Akira appears in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 5, 2012.

By akai on Mar 5, 2012 at 9:43 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter



Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 5, 2012.

    1. Debu
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Looking incredible so far! I know it's a minor point, but i really like how Akira's gi is getting progressively dirty as the fight goes on - excellent attention to detail.
    2. Mister
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      It doesn't look bad afterall. Akira seems to be a little less slower than Kasumi.
    3. Dragonps
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I was drinking from a can at the time of reading this and almost spit it everywhere when I saw the video. From what we see Akira fits nicely into the game and this pushes the crossover theory even more.

      EDIT: Thank you Akai for this news you've made my day [​IMG]
    4. VFhayato
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

    5. VFhayato
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I just shit my pants watching this. I can't wait for more news
    6. SDS_Overfiend1
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Akira Fits right in... He hits hard as shit and he can counter anything.
    7. Shinobi
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      So, Aoi's next ?
    8. Sorwah
    9. mahmood1982
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      sexy video yummy yummy
      i wonder if VF5FS will feature Kasumi
    10. Seidon
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      If it does have a DOA character it should be BAYMAN.
    11. SoulKatana
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      DOA X VF will come... this is the beginning...
    12. Dennis0201
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      It looks like cross come true.
    13. akai
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      For those interested in the game, it is expected to be released in September 2012 --> Andriasang News Story
    14. SoulKatana
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      my bet: summer 2k13. maybe on next gen. as one of the launch titles...
    15. VF2011
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Sega is supposed to be working on a new game engine, maybe it will be used for the cross over game as well as a VF6?
    16. Kidvid711
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      They add him because he can counter everything. So he's suitable as a DOA character.
    17. Rodnutz
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I don't know about you guys, but I came. Unfortunately I'm still at work and don't have a pair of spare pants to hide this stain.

      Fuck didn't know I could shoot so much jizz.
    18. nobody
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Nice. That is probably the best way of executing this.

      One thing that may be amusing to see when this comes out: Kokoro's Bajiquan is significantly more authentic than Akira's. Almost all of her moves are recognizably from the Wu family Baji line; Akira as he is now is a mishmash of different styles and fantasy.
    19. LegendaryHero90
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      reserving judgement until game comes out.

      still dont like how DoA's system works but its cool AKira's in.

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