A ton of mirrored IRC media

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by CreeD, Mar 25, 2003.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I couldn't make this available via a web server because I think the bandwidth will get reamed, but for those who are inclined to go onto IRC, I've mirrored over 1 gig of my favorite movies (70 or so) on a fast bot in #vfhome.

    To get on #vfhome, click the "irc" link under dural's nose. Bear in mind the server list I have is outdated, I recommend irc.easynews.com and irc.flamed.net now ... they're both fairly reliable efnet servers.
    Once in, /join #vfhome ... and you'll get an automatic notice from the bot.

    Type !fserve to access barrybot's movie archive, all the movies are in the evo folder. Some key commands if you've never done an fserve:

    !fserve is the trigger which makes a private chat notice pop up from barrybot. Click on that and you'll be in a window.

    type DIR to list files
    type CD to change directories, for example CD evo
    type CD .. to go up one directory.
    type GET [filename] to get a file, the filename must be typed in exactly. Highlight it with the mouse and press ctrl+v to paste it.
    type FIND [keyword] to find movies whose title contains a keyword, for example FIND chibita will find files with chibita in the filename.
    Remember that chibita might appear in some movies where his name isn't listed in the title, i.e. the daioh and am2 movies. Keep the keyword vague also. Going back to the chibita example, some files have names like "chibi_kyasa1" ... FIND chibita would miss that movie, but FIND chibi would list it.

    Hope y'all like them. These are all movies (old and new) that I set aside because I liked them for whatever reason. Any problems? Double click my nickname to ask me in private. Also once you get the hang of using the fairly small barrybot fserve, you can use !vfclips to access my own file server. It's slow, but has pretty much all the VF movies and images and documents known to man (currently something like 40 gigs of stuff).
  2. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    that's fascinating stuff /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    When did this irc:// protocol get invented?
  4. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    just a click handler kind of thing that mIRC is associated with.. i'm pretty sure it works in internet explorer 4.0 and up

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