akira help.

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by rob_is_crap, Sep 16, 2002.

  1. rob_is_crap

    rob_is_crap Member

    Can anyone give me some help with playing as akira? Cause im playin as him after getting emperor status with wolf, and i cant use him.
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    you mean even after getting emperor with wolf you can't play Akira? And even though there's a great little "Akira in general" guide on this very site found not too far away in another forum you need people to give you something as vague as "help"?

    so, its not just a clever name?

  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Turn off your Gameshark. Plug your controller in (buy a good joystick), go to training mode, run through movelist 27 times, do trial mode, get the trophy, do it again. Practice SPoD, practice DLC, practice, modified moves, watch movies to learn what to combo.
  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Play other PPL dude.
  5. rob_is_crap

    rob_is_crap Member

    Your all just words on a screen!
    And i dont have a f*****g gameshark.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Dear Timmy,
    Even though he might have been being a smartass, kungfu was giving you good advice at the same time. Doing the trial training mode teaches you how to play against real people, which will make you good enough to beat up the kumite computer easily. It also helps to be able to do all of akira's moves. His tough ones are usually the strongest ones, so practicing them will help.

    Love, CreeD.

    PS: While people are glad to help a guy out on this board, it's not like they get paid to answer your questions. Try finding some information on your own, there's plenty of it on here, especially for akira.

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