Back from NYC

Discussion in 'General' started by feixaq, Sep 24, 2001.

  1. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I had an absolute BLAST in NYC over the weekend. Flew the red eye on Thursday night from Oakland. First thing I did when I touched down was to go to the financial district...

    This is a satellite picture of Lower Manhattan, with markers indicating my old apartment building in NYC, and the viewpoint for the follow up picture:

    Here's the view from the ground level:

    Another ground level pic:

    The amazing thing is that if you go some 10 blocks north of the disaster zone, it's almost like a different world altogether (apart from all the missing person posters and lit candles). Midtown and Upper West seem so far removed from the financial district that it seems surreal, even now.

    Adnan, Andy, Sal... sorry I couldn't meet up with you guys at the VF gathering on Saturday. I was out with old friends the whole day and didn't check my email till Sunday. Hope you all had a good time though!


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