Any Houston players?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Onslaught, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    Looking for some competition, any players interested?
  2. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    Hey I am new to the game but I am getting a stick and want to learn this game seriously. Talk to me Houston!
  3. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    ready when you are! any other houstonians?
  4. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    hey ppl! We need more than this! SURELY houston has more thant two VF players!
  5. NxP3

    NxP3 Member

    So did you guys get vf5 yet? What part of houston are you guys from. And does anyone use arcade stick?
  6. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    This Saturday we'll be meeting. Since we're meeting at focus's house you should PM him for information.

    We both got it VF5, both waiting on sticks.
  7. kenmastersX

    kenmastersX Member

    Hey, just seeing how this goes. I'll be in Houston on weekends starting the beginning of March to practice random games at Planet Zero arcade, and I wouldn't mind getting in on the action.

    I played a bit during VF4 Evo, and I'm waiting for my income tax refund to get a ps3, but I can play a bit of 5 due to a friend having a ps3. I bought a copy already. XD

    So yeah, I'll probably post in the thread to see if I can meet up with you guys when I come by.
  8. Inforcer

    Inforcer Well-Known Member

    Is Crow playing VF? We are trying to get our dedicated players here in La to play more too. Maybe I should hold tourneys. VF5 is worth it and when im in H TOwn or the other way around you guys look me up or I will look you up

  9. kenmastersX

    kenmastersX Member

    Oh, hey! I did remember seeing you post on these forums while browsing through, and you mentioned having the game. I still need my ps3+sticks to come in, but I'll be game to play if I have free time.
  10. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    I'll keep an eye out.
  11. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    Hey I am having a VF5 get together either Saturday night or Sunday afternoon-evening. Its on the east side of Houston.

    3 TVs available. 1 is a 65" 1080p with surround sound yada yada.

    Lots of other fighting games if ya want to play but it will mainly be VF5.

    PM me if ya want in on the action!
  12. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

  13. kenmastersX

    kenmastersX Member

    Oh man, I'm tempted to go to Houston this weekend, but I would have to go back Saturday night due to work on Sunday. And I would be playing mainly Guilty Gear XX Accent Core since there's a tournament Saturday.

    Are you going to try and make this a weekly thing? I can probably encourage a bunch of random people from the Houston gaming community to come along too, since I manage to do that sorta thing at times.
  14. rol_o

    rol_o Member

    I was just wondering this too! I won't be able to make the meet up on the 25th though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif If anyone has free time during the day, drop me a line.
  15. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    Ok much to tell!

    First, the meet up was a raving success and we had a BLAST! I personally learned a lot about this game just in this one sitting from playing matches. When it seemed like someone just couldn't beat another player, the guy struggling would figure out an anit strategy (sometimes after repeated losses) and then they would be king for a while. It was AWESOME!

    Unfortunately, I did not check my messages on throughout the day and I wish I had since I got two other people who wanted to come join in on the fun had messaged requesting to get in on the action.

    We ARE going to be doing this AGAIN NEXT SUNDAY MARCH 4th here on the EAST side of Houston again.

    If you want to come and bring some friends who also play VF5 with ya they are more than welcome! We also played a little 3s but not much.
  16. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    Yeah I had a great time. The trip was completly worth it. I didn't mention it before, but you have the best TV ever focus.

    Monkey see, Monkey own, lol.

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