Alright, own up!

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Myke, Oct 5, 2000.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Who pissed on the index? :) What's the story morning glory?

    p.s. when adding news to the index, please don't delete past news items!

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  2. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Please allow me to explain...

    Andy, when feeling restless and bored, likes to fuck around with the index. He didn't intentionally erase the older news - he didn't realize it while putting his stuff up. So apologies to whomever had updated it previously...

    While randomly trying out stuff to put up, he just happened to type up "Open World Tournament!!". When i saw it, i got excited, cause i saw the word "tournament" (sick, i know). I told him lets try to make it happen - a huge tornament!! We'll try to get the guys from U.K to fly over (UK-guy said he would try to arrange a huge fly-over with the main players), force the Canadians to make it down, and just have every other player from around the U.S attend!!

    We're gonna do our best to make sure the turnout is good (maybe 25-30 players??).

    Tell me people, will the efforts to get this thing off the ground be futile? Does everyone actually have it in them to travel once more to fight? Thinking about what Godeater and Llanfair said earlier about having a tournament, i think this would reinvigorate the competitive excitement of the game - the excitement that many players have lost and as a result have stopped playing the game seriously. If not Maximum Battle II - there's always NYG3...

    Enough ranting, what do you guys think?

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  3. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    god i wish i could fly over and play with you guys!!!! maybe in the future i'll actually get to play the likes of jeff-maru and the venerable adam. that is, if the enthusiasm of you guys'll still be there...
    personally, i'll be playing virtua fighter (and fighting vipers) in years to come, in one incarnation or another. wonder if this site'll still be here in 5 years time....hope so....but anyway, i'm waffling...
    uk kid
    one day.....a challenger will arrive! (er, me) :)
    oh, BTW, where is ice these days?
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    too soon - not in two months. not on the dc. not on those sticks. not on the dc.

    not on the dc.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Not in the arcade.
    Not on the arcade version.
    Not on nasty NA arcade sticks.
    On the DC with the good DC sticks!

    DC whore
  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    going there won't really be a problem for me
    however..if there's gonna more 25-30(maybe more, less)
    where r we gonna stay???
    plus...if i do fly in, I'll be coming from Australia...
    Keeping working on it to see if it will be successful...
    if so, i'll turn up and let u guys kick the snort outta me...if not, i'll carry on kicking the living daylights outta my friends:)

    DID JA SEE MY CRAZY KICKS? /images/icons/wink.gif
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hey, as usual, I'll do my best to go!

    In any event, I sort of had a mini-Portland get-together today (visiting from college). Went great. Got even more people into VF3tb, more people taking it seriously, more people that announced they are gonna work on the game tonight!!!!

    Anyways, guess I was happy that my efforts at getting at least more people in Portland interested in VF3 has been paying off. First I get some local friends into it... Now I get more of the active and notable arcade players in the area... So far so good and more hope for VF. Not even a mention of VFX either (meaning at least a good focus and appreciation for VF3 in my eyes).

    Altogether, it seems a Portland community for VF3 is on the verge of being established (umm, not that we're gonna kick NY, TO, Mass @$$ but it is such a good thing indeed).

    Back to the topic, I'll try my best to go to the tournament, but it's tough to figure out when it should be at this time.... Good luck if you go along with it, it's understood if it's something planned for later.

  8. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    Not on nasty NA arcade sticks.


    What are you talking about? Nasty NA sticks? Whatever. You may *prefer* the Agetech sticks but the sticks on Funland's machine are fine. You just have to play there more. I highly doubt that you would hate the optic sticks that Kbcat made for his DC and, btw, they're *nasty* NA sticks.

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    Not in the arcade.
    Not on the arcade version.


    For being one of the rare people having acccess to a TB machine - what are you afraid of? You can argue that VF3tb DC as being a 'different' version of the game but deep down everyone knows the arcade is the real version. VF3tb DC is a replica. It's fun to play and is generally more accessible to a larger audience but it's still a replica and NOT the real game.


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Heheh...come hell or high water...I'm there!
  10. Emil

    Emil Well-Known Member

    "What are you talking about? Nasty NA sticks? Whatever. You may *prefer* the Agetech sticks but the sticks on Funland's machine are fine."

    I certainly do *prefer* the Agetec sticks. I am quite sure that the majority of the NA VF community does too.
    My apologies go out to the Funland VF3:TB sticks. No offence was intended.

    "You just have to play there more."
    From the time I first saw VF3 until the Chicago gathering I played at Funland 3 times a week. This is quite enough time to formulate an opinion that is valid.

    "For being one of the rare people having acccess to a TB machine - what are you afraid of?

    I am afraid of unreliable command input. Missed SpOD's and DLC's and elbow-heel kicks are really annoying.
    If someone were to construct an Arcade TB with Agetec sticks I would be happy to play it.

    "I highly doubt that you would hate the optic sticks that Kbcat made for his DC and, btw, they're *nasty* NA sticks."

    Is that an invitation or an insult?

    "You can argue that VF3tb DC as being a 'different' version of the game but deep down everyone knows the arcade is the real version."

    The reality is that most NA VF'ers play on DC with Agetec sticks.

  11. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    well said. your logical, objective point-making (or arguing, if you will) reminds me of ice-9.
    just goes to show that vf-ers are indeed highly intelligent thinkers....
    not ass-lickin, just noticed that's all...
    uk kid
  12. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    >well said. your logical, objective point-making (or >arguing, if you will) reminds me of ice-9.

    is this a fucking joke?

    it better be.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    >certainly do *prefer* the Agetec sticks. I am quite sure >that the majority of the NA VF community does too.

    like, how totally empirical, duuuude. say, how much time have you put down on _decent_ sticks other than the ones you're used to? like, say, genuine japanese arcade sticks, happ competition or any optical sticks? not very much, i'll bet, and i think the same goes for the rest of the vf population in NA. now, if they had a chance to actually _compare_ different sticks, those "preferences" would be varied.

    >rom the time I first saw VF3 until the Chicago gathering I >played at Funland 3 times a week. This is quite enough >time to formulate an opinion that is valid.

    no it ain't, because that was only one set of sticks on one machine. you do know that there's more than those out there, aye? you do know that you can't judge the rest of the vast joystick universe by playing on one set for three years, aye?

    >The reality is that most NA VF'ers play on DC with Agetec >sticks.

    so what? what's your ultimate point? is it that because everyone plays on those sticks that they're the best? ....what?

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  14. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    okay emil..or, "Whore"..whichever: i'd like you to give me a valid, well worded explanation of why we should play on the DC version instead of the arcade version.

    i'll give my arguments in favor of the arcade:

    - no bullshit TFT combos (many, many rounds are won and lost on this one detail, it simply should not be there)
    - no wolf GS-pickup (many, many rounds are won and lost on this one detail, it simply should not be there)
    - less flaky ura bullshit (many, many rounds are won and lost on this one detail, it simply should not be there)
    - no loading time, can be played as VF3 "TEAM BATTLE" was fucking meant to be played: in team battle mode. imagine that!
    - real tournament mode available (can be set to end game after the round is won/lost)
    - more "solid", less glitchy overall. stupid crap like pai/sarah float differences not found.
    - slower: allows more thinking
    - better graphics, better sound
    - if in the event that i'm involved in this, and if we did things right (and if i wanted to) we could have a choice of sticks: happ, opticals, and even shitty agetec sticks for those masochists out there.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    In response to my ultimate point you write:
    "so what? what's your ultimate point?"

  16. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Monsieur Bungle wrote:
    - slower: allows more thinking

    Aww c'mon rich! For people who actually play with an emphasis on thinking on the DC, its speed makes the games even more tense. You have to think and react a lot quicker - and the end result is more satisfying, cause you know you outsmarted your opponent and didn't win by accidental/random mashing - which is easy to do cause the game is faster. Again, I feel this applies only if the players actually strive for and play with more "thinking". When played this way (thinking), the play can be more rewarding since the DC speed easily allows for "reactive tendencies" instead of actual thinking.

    Argh...its so hard to get across what i want to say in writing - but i hope you understand what im saying...

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  17. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    >Argh...its so hard to get across what i want to say in writing

    i'll bet it is, considering you've got nothing to back up what you're saying: you haven't played arcade tb in two years or so - and then, it was only for a few hours and you didn't have the DC version to compare it to.

    -play- the arcade version before you try to look at both and speak about them.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  18. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    - any responses to the other points i made?

    okay. you say everyone plays on the dc with agetec sticks. what did (does) that have to with what owen opined: that the arcade is better [at least, to the those that have played and/or have access to the arcade]?

    funny seem to be the only exception for "everyone" who does have regular access to the arcade version feels pretty strong about it being better. why?

    and funny that those who don't have access cling to the DC...and it's even more amusing to see the ones who haven't played or have minimal experience with the arcade "argue", with absolutely nothing in the way of comparision or experience to back their words up.

    [imashroom's argument was one of the most pathetic, laughably absurd arguments i've ever come across in vf, and on the net as a whole. i wait to see if it cand be outdone...]

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  19. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Bungle writes:
    you haven't played arcade tb in two years or so - and then, it was only for a few hours and you didn't have the DC version to compare it to.

    Played it this past March. For a few hours, and we played the DC version right afterwards for another 5/6 hours - I AM COMPETENT ENUFF TO COMMENT ON WHAT IT FUCKIN FELT LIKE.

    How often do YOU play the DC version? We have been playing it once a week (14 hrs. straight) for the past 1 1/2 years religiously. We whore it like you whore your arcade version. We have heard your "arcade is better than DC..." krap countless times - its gettin old. It does have nicer graphics and sound, but we like playing the DC version - so quit shoving your viewpoints down our throats.

    Regarding my last post, i've played OB arcade extensively (before going DC only) so i can comment on how drastic game speed change can affect gameplay. I feel my observations make sense. You obviously disagree, and i'd like to get your reasons for it.

    Listen, its great that you have the arcade version at home. If we cared enough for going through the trouble and had the money, we would buy it as well. We think the arcade is a great game, but why are you so confrontational - always vehemently defending your precious arcade game when nobody even says anything remotely negative about it? Or why do you feel like you have to bring the DC version down whenever someone has anything to say about it? Chill the fuk out...

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  20. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    >Played it this past March.

    oop! open mouth -> insert foot. but wait! this is the same machine emil plays on, and he hates the arcade..can there be a connection there? enquiring minds want to know!

    and i never questioned your competency. i questioned whether or not you had enough time and experience to compare the two. totally different.
    (i shouldn't even have to explain that)

    >How often do YOU play the DC version?

    not very often these days. which is fine by me. i'd rather not touch the thing with a ten foot pole.
    but, if you in turn are questioning my ability to compare the two...i had an import DC for a long while, up until after i got the arcade versions. plenty of hours on it to know.

    >its gettin old.

    so is "krap" like emils "not the arcade" - with absolutely no explanation. yay-fucking-oh.
    but you're right - it's getting old. and i'm tired of writing it. i'll upload a text file and just write the link on the post if it should come up again.

    >so quit shoving your viewpoints down our throats.

    hey! i don't tell you to shut the fuck up, do i? and at least i give my opinions with valid reasonings behing them in the posts.

    >always vehemently defending your precious arcade game when >nobody even says anything remotely negative about it?

    because i find the rare counter arguments to points i make totally fucking absurd most of the time.

    >Chill the fuk out...

    i am, it's 59 degrees in this room. shit.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"

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