I see Baz still trying to throw shots at mfs an nah it aint taka bruh I still waiting on t7 tho
Got deranked bout 3x in rank either I got wack or psn rank getting better either way it was a wake up for me
Whats yo psn baz, wanna see what you can do against steve!
You got tag 2 on ps3 baz?
Man does anybody still play this?
? I wasnt on vf yesterday I was at work all day didn't get off till 11 pm
might not be a raw for me if psn keep actin stupid
I hear by declare Valakrie a damn robot EVERYTHING you do is read SHE KNOWS! you cant do absolutly nothing against her! but ggs @Valakrie
awh ok thats kool with me
I challenge Icky to a FT7 on psn sunday at like 7-8
Switchin mains (lion), now idk if this is permanent but I'm starting to like lion and was told he fits my play style better so we'll see.
poor dhaval lol he gettin rekt!!
wtf is this thread lol I'm so confused
here ya go @BBountyHuntyr http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9pBXhRKawNixwoZJAey6vg
Ok so I've seen the godoku video lol an all I can say is wow thank you man I'm youtube famous :) oh and btw I wasnt even trying so yea
Who ever SNAKEYEZ59 is..You's is a dumb scary b!tch. That is all :)
I fought BBHunter today and got bodied :( but they were gg's I guess
I want to do another R.A.W but with who?
Separate names with a comma.