9th Dan Akira, 10 is easy -- Newbies read this and think and comment

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by NewB_4_Life, Aug 9, 2002.

  1. NewB_4_Life

    NewB_4_Life Active Member

    Now I made it to 9th Dan. I know I won't have any problems getting to 10th Dan and the level above that, since I can beat Subjugators, Champions and Heros. I remember when I could not get to 2nd Dan. I was up and down. But after a while it was like I hit a brick wall and went through and have been just going ever since. I don't feel the difference in my game play. I can't tell what I was like compared to what I am now, except to say that I must be faster - actually a lot faster, more tuned in and a little more consistent/accurate.

    Grizzly (9th Dan Jeff) beat me 3-1 when I just started playing for the evening and then I beat him 3-2 after a few matches and a few minutes - I guess I got warmed up. I am using Akiras side kick and df+pk,f+p more now, even throwing in some reversals and I am generally confident enough to take chances and bust out a DJK. I cheese the comp sometimes with charged b,f+pk ~ stagger, DJK and repeat. I suppose I could input a b,f+p or df,df+p before the DJK but I am not under enough pressure - most of the time - so I never thought of it. Actually I somtimes miss the YoYo - yeah I suck, but I rarely miss the b,f+p so I will do that. I still say the damn 3 hit strings should do more damage. And don't tell me that they can be piled on at the end of something else, cause then you don't get full damage for them anyway. The DLC is too hard on my fingers to just be worth 50 - fuckit. Spod should be 80 by itself, and all you bastards who have gotten used to it being what it is and say well that's just the way it is so work with it - shut up, at least until I get to where you are. Yes we can't change it, but it should be, come on admit it. You know you wanna. The knee - jesus - never mind that one. AS3 is easy, I am just lazy with it and the SPod is easy too, just need to be accurate, but the DLC is murder on my digits. Akira is way hard. When I get to the top of Kumite, then I will feel like I am ready to start playin human as far as only needing to think about strategy, not the moves, that is almost second nature already. frankly thats bullshit since I would pay to get my ass kicked now but can't find anyone to do it. Man, Jamaica is too small, anyone wanna trade countries for a few lifetimes, or at least till school starts in september?

    Good luck to those just starting, keep playin and you will hit your brick wall too.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    You're still missing the point of VF, but I'm glad you're getting your money's worth out of the PS2.

    Have a nice day.
  3. NewB_4_Life

    NewB_4_Life Active Member

    Hey Creed I have a lot of respect for you, I haven't seen you giving anyone crap here so far - and you have some great porn on your site that I downloaded (props man).

    What do you mean I am missing the point of Virtua Fighter? I hope you're not being condesending. The last thing you said was you are happy I am getting my moneys worth from my PS/2.
    I am concerned about this, cause it's the other way around for me. I bought the PS/2 for one thing only. I don't intend to buy another game - it is possible that that will change, but I have no intentions. So it's not the PS/2 I am getting my money's worth out of, it's Virtua Fighter. Now what do you mean I am missing the point of the game?
  4. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Matt, can you move this to the Kumite section, or do you have to be a mod in there as well?

  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Sorry, wasn't trying to be condescending... my post did sound a little snotty huh? I apologize.

    The point of the game, as I see it is the vs. competition.

    The game becomes a little like chess if you play it long enough, you find yourself in a position you were in a few seconds ago, or a few minutes ago, and you know what your opponent will do, and you prove it by outsmarting them..

    the fun part is outsmarting, or not letting them outsmart you. And because VF has so many moves and so much depth, the mind games are numerous... one set of mindgames for throws, one set when staggered or when you stagger others, one set when your move is blocked and you're trying to avoid punishment, one set for punishing people as they get up and keeping them down... you get the idea.

    All this applies to humans only. There are no mindgames vs. the CPU because it doesn't have a mind, and beating it isn't hard... just find a pattern it falls for every time, and keep repeating it. For me, VF against the computer is a waste of time and money. If you're having fun, that's cool, but I think you could be having a lot more fun if you would try playing people all day. Of course I understand if you don't have the opportunity to play humans whenever you want.
  6. NewB_4_Life

    NewB_4_Life Active Member

    COMPETITION of the Human Kind! You dont gotta tell me twice. That is why I bought it, yes. But I can't find a soul old enough who wants to play. I can't take up VF4 with a 8-10 year old. They won't get it - at least I don't expect one to. So what do I do? I play the CPU and bring my favourite character up to speed. Believe me that while it is now useless to you, the CPU in Kumite, is an excellent way to practice moves, strings and become faster, at least faster than when I played VF2. I don't have a choice but to enjoy Kumite, it's either that or stop playin. I drool at the thought of playin this game on a level where all the depth of options must be utilised or lose, I would really love to HAVE TO learn the 3 hit strings and the Knee because every bit of damage I can dish out is important. The level of competition I got from the CPU and the lose forever or adapt attitude it forced me to take is precisely why I can be confident that 10th Dan and over is gonna be a breeze. It felt great getting past 1st Dan and over, because it was a challenge. Now that I have gotten past it, the only challenge left is for me to challenge myself to learn things I don't now do well especially reversals. Reversals are the true test of reading your opponent - get it!

    I'm doing the best I can with what I got.

    And you bastards moved my post to kumite again, why do you do that? It is significant enough for Newbs, it's not all about Kumite man. Anyways its yer frickin Board so do what you like.
  7. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    Egads. Let's see, your are posting about your Kumite ranking, and how you got there. Namely, using the b,f+p+k charge, which is as bad as Vanessa's b,b+k+g, which will get you to High King with no real effort, which incidentally, will only work in Kumite, as even the dumbest of the button mashers will hit you out of it. And you are wondering why they moved your post to the Kumite forum?

    Btw, I was at Jamaica early this year. Just vacationing.
  8. NewB_4_Life

    NewB_4_Life Active Member

    You santimonios bastard..you think yer hot shot hunh agios. Do you frickin read the shit you flame. I never said I namely cheese the comp with the dbfiststrike, I said I ocassionally do it. And it makes you so smart to tell me a newbie could punch me out of it...you think that is news. Why the hell don't you post something in here worth peoples time to read, since I am such an idiot, why didnt you make some suggestions instead of pointing out the obvious instead of trying to look good by trying to make me look bad. Frankly thats something you cant do...notice my name and designated rank...newbie. He who knows not, and knows he knows not ,is a child ---TEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER, not belittle him. Man you wasted my damn time. Next time think, I would rather you didnt say a damn word than the shit you did. I am fully entitled to brag about my meagre winnings, they are my current standard, which will change, so I enjoy it and ride it to keep the enthusiasm. Did you even read the rest of the discussion from the thread?
  9. NewB_4_Life

    NewB_4_Life Active Member

    Oh damn i forgot my manners! Agios You sanctimonios bastard, next time yer in Jamaiaca, if you feel up to it, send me an e-mail if you wanna get some VF action in with the visit.

    Seriously! Hey, it surprised me too. And that goes for the rest of you guys. Don't be comin to a niggas back yard and not say hello, we can hook y'all up with some shit...riiiight!
  10. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    yawn. whatever dude. i was in Ocho Rios, btw.
  11. NewB_4_Life

    NewB_4_Life Active Member

    Thats a fine way to respond to a fuckin friendly invitation...I was in Montego Bay. Jamaica is small dude it takes 5 hours from one end to the next if yer not in a hurry. And Ochi is and hour form Montego Bay and and Hour from Kingston where I am now.
    Anyways if yer not interested then fine...I was just being neighbourly.

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