Updated first post: A couple notes to make pertaining to the donation link for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown. While the VF5FS donation page...
For Evo 2013, 7 games have been named on the official line-up - Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Super Street Fighter IV, Tekken Tag Tournament 2,...
When i think of London, I think of Big Ben (the Clock), London Bridge (the nursery rhyme :D), and the Buckingham Palace guards (too many jokes :D)
Welcome to the site - UroboroSx and and || Jet ||
The Entire 4+ hour stream divided into 9 parts ~ 30 minutes each Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Winner in...
Frame data for all the jumping attacks updated. Something that was a bit strange - for Sarah's Leap Savate - on guard it displayed that attack...
FGBeastEG - I think that is a misconception many people have about the tournament events, or use that as their excuse for not participating. For...
Update Post - The Introduction section have been updated. All preliminary images have been added to Dural's and Vanessa's sections.
Edit: I will try to stop by for a hour or two, late in the afternoon to check the venue out.
VF Moves Project Vanessa: all prelim. images added to her pages. http://vfmoves.blogspot.com/p/vanessa.html 4/20 characters done, Aoi next.
Godeater - just remember to at least turn the stream on for just a minute. You should be able to watch it afterwards.
- keep away from me and I get very sloppy
On January 5th, 2013 - 9 PM JST, there will be a special nico nico stream (register for the timeshift if you can't watch the entire event at the...
If there is some gathering at dano's bar, I am up for some offline matches. Is there a link to the weekend event?
Cool. It was strange to see it, especially since Beat-Tribe and all events by VFR are team-based events. Good luck with your tournament!
Glad to see Sega's support of this event. I see in your picture the VFR logo. How is VFR involved in the "Beat-Tribe Paris Cup"?
R_Panda - Myke is updating the wiki as of right now. No set date, but "soon." You should contact Myke if you are interested in helping. As for the...
If you already know what krye wrote, then do you understand the buffering system in the game so that you don't "waste" frames? Even with...
In Version A Revision 1 (the version currently in Japan arcade and consoles worldwide), side roll fall recovery from a face down, head toward...
VF Circuit - Getting some of the statistics together to review season 1 and to use it in planning next season.
Separate names with a comma.