two. They won't allow you to alter the balance on each channel but they're dirt cheap.

  2. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    I actually like the music in VF4. VF3 was not as bad as people think... jeffry's stage music gets me pumped. Love VF2 music. But VF's music was the best of the series. Jacky's and Sarah's stages were notable.

    Now, the new evolution music is quite good, in my opinion, and I was actaully thinking about importing the music CD.
  3. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    I did, In my opinion it was worth it. Far better than the VF4 score and with the exception of Lei-Fei's and Lau's I like all of them (Sarah's, Akira's, Shun's and the end credits are my favourites).

    Sarah's VF2 BMG will always be my favourite of all time followed by Sarah's VF1 version and Kage's VF2 BGM.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Don't get me wrong, mind. I love the default VF4 music (although the quality does vary quite a bit) but find after prolonged play the tunes start to grate. Particularly when playing a long session, with friends or not, I'll turn off the default musioc and layer some house beats (or whatever music takes my fancy at the time) over the sound effects.

    Speaking of faviourite VF music, I must admit I find VF4's compositions to be the weakest in the series. Very few of the pieces get me pumped or instill me with the atmosphere of the stage in the same way VF2 or VF3's tunes did.

    I'd say overall J's beach stage in VF3 is my faviourite, with VF2 Pai comming a close second.

  5. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    god I love Jeffrey's VF3 stage. That's top on my list. Max, does the mixer acutally filter out the bgm music from the sound effects?

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    No, but all I have to do is turn the music down to zero in the VF4 options menu. The mixer then outputs the music from my stereo with VF4's sound effects. If you get a decent mixer you can even adjust the volume balance on each channel, so you can turn music or SFX volume up or down without messing with your stereo of VF4 options.

    Speaking of VF music, I've just remembered a few other tracks I totally love. Jack's stage from VF3 and Sarah's colloseum from VF2. Fantastic tracks.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Er, typo...make that "Jacky's" VF3 stage...
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    is that pic a sig?

    if so..can u plz kindly remove it...
    baaaaaaaaaaaad speed for me~
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    for me
    in order of 'fav'
    VF4 evo Kage
    VF4 evo Lion
    VF4 evo Jacky
    VF2 Akira
    VF3 Akira
    VF3 Jeff
    VF3 Taka
    VF3 Aoi
    VF2 Lau
    VF3 Sarah
    VF2 Kage
  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    anyway, trying to be the first reply on topic, could you give me any specific links to this audio mixer item? Would it be something I could pick up at like bestbuy?
  11. Dom

    Dom Member

    Yeah man, Evolutions music is pretty kickass. VF4, LeiFei's music was my favorite one. I too might import the music cd /versus/images/icons/cool.gif .
  12. suatseals

    suatseals Member

    /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Me and my buds have been listenin to linkin park reanimation lately while playing, we listen to mostly rock and hiphop and also some progressive music like aphex twin, hybrid etc. Hiphop ill listen to while playin is usually gangstarr, tribe called quest, and some others Sometimes some classical, not any classical but situational classical that would fit the game, not slow classical but with alot of percussion and brass say like in a adventure movie or a fight scene in a movie. Try the classical its cool, feels like your playin a movie or something, makes it dramatic.

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