Analog control only?

Discussion in 'Console' started by iversonis, Jul 8, 2002.

  1. iversonis

    iversonis New Member

    Hi, I am in Australia and trying to buy the VF4.
    But at the back of its case, it says analog control only.
    Is this true?? Can't you control your characters using
    digital pads?? Its because the arcade stick I have does
    not support analog controls..
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about analog, but digital is the way it's supposed to be.

    I'm transferring your thread to the Console section in the Help Center.
  3. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    like ice saysits suppose to be digital, the main reason for the analog stick to be used is to rotate the characters in system file (specifically edit file when you're putting some items in your character) but other than that digital controllers will work fine.
  4. iversonis

    iversonis New Member

    Thanks guys for the answer!
    I will go out and buy it! Can't wait for Tekken 4!!
  5. The_Stapler

    The_Stapler New Member

    It's digital for sure. I play it with my PSX controller, which is digital.

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