A bit confused about your rank...

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by MrMojo, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. MrMojo

    MrMojo Well-Known Member

    I just started playing. I've 100%ed the first arcade ( Got gold and all), and I'm a 5th kyu. Just wondering, do the ranks count for the entire game or for each arcade? Also, the players you beat is for the whole game, right?
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    If you mean will you still be 5th kyu when you go to the next arcade then yeah you will.
  3. MrMojo

    MrMojo Well-Known Member

    Well, yeah, never mind ;/ Btw, seesaw battle as shun = uber hard.
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't know, haven't played as Shun in my life. (actually I think he's the only person I've never tried...) As Goh it's pretty easy due to the huge chunks of damage you can inflict with a throw. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  5. xVIRUSx

    xVIRUSx Active Member

    One complaint about Goh tough...
    There is nobody you cant beat with him and his massacrating throws!
  6. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Yeah but it takes more skill against humans who can sense a throw coming. Kumite AI doesn't really do that so you're right, waiting for a throw does pay off. I noticed this most in the last arcade during the "win ten times using less than 24 striking attacks" I just sat back and threw after every guarenteed throw move I blocked. Got more than a few excellents...

    Try him against a human though, you'd be surprised how much tougher it is..
  7. xVIRUSx

    xVIRUSx Active Member

    Trust me if you play VS the morons in my city you would be surprised!All Tekken button mashers!
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Heh, even here they're not so useless as the get nailed by throws over and over. Against scrubs it's fun to step back with goh after a knockdown and let them do a low rising kick (95% will) and then just dash in for the [2][P]+[K]+[G]

    Who else do you use?
  9. xVIRUSx

    xVIRUSx Active Member

    I prefer Goh but i also use Jeffry,Lion and Kage.
    One of the ppl i battle is really funny.He does not know the rules nor the moves,he just crushes all the buttons and makes INSANE combos.Its hillarious!!!

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