[4/14-4/15] Team Crooked Jester's April Foolishnes

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Jaxel, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    This tournament is being pushed back because Narutimate Accela doesnt come out till April 5. By popular request, this tournament has been pushed back yet another week to accomodate the Narutimate Accela players. Players requested additional time to learn the game and adjust to the changes from previous iterations.

    Yes, Team Crooked Jester is running its first major Tournament in just a few months! Up until now, we have only run short 8 hour long tournaments on Saturday nights for one, sometimes three games in a single night. Tournament attendance has been extremely well these past few months and I have decided that we should try running a major two-day, multi-game tournament.

    This major tournament will cover many major fighting games as well as several less well-known fighting games. We already have players signed up from all over the country including Chicago, California and Florida; as well as Dominican Republic and Canada. This tournament is going to be huge; so don't miss it!


    If you would like to sign up for this tournament in advance; though it is not required, you can fill out the signup form at: http://www.crookedjester.com/index.php?module=signup

    Saturday April 14 to Sunday April 15
    8 Emerson St
    Edison, NJ 08820<ul>[*]Take Garden State Parkway to Exit 131[*]Make RIGHT onto Highway 27[*]Make RIGHT at FIRST light onto Wood Ave (between two gas stations)[*]Make LEFT at THIRD light onto Inman Ave[*]PASS first light (Featherbed Lane)[*]Take IMMEDIATE LEFT onto Ahmerst Ave[*]Ahmerst Ave becomes Emerson St at bend.[/list]We are literally 5 minutes away from the Edison Metropark Train station and players will be more than happy to pick you up if you are coming by plane or train. The train schedule is available online at: http://www.njtransit.com/pdf/rail/Current/r0070.pdf.

    Main Events:<ul>[*]Soul Calibur 3[*]Tekken 5 DR[*]Narutimate Accela[*]Virtua Fighter 5[/list]Undercard Events:<ul>[*]Soul Calibur 3 Teams[*]Soul Calibur 2[*]Tekken Tag Tournament[*]Guilty Gear XX Slash[*]Melty Blood Act Cadenza[*]Super Smash Bros Melee[*]Halo: Combat Evolved 4x4[/list]
    Saturday, April 14, 2007
    2:00 PM for Soul Calibur 3
    4:00 PM for Tekken 5 DR
    6:00 PM for Narutimate Accela
    8:00 PM for MYSTERY GAME

    Sunday, April 15, 2007
    12:00 PM for Soul Calibur 3 Teams
    2:00 PM for Virtua Fighter 5
    4:00 PM for Soul Calibur 2

    Times for all other games are TBD. Signup for the MYSTERY GAME will be closed 2 hours before the event. Upon closing of signup, I will announce the game; giving players a good 2 hours to practice and learn the game in those two hours. The mystery game itself will be a game that even Team Crooked Jester has never played before. I myself will be testing the game in advance to determine whether or not it is a game actually worth playing, so I am willing to step out of the tournament if requested by other players.

    TOURNAMENT RULES<ul>[*]Soul Calibur 3 will run standard TCJ rules.[*]Narutimate Accela will run standard SSR rules.[*]Tekken 5 DR will run nationaly accepted rules.[*]Virtua Fighter 5 will run nationaly accepted rules.[/list]HOUSE RULES:<ul>[*]Squatting during casual play is prohibited (no calling "one more! rematch!")[*]You must take a shower before coming to our tournaments (no stinkers)[*]No smoking inside the house (thats what the garage and deck are for)[*]Be clean and courteous (clean up after yourself)[*]Don't walk in front of TVs when matches are being played.[*]Don't throw or punch the house sticks.[*]You can be banned from house stick use.[*]We reserve the right to ban people altogether.[*]We reserve the right to search anyone who is suspected of stealing.[*]Respect my house and other players in the tournament.[/list]EQUIPMENT:

    Crooked Jester does have their own house sticks! However, it is recommened that you bring your own controllers or sticks because each stick has a personal feel... and personally I would rather not people keep on breaking all of my sticks. The tournament will be run on 3 big screen televisions; as well as any other televisions we can get our hands on for the weekend. One 48" RCA Proscan, a 50" Sony WEGA SXRD and a 38" Sony WEGA SDTV that will also be outputting to my computer. Any match on the SDTV will be recorded and ripped to X264 video for download on the internet. You may request to not have your videos open to the public; in which case they will be posted on a private section of this forum open only to Crooked Jester tournament regulars.


    Since the tournaments will be on console, there will be a tournament fee and house fee. The house fee is seperate from the games, so the entire entree fee for tournaments will go to the pot. I dont know the exact number of people we expect to have at this tournament; so I dont know how much space I will have to house people. Unless you have cleared it with an NJ local to stay at their place for the weekend, you should make your own accomodations for housing.<ul>[*]$10 Main Events[*]$5 Undercard Events[*]$10 Mandatory House Fee![/list]Please don't be late. If you are going to be late, call us before hand so we can hold the start till you arrive. If you have been to one of our tournaments before, you should have recieved someone's phone number in which you can contact.


    If you would like to sign up for this tournament in advance; though it is not required, you can fill out the signup form at: http://www.crookedjester.com/index.php?module=signup
  2. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

  3. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    In Team Crooked Jester's evergrowing support of the competetive gaming community, we have just introduced a Virtua Fighter specific style-sheet for our webpage!


    (We also have Tekken and Narutimate style sheets)
  4. Jay15944

    Jay15944 New Member


    Yo, I'm Jay from the Willvo forums. We started playing Virtua Fighter 4, and since Darkhonor is supposed to be up visiting us around that time to go to your tourney, we'll go as well. We're hardcore newbs, but we're learning a lot and we would love to get together with you guys sometime.

    Give me an IM at Jay15944 if you ever wanna get something together.
  5. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Cool beans man... be sure to bring GNTEx... I've got a lot of players who want to try it out!
  6. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Well Virtua Fighter is all ready to go at our tournament!

    We got two PS3s, two copies of the game, two Hori FS3s and two Elecom converters for people who bring their own sticks.

    Its all gonna be good!
  7. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    I just got my schedule worked out for next semester... and for the first time ever, I dont have classes on Saturday morning! That of course means that people can start showing up Friday night if they want to!

    I also have to mention that I cant "guarantee" housing to anyone except people who flew by plane. Usually people just sleep wherever they fall at these big tournaments, but with as many people as we are expecting to get at this tournament, I dont really want that to happen. There are other people in NJ who would be happy to offer housing; try asking Bibulus, Rigel, KidDisaster (Mr Prince), and others if they would put you up for the weekend. There are also lots of hotels in the area... or you can sleep in your car. =P
  8. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    So I dont know how many are coming to this event... We have the following people confirmed for other games, many of these players play Tekken and Virtua Fighter as well... in addition to many of these players as well as members of the Virtua Fighter community, I hope we get a good turn out for VF5! After our recent NH3 tournament we ended up playing VF5 for 10 hours until 8AM...

    1. NJ - Jaxel
    2. NJ - NeoOutlaw
    3. NJ - Bibulus
    4. NJ - Rigel
    5. NJ - Gonzo
    6. NJ - KidDisaster
    7. NJ - OmegaXCN
    8. NJ - Rekki
    9. NJ - 133Mhz
    10. NJ - BrianH
    11. NJ - Muggs
    12. NJ - Lucent
    13. NJ - Duthy
    14. NJ - SuperTrooper
    15. NY - Serge
    16. NY - Maxx
    17. NY - Doggy7
    18. NY - BlastSC3
    19. NY - Klizza
    20. NY - KowTow
    21. NY - ShadowFox
    22. NY - Tidus
    23. NY - DMT
    24. DE - Mattho2k3
    25. DE - Nastrodamus
    26. DE - kPc
    27. DE - MTFighter
    28. PA - Obnoxious
    29. PA - 350z
    30. PA - FearDaDonkey
    31. PA - Joel
    32. PA - Octopod
    33. PA - Sabia
    34. PA - TehEarl
    35. MA - Scha
    36. MD - Jer
    37. MD - Chilljon
    38. VA - Millionz
    39. VA - Fiendchi
    40. VA - Tiamat
    41. VA - Whodat
    42. VA - Winback
    43. CT - Herve
    44. CT - BlueWolf
    45. CA - KrazieCD
    46. CAN - Oofmatic
    47. CAN - Vints
    48. CAN - Nizer
    1. NJ - Jaxel
    2. NJ - Kyuzo
    3. NJ - NeoOutlaw
    4. NJ - Drave
    5. NJ - LeoGeo
    6. NJ - SSZero
    7. NJ - Rigel
    8. NJ - Bibulus
    9. NJ - Nazarov
    10. NY - Rockman
    11. NY - Fabulous
    12. NY - Dre
    13. NY - SSJay
    14. NY - XJapan
    15. NY - Alleyboy
    16. NY - PeterPopoff
    17. NY - RedFox
    18. NY - GrayFox
    19. NY - YoungerFox
    20. NY - DeathFox
    21. NY - RecklessNoob
    22. NY - TopShotta
    23. NY - ANBU1221
    24. NY - Joseph Collins
    25. PA - Chopper-Kun
    26. PA - Shut Down
    27. PA - Paul
    28. PA - Dustin
    29. PA - Bi
    30. PA - Sky
    31. PA - Nhi
    32. FL - Darkhonor90
    33. IL - Zatachi
    34. IL - Vu
    35. IL - Lims
    36. IL - FantasyStar
    37. IL - OmniStar
    38. IL - Zokin
    39. IL - BastardGuy
    40. IL - JD the Stampede
    41. ?? - Hess
    42. ?? - Kirby
  9. 2MuchSerge4U

    2MuchSerge4U New Member

    cant wait for this!!!! hope we get some MAJOR VF5 heads for this

    east coast where u at?
  10. Bibulus

    Bibulus Well-Known Member

    Im there... hope to see all you forum guys around to kick the ass of the new school 3d players looking to learn VF
  11. Count me in for the VF5 tourney. I'll be bringing my VSHG as well (just ordered mine).
  12. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I will try to make it.
  13. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Saturday, April 14, 2007
    2:00 PM for Soul Calibur 3
    4:00 PM for Tekken 5 DR
    6:00 PM for Narutimate Accela
    8:00 PM for MYSTERY GAME

    Sunday, April 15, 2007
    12:00 PM for Soul Calibur 3 Teams
    2:00 PM for Virtua Fighter 5
    4:00 PM for Soul Calibur 2


    Why? Well this way we alternate between PS2/PS3 games; it makes it easier to balance out start times of tournaments without needing the same consoles from tournament to tournament. For instance, lets say we run SC3 on the PS2, then its running late and we need to start NA1 which is also on the PS2... we have to wait till the SC3 tournament finishes before the PS2 stations open up... But instead if we run SC3 on the PS2 and its running late, with a better schedule T5DR would be up afterwards which is on the PS3 consoles. We can start the T5DR tournament while the SC3 tournament is still going on other consoles.

    2:00 PM for PS2
    4:00 PM for PS3
    6:00 PM for PS2
    8:00 PM for PS3

    Nice stratified tournament setup.
  14. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: [4/14-4/15] Team Crooked Jester's April Foolis

    I'm gonna be at this. Gonna be a blast.
  15. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Re: [4/14-4/15] Team Crooked Jester's April Foolis

    put me on for VF5
  16. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: [4/14-4/15] Team Crooked Jester's April Foolis

    hey flash me and millionz are gonna be going to this, you interested in riding with us?
  17. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Re: [4/14-4/15] Team Crooked Jester's April Foolis

    sure thing
  18. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: [4/14-4/15] Team Crooked Jester's April Foolis

    coolness, hopefully whodat will be coming with us as well
  19. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Re: [4/14-4/15] Team Crooked Jester's April Foolis


    But first, I'll give you a few hints...

    1. Its for the PlayStation3 Entertainment System.
    2. Its will be four player multiplayer grudge match mode.
    3. Its perfectly balanced with players getting identical units.
    4. Its a new game, not a remake... though it is kind of retro.
    5. The game uses ONE button (all buttons do the same thing).
    6. Its not this: http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17912&type=wmv&pl=game

    No prior practice or "knowledge" is required to win at this game... its based completely on reaction time and the ability to be creative using your attacks. However, we will give players at least two hours after announcing the game to let players practice and get used to the game.
  20. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: [4/14-4/15] Team Crooked Jester's April Foolis

    This may end up keeping me from going. How long do you estimate the VF5 tournament will take? I need to be out of there by 4.

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