hahaha we were supposed to shun him (no pun)! But yeah save replays, display command inputs and eat popcorn. that's really all it takes. hey why...
lol your twins?
ill definitely have my camera + i will put whatever i get on youtube
Linz man i'd be lying if i said steam wasn't blowing through my ears when I was playing you. Lol trust me you didn't want to hear me on the mic i...
lol VF - 4 - FT - PSP? hahaha id probably play some random character like Sarah too.
Lei has a knee attack at p+k and limited throws good luck
what should the resolution be on the pic?
75suited lol stop killing me with your bokutai okizeme game! hahaha I always tell myself "I got you now!" Then boom im dead! Ggs to JRX1 LENNIE...
It's customary for me to do the moonwalk during funerals. I say my last goodbyes to you backwards! OW! I like looping the doku roll too
My brother from another gives us his opinions
ill take one! what do i have to do?
lol yeah anytime I KNEED help there's someone there to greet me [img]
lol not really a "dance" but if you tap G correctly, you can get alot of free hate mail.
whew! glad I hit the cancel button... hahaha
Uhh... wh... what? Fei is the lowest-tier in the game at double D's. *wink wink" who lied to you?
I ain't no what you heard cousin. THIS AINT HALO SON! I mean, obviously your opponent is completely invulnerable when he jumps. It's completely...
The simplest way to deal with a rising attack is to keep enough distance from your opponent to avoid the rising attack and assault during the...
There's one vid ive seen ppp executes faster, its looks like a high-high-mid now & also last punch is a single palm (assuming that its ppp)...
Man SF III's missing song! lolz its pretty nice though
Ironically some jacky i was playing about an hour ago was doing shuffle>low kick>shuffle. I was playing Lion so I began to attack the legs. Then I...
Separate names with a comma.