Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by samtheseed, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    OK VFDC. Lets adopt a noob for the purpose of expanding the community and helping them with their game. There are alot of new people showing up online and I believe it's a good idea to train these guys. I'm sure after playing a newbie some of you guys will get a friend request from them, so my proposition is that you accept their request and offer up your advice and spar with them from time to time... I always accept those that are my main characters (Eileen, El Blaze, and Shun) because obviously i can't teach what i don't know. Shall we establish rules then?

    1. Adopt a player who knows the moves but doesn't know the game.
    2. Offer up your advice and teach them series you know through sparring over online matches.

    Thank you for your attention VFDC.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I tried this before. If memory serves I dumped him on Social Ruin.
  3. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    The last guy I supposedly adopted quit because of the comments everyone else here said about his offensive minded play and he took the comments far too seriously and he decided to quit because of it.

    I would be happy to help another person if you guys gave him to me to teach but I don't think I make a good teacher though.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    SpareDifference Plays eileen/pai/vanessa, is from italy and - i don't know if this qualifies - he is very, very cautious. He seems to try and understand what's going on, no panic buttons, generally responds to unprescedented situations with block, takes no risks, will not stomp if he's not sure it's guaranteed etc. etc. I already suggested to him to find some eileen/pai players as i can offer him no advice with those but he doesn't seem to have found anybody willing yet so it would be very nice of you two to him some tips/show some more damaging combos/psych him up /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Lol that was so magnanimous of you. Yeah, Social Ruin told me about was a total disaster from the word go. The guy tried to tell jb all HIS tricks and set ups and had no interest in learning. Through no fault of your own i suppose. It was high on the unintentional comedy part.

    I'm down for adopt a noob. Feel free to steer anyone to me, just make sure they aren't totally retarded first.....then again, i'm not on that often so.....
  6. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Are there people you have in mind to teach him about Pai or Eileen How about Kingo he plays both those characters very well better than most.
  7. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Actually you play pai and samtheseed plays eileen, i thought it was quite obvious i was referring to you two guys /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif Kingo does indeed play eileen and pai but for as far as far as SpareDifference is concerned he might as well be playing sagat, i don't think a new player could replicate his input skills /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    If that is what you want then I don't really care. If you say he has potential then I will leave it at that have him PM me or something if he wants any advise. I don't know when i will be on to actually drill him, I would like to say I would be on every evening (eastern US standard time zone obviously)but I can't guarantee that.
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I tried this with a Brad player but he just wants to talk on the mic while we play. I don't think sending messages back and forth is his thing and since I can't always be on the mic with him and I don't want to play him every single time I turn on my xbox, well let's just say I don't think he appreciated my help.

    Another guy I tried to help is this guy from Texas who also looooves to talk on the mic. Instead of putting all that energy into the game he'd rather just yap away like he gets paid for every word he says. Even when I wouldn't talk back, he would just be yapyapyap.
    He was another of these typical XBL-DMP+K-at-almost-every-disadvantage-situation kind of guys. Well, this was more recent so I had already learned how to deal with these guys online so I started to let him know that the biggest hole in his game was relying too much on DMP+K to bail him out of most bad situations. I was just trying to tell him that DMP+K or 2P isn't always the thing to do at disadvantage, juno, trying to help him out bc he wasn't doing too well. He replied with
    "Ahh, whatever, stop complaining."
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif I told him "Hey, I'm just trying to help you improve your game."
    He goes "yeah, yeah, whatever, this is how I play" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    I stopped playing him after that and now I hardly see him playing VF5 as much /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    It was almost as if me telling him that he needed to learn some better defensive techniques was too much work or something, lol.

    There's a noob on xbl that I think has a lot of potential. You guys should add him, he might surprise you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I'm just kidding, this guy kicks my ass most of the time but his power is diminished by lag so beat him while you can before he gets used to lag.
    >:-D bwahahaha!
  10. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    Yea, it's always best to send them some good input at least... I always get the messages from the noobs telling me how "awesome your eileen is" i always let them know that they can watch the exhibition matches on the disc and pick up some combos there... also add them on my friends list and spar with them sometimes teaching what i know... Anyways i've never used the mic... it's awkard... one of the guys i picked up is actually pretty good now... Idk if any of you guys have played "KEV1175" i think his tag is... He's a 7th dan Eileen player now... when i first played him he knew the moves with her but didn't really chain anything together... I played him many times and after every match he would emulate what he had seen me do and his series picked up from there...
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    If somone would adopt me and help me reach Lv. 9000, i'd really appreciate it.
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Feck, all you need is more DMPK.
  13. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I actually played kev1175 in the past he was basic eileen but he wasn't anything special. He was good regardless and back in days when I cared about ranking (I don't anymore) he and I were of a similar ranking. I actually liked how he played too. I didn't know he was one of your products good job.
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I got SpareDifference on my friends list. I'll pay more attention the next time we play and try to show as many Eileen commboes and setups as i can. Offence is about all i'm good for so maybe i can help SD find some balance if he's too defensive.
  16. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Some newer players get really really intimidated with the game, the information bombarding is overload.

    Alot of times, I don't know what to do man. I've had way too many players get referred to me and things, I would end up re-referring them to KaminariOyaji(he's the one that helped ME) or I just tell them I'm not good enough.

    There's different kinds of players, there's some that are willing to learn the stuff and others that want it spoon-fed to them. You can't really spoon feed the stuff, you can only point someone in a direction and show them what's available. Cause what you do is what works for you and what is congruent to the way you play, they'll have to find the choices that fit for them.

    Also, there are things that are really hard to explain, for example someone might ask you why you did such and such at a certain point. You can't really tell them totally why, you can basically just tell them what it can do for you and what it can beat in that situation and that it was a choice you can make there.

    I guess just be careful? A bombardment of info can discourage players from continuing. It's difficult man, whomever it is, they have to want to enjoy and seek the possible and potential entertainment they can get out of the game.
  17. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    ^Our noob > everyone else's noob in a few months. : P
  18. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

  19. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Teaching someone VF from scratch is tough, but not impossible. If you find 10 students, one of them may eventually become a VF master (or at least tourney-worthy). If a student doesn't have the drive to take VF all the way, let them go.

    It helps to teach in bite-sized chunks. First, lets learn some of a characters basic "good" moves. Next, we'll learn how to use those moves, the when and why. When I teach someone VF, I show them some stuff and encourage that they take it into dojo until the next lesson. You must stress the fact that a lot of fighting games are based on muscle memory.

    One last thing, I always tell people that when I was learning VF, I frequently played with 2 pro-level players (junosynth and TXLion). I also inform them that I played against these guys for a full year before I won a single game. But now I can hold my own with the both of them. It takes T I M E .
  20. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    How do you help some beat their scrub mentality?

    My friend Jamie won't attack a downed opponent or a back turned opponent.

    He plays Aoi and turtles, I just run up and grab him. If he hits 66K he won't follow it up because it's cheap.

    Makes for funny Tekken matches though. I go Lei, hit him once then lie down.

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