Available Now! XBL Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 6, 2012.

By akai on Jun 6, 2012 at 3:38 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG]Most Xbox 360 gamers should already be able to download the game. Not as much news compared to yesterday, but I'm quite the Xbox 360 VFers are excited! Happy Virtua Fighting!

    Unlike PS3 gamers, there is currently no special deal for the 360 gamers. The game plus the 2 bundle packs will cost a total of $45 US dollars.

    There are 12 items that one can purchase to customize your 360 Avatar. These include VF5FS T-shirt, VF Characters' hair, mask, outfits and animations!


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 6, 2012.

    1. Midknight408
      I want to GOH and get my copy after work!
    2. Chanchai
      So buying avatar items!
    3. Kendrik
      Chanchai! You're here, too! Guess that makes sense, though.
      ...though you probably don't remember me from a game night out at that Gresham venue. haha Oh well.

      Definitely gonna be buying an avatar item or two myself even though I'm playing on PS3.
    4. Sudden_Death
    5. Hated_Greatness
      I approve of this pun!
    6. kungfusmurf
      I thought the total file size for the game & both the bundles were only 2 gigs or am I wrong it's bigger than that?
    7. biquiba
      "there is currently no special deal for the 360 gamers" - Well...what could I say? It's Micro$oft after all.

      "There are 12 items that one can purchase to customize your 360 Avatar" - Once I dreamt of customizing my avatar as just I'm able at VF5, what is virtually impossible by the way. That would be so cooool @_@
    8. akai
      2 GB for the game
      2 GB for all the customized items
      4 GB total for everything.
    9. RadicalReactor
      This game is too good. I was lucky enough to have absolutely nothing on my schedule today, so I got 125 matches in today. :cool:
    10. Doberboy
      I so want to deck my avatar out in Akira's Gi or Lau's garbs!
    11. biquiba
      So far I have read 2 comments about the 360 connection being better. So for those who play the game in both systems: Is it really faster on XBLA?
    12. Chanchai
      Kendrik, I totally remember you! Can never forget Kendrik the Red! You're still out in Florida right?
    13. Solidus
      [​IMG] [​IMG]

      Of course you can, because obtaining VF5:FS on X-box Live and PSN should be as easy as; Pai!

      If its on X-Box Live, just make sure you Shun have at least the right amount of X-BoxLive points to get it, and practically Blaze your way into playing this title once more. And try to at least 'Wolf up' the competition on your first day of playing after work etc.

    14. Ylyon
      awesome game.... really. But that Kage animation is lacking the fundamental Izuna drop!! :p
    15. KristianTNA
      XBLA Looking at those Download items, theres a bit of con going me thinks, its the same file size regardless of the character you choose to purchase the custom gear for, and also the character customization bundle 1 and character customizable bundle 2. So what they are saying you actually whichever one you download, you actually get the entire pack but certain ones are turned on/off. If only i can get into that ini file and turn those =0 into =1 :)
    16. akai
      I have purchased the 360 DLC packs but I have not download it yet. I did notice the size of the files listed were completely different from the PS3 version. I assume the 360s one were incorrectly labeled. The PS3 version packs exact size were listed in the Console FAQ by Shag - PSN Item Pack File Sizes. I can confirm that took ~ 4GB fo PS3 hard drive.

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