Any Anime Fans here?

Discussion in 'General' started by Niebeer, Sep 19, 2003.

  1. Niebeer

    Niebeer Active Member

    I am one.

    I love Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, X, Hellsing, Love Hina, Chobits and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Here is Greenwood and Digi Charat!@
  3. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    Nah. Ghibli Production, Dot Hack and Azumanga 4EVER!! ^_^ Oh yes, and Pokemon rules.
  4. Akira_Zero

    Akira_Zero Well-Known Member

    Trigun, InuYasha, Hellsing, Scryed, GTO
  5. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Gundam, Jo Jo Bizare's Adventure.
  6. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Gundam , any Anime Movie /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif , Transformers (if you count it as Anime /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif) , Lodoss War , Tri-Gun , Cowboy Beebop.

    My all time favorite is 'Akira,'(movie) I watch it a couple times every year.
    I have seen the VF, SF and Tekken anime.
    There are probably others I am forgetting /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  7. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    Cowboy Bebop,Street Fighter and DBZ are the only good ones i seen so far.
    Are the VF anime for real?
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora OOOOOORRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Simply put Jo-Jo's is the best. Nothing top's it, nothing. Hhhmmm well the Baki Hanma series is up there with it. Sigh but to name a phew more I also like princess mononke(spell check please /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif ), don't laugh lol DBZ, Macross, do we count Transformers :p. Fuck I got to many to name, I am just a big kid at heart and just love anime. Big secret I wake up every morning at 8 A.M. to still watch saturday morning cartoons. I saw Yugi Oh this morning. Did you? It was great!
  9. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    Those are old episodes theyre still with the faraos ,you need th see the JPN ones wich are much more advanced than these one on the U.S.
  10. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Hi, Konjou_Akira
    Yes, I saw Yu-Gi-Oh this morning too!(Yu-Gi against Pagasis part 4)
    Yes, JO-JO is one of my favorit! OVA is very good!
    games also( PS and DC, didn't play PS2 vesion yet, heart from a friend, It's also very good too)!

    Here is the website for PS2:
  11. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I watch loads of anime.

    My faves include:
    Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki
    Love Hina
    Maze: The Mega-Burst Space
    Kodomo No Omocha
    Armitage III
    Revolutionary Girl Utena
    Rorouni Kenshin
    Neon Genesis Evangelion
    Ranma 1/2
    Video Girl Ai
    Hand Maid May
    Street Fighter II V
    Oh, My Goddess!

    I could write many more, but those are some of my absolute faves.
  12. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    MY Fav are: Escaflowne, Hellsing, Noir, .hack, Chobits, Recoreds of Lodoss War,(OVA) Cowboy Beebop, Macross Plus.(OVA)

    For movies: Ghost in the Shell, Akira. (Mamoru Oshii Rules!!)
  13. MK23

    MK23 Active Member

    All the Miyamoto movies (esp. Mimi wo sumaseba, Ponpoko, Tonari no totoro and Sen to Chihiro no kamigakushi)

    Koko wa Greenwood (I was surprised to see that someone else actually knows this one), Five Star Story, JoJo (esp 3rd generation), Patlabor movies, and Urusei Yatsura.

    Those and many many more. Too bad I can't get any decent anime anymore...
  14. majjicgnome

    majjicgnome Member

    I mainly just watch and own Anime movies.

    Can anyone suggest any series that I should spend some money on.

    the only series I've watched have been on Anime Unleashed on Tech Tv.

    I think I like that 'Serial Experiments Lain' or something where those people did those things. Anime is soo hard to explain. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  15. Niebeer

    Niebeer Active Member

    Get Hellsing or X/1999(the series, not the movie)
  16. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    my favs:

    .Venus wars
    .Ranma 1/2
    .3x3 eyes
    .Spirited Away
    .Sakura Taisen (in colision to the game series)

    the list goes on....

    i don't like evangelion much, seems like a bloody sick cult to me. (even though i've watched the entire series & end of evengelion: film)
  17. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Last Exile, Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex, Naruto and Ippo mainly. Everybody should watch Ippo - truelly rocks. I have watched other animes as Hellsing and so on aswell but that was a long time ago.
  18. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze


    My favorite by far is Shoujo Kakumei Utena, or Revolutionary Girl Utena.. Namflow and I have watched the entire series maybe like seven times... it is great!

  19. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    dude!! what about the virtua fighter anime?! SMILE STEAK!!!!
  20. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Re: Revolution!

    Lodoss War, VHD, Slam Dunk!, Rose of Versailles, Cowboy Beebop, Chobits, Noir, Hana Yori Dango, and of course Shoyjou Kakumei Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena), my favorite of all time. I've seen the 39 episode series at least 6 or 7 times.

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